Jump to letter: [
texlive -
TeX formatting system
texlive-12many -
Generalising mathematical index sets
texlive-12many-doc -
Documentation for 12many
texlive-2up -
2up package
texlive-2up-doc -
Documentation for 2up
texlive-ESIEEcv -
Curriculum vitae for French use
texlive-ESIEEcv-doc -
Documentation for ESIEEcv
texlive-FAQ-en-doc -
Documentation for FAQ-en
texlive-GS1 -
Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only
texlive-GS1-doc -
Documentation for GS1
texlive-HA-prosper -
Patches and improvements for prosper
texlive-HA-prosper-doc -
Documentation for HA-prosper
texlive-IEEEconf -
Macros for IEEE conference proceedings
texlive-IEEEconf-doc -
Documentation for IEEEconf
texlive-IEEEtran -
Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
texlive-IEEEtran-doc -
Documentation for IEEEtran
texlive-MemoirChapStyles-doc -
Documentation for MemoirChapStyles
texlive-SIstyle -
Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
texlive-SIstyle-doc -
Documentation for SIstyle
texlive-SIunits -
International System of Units
texlive-SIunits-doc -
Documentation for SIunits
texlive-Tabbing -
Tabbing with accented letters
texlive-Tabbing-doc -
Documentation for Tabbing
texlive-Type1fonts-doc -
Documentation for Type1fonts
texlive-a0poster -
Support for designing posters on large paper
texlive-a0poster-doc -
Documentation for a0poster
texlive-a2ping -
Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter
texlive-a2ping-bin -
Binaries for a2ping
texlive-a4wide -
"Wide" a4 layout
texlive-a4wide-doc -
Documentation for a4wide
texlive-a5comb -
Support for a5 paper sizes
texlive-a5comb-doc -
Documentation for a5comb
texlive-aastex -
Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals
texlive-aastex-doc -
Documentation for aastex
texlive-abbr -
Simple macros supporting abreviations for Plain and LaTeX
texlive-abbr-doc -
Documentation for abbr
texlive-abc -
Support ABC music notation in LaTeX
texlive-abc-doc -
Documentation for abc
texlive-abntex2 -
Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules
texlive-abntex2-doc -
Documentation for abntex2
texlive-abraces -
Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
texlive-abraces-doc -
Documentation for abraces
texlive-abstract -
Control the typesetting of the abstract environment
texlive-abstract-doc -
Documentation for abstract
texlive-abstyles -
Adaptable BibTeX styles
texlive-abstyles-doc -
Documentation for abstyles
texlive-accanthis -
Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
texlive-accanthis-doc -
Documentation for accanthis
texlive-accfonts -
Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones
texlive-accfonts-bin -
Binaries for accfonts
texlive-accfonts-doc -
Documentation for accfonts
texlive-achemso -
Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
texlive-achemso-doc -
Documentation for achemso
texlive-acmconf -
Class for ACM conference proceedings
texlive-acmconf-doc -
Documentation for acmconf
texlive-acro -
Typeset acronyms
texlive-acro-doc -
Documentation for acro
texlive-acronym -
Expand acronyms at least once
texlive-acronym-doc -
Documentation for acronym
texlive-acroterm -
Manage and index acronyms and terms
texlive-acroterm-doc -
Documentation for acroterm
texlive-active-conf -
Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers
texlive-active-conf-doc -
Documentation for active-conf
texlive-actuarialangle -
Symbol for use in "present value" statements of an annuity
texlive-actuarialangle-doc -
Documentation for actuarialangle
texlive-addlines -
A user-friendly wrapper around \enlargethispage
texlive-addlines-doc -
Documentation for addlines
texlive-adfathesis -
Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format
texlive-adfathesis-doc -
Documentation for adfathesis
texlive-adforn -
OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
texlive-adforn-doc -
Documentation for adforn
texlive-adfsymbols -
SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
texlive-adfsymbols-doc -
Documentation for adfsymbols
texlive-adhocfilelist -
'\listfiles' entries from the command line
texlive-adhocfilelist-bin -
Binaries for adhocfilelist
texlive-adhocfilelist-doc -
Documentation for adhocfilelist
texlive-adjmulticol -
Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
texlive-adjmulticol-doc -
Documentation for adjmulticol
texlive-adjustbox -
adjustbox package
texlive-adjustbox-doc -
Documentation for adjustbox
texlive-adobemapping -
Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
texlive-adrconv -
BibTeX styles to implement an address database
texlive-adrconv-doc -
Documentation for adrconv
texlive-advdate -
Print a date relative to "today"
texlive-advdate-doc -
Documentation for advdate
texlive-ae -
Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts
texlive-ae-doc -
Documentation for ae
texlive-aecc -
aecc package
texlive-aecc-doc -
Documentation for aecc
texlive-aeguill -
Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
texlive-aeguill-doc -
Documentation for aeguill
texlive-afm2pl -
afm2pl package
texlive-afm2pl-bin -
Binaries for afm2pl
texlive-afthesis -
Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class
texlive-afthesis-doc -
Documentation for afthesis
texlive-aguplus -
Styles for American Geophysical Union
texlive-aguplus-doc -
Documentation for aguplus
texlive-aiaa -
Typeset AIAA conference papers
texlive-aiaa-doc -
Documentation for aiaa
texlive-aichej -
Bibliography style file for the AIChE Journal
texlive-akktex -
A collection of packages and classes
texlive-akktex-doc -
Documentation for akktex
texlive-akletter -
Comprehensive letter support
texlive-akletter-doc -
Documentation for akletter
texlive-alegreya -
Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
texlive-alegreya-doc -
Documentation for alegreya
texlive-aleph -
Extended TeX
texlive-aleph-bin -
Binaries for aleph
texlive-aleph-doc -
Documentation for aleph
texlive-alg -
LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms
texlive-alg-doc -
Documentation for alg
texlive-algorithm2e -
Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
texlive-algorithm2e-doc -
Documentation for algorithm2e
texlive-algorithmicx -
The algorithmic style you always wanted
texlive-algorithmicx-doc -
Documentation for algorithmicx
texlive-algorithms -
A suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
texlive-algorithms-doc -
Documentation for algorithms
texlive-allrunes -
Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes
texlive-allrunes-doc -
Documentation for allrunes
texlive-alnumsec -
Alphanumeric section numbering
texlive-alnumsec-doc -
Documentation for alnumsec
texlive-alterqcm -
Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables
texlive-alterqcm-doc -
Documentation for alterqcm
texlive-altfont -
Alternative font handling in LaTeX
texlive-altfont-doc -
Documentation for altfont
texlive-ametsoc -
Official American Meteorological Society Latex Template
texlive-ametsoc-doc -
Documentation for ametsoc
texlive-amiri -
A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
texlive-amiri-doc -
Documentation for amiri
texlive-amsaddr -
Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
texlive-amsaddr-doc -
Documentation for amsaddr
texlive-amscls -
AMS document classes for LaTeX
texlive-amscls-doc -
Documentation for amscls
texlive-amsfonts -
TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
texlive-amsfonts-doc -
Documentation for amsfonts
texlive-amslatex-primer-doc -
Documentation for amslatex-primer
texlive-amsldoc-it-doc -
Documentation for amsldoc-it
texlive-amsldoc-vn-doc -
Documentation for amsldoc-vn
texlive-amsmath -
AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
texlive-amsmath-doc -
Documentation for amsmath
texlive-amsrefs -
A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX
texlive-amsrefs-doc -
Documentation for amsrefs
texlive-amstex -
American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
texlive-amstex-bin -
Binaries for amstex
texlive-amstex-doc -
Documentation for amstex
texlive-amsthdoc-it-doc -
Documentation for amsthdoc-it
texlive-animate -
Create PDF animations from graphics files and inline graphics
texlive-animate-doc -
Documentation for animate
texlive-anonchap -
Make chapters be typeset like sections
texlive-anonchap-doc -
Documentation for anonchap
texlive-anonymouspro -
Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX
texlive-anonymouspro-doc -
Documentation for anonymouspro
texlive-answers -
Setting questions (or exercises) and answers
texlive-answers-doc -
Documentation for answers
texlive-antiqua -
URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with TeX
texlive-antiqua-doc -
Documentation for antiqua
texlive-antomega -
Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda
texlive-antomega-doc -
Documentation for antomega
texlive-antt -
Antykwa Torunska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type
texlive-antt-doc -
Documentation for antt
texlive-anufinalexam-doc -
Documentation for anufinalexam
texlive-anyfontsize -
Select any font size in LaTeX
texlive-anyfontsize-doc -
Documentation for anyfontsize
texlive-anysize -
A simple package to set up document margins
texlive-anysize-doc -
Documentation for anysize
texlive-aobs-tikz -
TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
texlive-aobs-tikz-doc -
Documentation for aobs-tikz
texlive-aomart -
Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
texlive-aomart-doc -
Documentation for aomart
texlive-apa -
American Psychological Association format
texlive-apa-doc -
Documentation for apa
texlive-apa6 -
Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
texlive-apa6-doc -
Documentation for apa6
texlive-apa6e -
Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines
texlive-apa6e-doc -
Documentation for apa6e
texlive-apacite -
Citation style following the rules of the APA
texlive-apacite-doc -
Documentation for apacite
texlive-apalike2 -
Bibliography style that approaches APA requirements
texlive-appendix -
Extra control of appendices
texlive-appendix-doc -
Documentation for appendix
texlive-appendixnumberbeamer -
Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer
texlive-appendixnumberbeamer-doc -
Documentation for appendixnumberbeamer
texlive-apprends-latex-doc -
Documentation for apprends-latex
texlive-apptools -
Tools for customising appendices
texlive-apptools-doc -
Documentation for apptools
texlive-arabi -
(La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
texlive-arabi-doc -
Documentation for arabi
texlive-arabtex -
Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
texlive-arabtex-doc -
Documentation for arabtex
texlive-arabxetex -
An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX
texlive-arabxetex-doc -
Documentation for arabxetex
texlive-aramaic-serto -
Fonts and LaTeX for Syriac written in Serto
texlive-aramaic-serto-doc -
Documentation for aramaic-serto
texlive-arara -
Automation of LaTeX compilation
texlive-arara-bin -
Binaries for arara
texlive-arara-doc -
Documentation for arara
texlive-archaic -
A collection of archaic fonts
texlive-archaic-doc -
Documentation for archaic
texlive-arcs -
Draw arcs over and under text
texlive-arcs-doc -
Documentation for arcs
texlive-arev -
Fonts and LaTeX support files for Arev Sans
texlive-arev-doc -
Documentation for arev
texlive-around-the-bend-doc -
Documentation for around-the-bend
texlive-arphic -
Arphic (Chinese) font packages
texlive-arphic-doc -
Documentation for arphic
texlive-arrayjobx -
Array data structures for (La)TeX
texlive-arrayjobx-doc -
Documentation for arrayjobx
texlive-arraysort -
Sort arrays (or portions of them)
texlive-arraysort-doc -
Documentation for arraysort
texlive-arsclassica -
A different view of the ClassicThesis package
texlive-arsclassica-doc -
Documentation for arsclassica
texlive-articleingud -
LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review
texlive-articleingud-doc -
Documentation for articleingud
texlive-arydshln -
Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars
texlive-arydshln-doc -
Documentation for arydshln
texlive-asaetr -
Transactions of the ASAE
texlive-asaetr-doc -
Documentation for asaetr
texlive-asana-math -
A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX
texlive-asana-math-doc -
Documentation for asana-math
texlive-ascelike -
Bibliography style for the ASCE
texlive-ascelike-doc -
Documentation for ascelike
texlive-ascii-font -
Use the ASCII "font" in LaTeX
texlive-ascii-font-doc -
Documentation for ascii-font
texlive-askmaps -
Typeset American style Karnaugh maps
texlive-askmaps-doc -
Documentation for askmaps
texlive-aspectratio -
Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio
texlive-aspectratio-doc -
Documentation for aspectratio
texlive-assignment -
A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
texlive-assignment-doc -
Documentation for assignment
texlive-astro -
Astronomical (planetary) symbols
texlive-astro-doc -
Documentation for astro
texlive-asyfig -
Commands for using Asymptote figures
texlive-asyfig-doc -
Documentation for asyfig
texlive-asypictureb -
User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
texlive-asypictureb-doc -
Documentation for asypictureb
texlive-attachfile -
Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
texlive-attachfile-doc -
Documentation for attachfile
texlive-augie -
Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting
texlive-augie-doc -
Documentation for augie
texlive-auncial-new -
Artificial Uncial font and LaTeX support macros
texlive-auncial-new-doc -
Documentation for auncial-new
texlive-aurical -
Calligraphic fonts for use with LaTeX in T1 encoding
texlive-aurical-doc -
Documentation for aurical
texlive-authoraftertitle -
Make author, etc., available after \maketitle
texlive-authoraftertitle-doc -
Documentation for authoraftertitle
texlive-authorindex -
Index citations by author names
texlive-authorindex-bin -
Binaries for authorindex
texlive-authorindex-doc -
Documentation for authorindex
texlive-auto-pst-pdf -
Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
texlive-auto-pst-pdf-doc -
Documentation for auto-pst-pdf
texlive-autoarea -
Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX
texlive-autoarea-doc -
Documentation for autoarea
texlive-automata -
Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost
texlive-automata-doc -
Documentation for automata
texlive-autonum -
Automatic equation references
texlive-autonum-doc -
Documentation for autonum
texlive-autopdf -
Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats
texlive-autopdf-doc -
Documentation for autopdf
texlive-avantgar -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-b1encoding -
LaTeX encoding tools for Bookhands fonts
texlive-b1encoding-doc -
Documentation for b1encoding
texlive-babel -
Multilingual support for Plain TeX or LaTeX
texlive-babel-albanian -
Support for Albanian within babel
texlive-babel-albanian-doc -
Documentation for babel-albanian
texlive-babel-bahasa -
Support for Bahasa within babel
texlive-babel-bahasa-doc -
Documentation for babel-bahasa
texlive-babel-basque -
babel-basque package
texlive-babel-basque-doc -
Documentation for babel-basque
texlive-babel-breton -
babel-breton package
texlive-babel-breton-doc -
Documentation for babel-breton
texlive-babel-bulgarian -
(Babel contributed support for Bulgarian
texlive-babel-bulgarian-doc -
Documentation for babel-bulgarian
texlive-babel-catalan -
babel-catalan package
texlive-babel-catalan-doc -
Documentation for babel-catalan
texlive-babel-croatian -
babel-croatian package
texlive-babel-croatian-doc -
Documentation for babel-croatian
texlive-babel-czech -
babel-czech package
texlive-babel-czech-doc -
Documentation for babel-czech
texlive-babel-danish -
babel-danish package
texlive-babel-danish-doc -
Documentation for babel-danish
texlive-babel-doc -
Documentation for babel
texlive-babel-dutch -
babel-dutch package
texlive-babel-dutch-doc -
Documentation for babel-dutch
texlive-babel-english -
babel-english package
texlive-babel-english-doc -
Documentation for babel-english
texlive-babel-esperanto -
babel-esperanto package
texlive-babel-esperanto-doc -
Documentation for babel-esperanto
texlive-babel-estonian -
Babel support for Estonian
texlive-babel-estonian-doc -
Documentation for babel-estonian
texlive-babel-finnish -
babel-finnish package
texlive-babel-finnish-doc -
Documentation for babel-finnish
texlive-babel-french -
Babel contributed support for French
texlive-babel-french-doc -
Documentation for babel-french
texlive-babel-friulan -
Babel/Polyglossia support for Friulan(Furlan)
texlive-babel-friulan-doc -
Documentation for babel-friulan
texlive-babel-galician -
babel-galician package
texlive-babel-galician-doc -
Documentation for babel-galician
texlive-babel-georgian -
texlive-babel-georgian-doc -
Documentation for babel-georgian
texlive-babel-german -
Babel support for documents written in German
texlive-babel-german-doc -
Documentation for babel-german
texlive-babel-greek -
Babel support for documents written in Greek
texlive-babel-greek-doc -
Documentation for babel-greek
texlive-babel-hebrew -
babel-hebrew package
texlive-babel-hebrew-doc -
Documentation for babel-hebrew
texlive-babel-hungarian -
Babel support for Hungarian (Magyar)
texlive-babel-icelandic -
babel-icelandic package
texlive-babel-icelandic-doc -
Documentation for babel-icelandic
texlive-babel-interlingua -
babel-interlingua package
texlive-babel-interlingua-doc -
Documentation for babel-interlingua
texlive-babel-irish -
babel-irish package
texlive-babel-irish-doc -
Documentation for babel-irish
texlive-babel-italian -
Babel support for Italian text
texlive-babel-italian-doc -
Documentation for babel-italian
texlive-babel-kurmanji -
babel-kurmanji package
texlive-babel-kurmanji-doc -
Documentation for babel-kurmanji
texlive-babel-latin -
babel-latin package
texlive-babel-latin-doc -
Documentation for babel-latin
texlive-babel-norsk -
babel-norsk package
texlive-babel-norsk-doc -
Documentation for babel-norsk
texlive-babel-piedmontese -
babel-piedmontese package
texlive-babel-piedmontese-doc -
Documentation for babel-piedmontese
texlive-babel-polish -
babel-polish package
texlive-babel-polish-doc -
Documentation for babel-polish
texlive-babel-portuges -
babel-portuges package
texlive-babel-portuges-doc -
Documentation for babel-portuges
texlive-babel-romanian -
babel-romanian package
texlive-babel-romanian-doc -
Documentation for babel-romanian
texlive-babel-romansh -
Babel/Polyglossia support for the Romansh language
texlive-babel-romansh-doc -
Documentation for babel-romansh
texlive-babel-russian -
Russian language module for Babel
texlive-babel-russian-doc -
Documentation for babel-russian
texlive-babel-samin -
babel-samin package
texlive-babel-samin-doc -
Documentation for babel-samin
texlive-babel-scottish -
babel-scottish package
texlive-babel-scottish-doc -
Documentation for babel-scottish
texlive-babel-serbian -
babel-serbian package
texlive-babel-serbian-doc -
Documentation for babel-serbian
texlive-babel-serbianc -
Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
texlive-babel-serbianc-doc -
Documentation for babel-serbianc
texlive-babel-slovak -
babel-slovak package
texlive-babel-slovak-doc -
Documentation for babel-slovak
texlive-babel-slovenian -
Babel support for typesetting Slovenian
texlive-babel-slovenian-doc -
Documentation for babel-slovenian
texlive-babel-sorbian -
babel-sorbian package
texlive-babel-sorbian-doc -
Documentation for babel-sorbian
texlive-babel-spanish -
Babel support for Spanish
texlive-babel-spanish-doc -
Documentation for babel-spanish
texlive-babel-swedish -
Babel support for typesetting Swedish
texlive-babel-swedish-doc -
Documentation for babel-swedish
texlive-babel-thai -
Support for Thai within babel
texlive-babel-thai-doc -
Documentation for babel-thai
texlive-babel-turkish -
Babel support for Turkish documents
texlive-babel-turkish-doc -
Documentation for babel-turkish
texlive-babel-ukraineb -
babel-ukraineb package
texlive-babel-ukraineb-doc -
Documentation for babel-ukraineb
texlive-babel-vietnamese -
Babel support for typesetting Vietnamese
texlive-babel-welsh -
babel-welshBabel support for Welsh
texlive-babel-welsh-doc -
Documentation for babel-welsh
texlive-babelbib -
Multilingual bibliographies
texlive-babelbib-doc -
Documentation for babelbib
texlive-background -
Placement of background material on pages of a document
texlive-background-doc -
Documentation for background
texlive-backnaur -
Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions
texlive-backnaur-doc -
Documentation for backnaur
texlive-bangtex -
Writing Bangla and Assamese with LaTeX
texlive-bangtex-doc -
Documentation for bangtex
texlive-barcodes -
Fonts for making barcodes
texlive-barcodes-doc -
Documentation for barcodes
texlive-bardiag -
LateX package for drawing bar diagrams
texlive-bardiag-doc -
Documentation for bardiag
texlive-barr -
Diagram macros by Michael Barr
texlive-barr-doc -
Documentation for barr
texlive-bartel-chess-fonts -
A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams
texlive-bartel-chess-fonts-doc -
Documentation for bartel-chess-fonts
texlive-base -
TeX Live filesystem, metadata and licenses shipped in text form
texlive-bashful -
Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX
texlive-bashful-doc -
Documentation for bashful
texlive-baskervald -
Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
texlive-baskervald-doc -
Documentation for baskervald
texlive-baskervaldx -
Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with LaTeX support
texlive-baskervaldx-doc -
Documentation for baskervaldx
texlive-basque-book -
Class for book-type documents written in Basque
texlive-basque-book-doc -
Documentation for basque-book
texlive-basque-date -
Print the date in Basque
texlive-basque-date-doc -
Documentation for basque-date
texlive-bbcard -
Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards
texlive-bbcard-doc -
Documentation for bbcard
texlive-bbding -
A symbol (dingbat) font and LaTeX macros for its use
texlive-bbding-doc -
Documentation for bbding
texlive-bbm -
"Blackboard-style" cm fonts
texlive-bbm-doc -
Documentation for bbm
texlive-bbm-macros -
LaTeX support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts
texlive-bbm-macros-doc -
Documentation for bbm-macros
texlive-bbold -
Sans serif blackboard bold
texlive-bbold-doc -
Documentation for bbold
texlive-bbold-type1 -
An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font
texlive-bbold-type1-doc -
Documentation for bbold-type1
texlive-bchart -
Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
texlive-bchart-doc -
Documentation for bchart
texlive-bclogo -
Creating colourful boxes with logos
texlive-bclogo-doc -
Documentation for bclogo
texlive-beamer -
A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
texlive-beamer-FUBerlin -
Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin
texlive-beamer-FUBerlin-doc -
Documentation for beamer-FUBerlin
texlive-beamer-doc -
Documentation for beamer
texlive-beamer-tut-pt-doc -
Documentation for beamer-tut-pt
texlive-beamer2thesis -
Thesis presentations using beamer
texlive-beamer2thesis-doc -
Documentation for beamer2thesis
texlive-beameraudience -
Assembling beamer frames according to audience
texlive-beameraudience-doc -
Documentation for beameraudience
texlive-beamerposter -
Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters
texlive-beamerposter-doc -
Documentation for beamerposter
texlive-beamersubframe -
Reorder frames in the PDF file
texlive-beamersubframe-doc -
Documentation for beamersubframe
texlive-beamertheme-upenn-bc -
Beamer themies for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania
texlive-beamertheme-upenn-bc-doc -
Documentation for beamertheme-upenn-bc
texlive-beamerthemejltree -
Contributed beamer theme
texlive-beamerthemenirma -
A Beamer theme for academic presentations
texlive-beamerthemenirma-doc -
Documentation for beamerthemenirma
texlive-beamerthemephnompenh -
beamerthemephnompenh package
texlive-beamerthemephnompenh-doc -
Documentation for beamerthemephnompenh
texlive-beebe -
beebe package
texlive-begriff -
Typeset Begriffschrift
texlive-begriff-doc -
Documentation for begriff
texlive-belleek -
Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
texlive-belleek-doc -
Documentation for belleek
texlive-bengali -
Support for the Bengali language
texlive-bengali-doc -
Documentation for bengali
texlive-bera -
Bera fonts
texlive-bera-doc -
Documentation for bera
texlive-berenisadf -
Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
texlive-berenisadf-doc -
Documentation for berenisadf
texlive-besjournals -
besjournals package
texlive-besjournals-doc -
Documentation for besjournals
texlive-betababel -
Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code
texlive-betababel-doc -
Documentation for betababel
texlive-beton -
Use Concrete fonts
texlive-beton-doc -
Documentation for beton
texlive-bez123 -
Support for Bezier curves
texlive-bez123-doc -
Documentation for bez123
texlive-bezos -
Packages by Javier Bezos
texlive-bezos-doc -
Documentation for bezos
texlive-bgreek -
Using Beccari's fonts in betacode for classical Greek
texlive-bgreek-doc -
Documentation for bgreek
texlive-bgteubner -
Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag"
texlive-bgteubner-doc -
Documentation for bgteubner
texlive-bguq -
Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages
texlive-bguq-doc -
Documentation for bguq
texlive-bhcexam -
A LaTeX document class specially designed for High School Math Teachers in China
texlive-bhcexam-doc -
Documentation for bhcexam
texlive-bib-fr -
French translation of classical BibTeX styles
texlive-bib-fr-doc -
Documentation for bib-fr
texlive-bibarts -
"Arts"-style bibliographical information
texlive-bibarts-doc -
Documentation for bibarts
texlive-bibexport -
Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file
texlive-bibexport-bin -
Binaries for bibexport
texlive-bibexport-doc -
Documentation for bibexport
texlive-bibhtml -
BibTeX support for HTML files
texlive-bibhtml-doc -
Documentation for bibhtml
texlive-biblatex -
Bibliographies in LaTeX using BibTeX for sorting only
texlive-biblatex-apa -
Biblatex citation and reference style for APA
texlive-biblatex-apa-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-apa
texlive-biblatex-bwl -
biblatex-bwl package
texlive-biblatex-bwl-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-bwl
texlive-biblatex-caspervector -
A simple citation style for Chinese users
texlive-biblatex-caspervector-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-caspervector
texlive-biblatex-chem -
A set of biblatex implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles
texlive-biblatex-chem-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-chem
texlive-biblatex-chicago -
Chicago style files for biblatex
texlive-biblatex-chicago-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-chicago
texlive-biblatex-doc -
Documentation for biblatex
texlive-biblatex-dw -
Humanities styles for biblatex
texlive-biblatex-dw-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-dw
texlive-biblatex-fiwi -
Biblatex styles for use in German humanities
texlive-biblatex-fiwi-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-fiwi
texlive-biblatex-gost -
Biblatex support for GOST standard bibliographies
texlive-biblatex-gost-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-gost
texlive-biblatex-historian -
A Biblatex style
texlive-biblatex-historian-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-historian
texlive-biblatex-ieee -
Ieee style files for biblatex
texlive-biblatex-ieee-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-ieee
texlive-biblatex-juradiss -
Biblatex stylefiles for German law thesis
texlive-biblatex-juradiss-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-juradiss
texlive-biblatex-luh-ipw -
Biblatex styles for social sciences
texlive-biblatex-luh-ipw-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-luh-ipw
texlive-biblatex-manuscripts-philology -
Manage classical manuscripts with biblatex
texlive-biblatex-manuscripts-philology-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-manuscripts-philology
texlive-biblatex-mla -
MLA style files for biblatex
texlive-biblatex-mla-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-mla
texlive-biblatex-musuos -
A biblatex style for citations in musuos.cls
texlive-biblatex-musuos-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-musuos
texlive-biblatex-nature -
Biblatex support for Nature
texlive-biblatex-nature-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-nature
texlive-biblatex-nejm -
Biblatex style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
texlive-biblatex-nejm-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-nejm
texlive-biblatex-philosophy -
Styles for using biblatex for work in philosophy
texlive-biblatex-philosophy-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-philosophy
texlive-biblatex-phys -
A biblatex implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style
texlive-biblatex-phys-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-phys
texlive-biblatex-publist -
BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists
texlive-biblatex-publist-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-publist
texlive-biblatex-science -
Biblatex implementation of the Science bibliography style
texlive-biblatex-science-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-science
texlive-biblatex-source-division -
References by "division" in classical sources
texlive-biblatex-source-division-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-source-division
texlive-biblatex-swiss-legal -
Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice
texlive-biblatex-swiss-legal-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-swiss-legal
texlive-biblatex-trad -
"Traditional" BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX
texlive-biblatex-trad-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-trad
texlive-biblatex-true-citepages-omit -
Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of biblatex styles
texlive-biblatex-true-citepages-omit-doc -
Documentation for biblatex-true-citepages-omit
texlive-bibleref -
Format bible citations
texlive-bibleref-doc -
Documentation for bibleref
texlive-bibleref-french -
French translations for bibleref
texlive-bibleref-french-doc -
Documentation for bibleref-french
texlive-bibleref-german -
German adaptation of bibleref
texlive-bibleref-german-doc -
Documentation for bibleref-german
texlive-bibleref-lds -
Bible references, including those to the scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
texlive-bibleref-lds-doc -
Documentation for bibleref-lds
texlive-bibleref-mouth -
Consistent formatting of Bible references
texlive-bibleref-mouth-doc -
Documentation for bibleref-mouth
texlive-bibleref-parse -
Specify Bible passages in human-readable format
texlive-bibleref-parse-doc -
Documentation for bibleref-parse
texlive-biblist -
Print a BibTeX database
texlive-biblist-doc -
Documentation for biblist
texlive-bibtex -
Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc
texlive-bibtex-bin -
Binaries for bibtex
texlive-bibtex-doc -
Documentation for bibtex
texlive-bibtex8 -
A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99
texlive-bibtex8-bin -
Binaries for bibtex8
texlive-bibtex8-doc -
Documentation for bibtex8
texlive-bibtexu -
bibtexu package
texlive-bibtexu-bin -
Binaries for bibtexu
texlive-bibtexu-doc -
Documentation for bibtexu
texlive-bibtopic -
Include multiple bibliographies in a document
texlive-bibtopic-doc -
Documentation for bibtopic
texlive-bibtopicprefix -
Prefix references to bibliographies produced by bibtopic
texlive-bibtopicprefix-doc -
Documentation for bibtopicprefix
texlive-bibunits -
Multiple bibliographies in one document
texlive-bibunits-doc -
Documentation for bibunits
texlive-bidi -
Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX engine
texlive-bidi-doc -
Documentation for bidi
texlive-bigfoot -
Footnotes for critical editions
texlive-bigfoot-doc -
Documentation for bigfoot
texlive-bigints -
Writing big integrals
texlive-bigints-doc -
Documentation for bigints
texlive-binomexp -
Calculate Pascal's triangle
texlive-binomexp-doc -
Documentation for binomexp
texlive-biocon -
Typesetting biological species names
texlive-biocon-doc -
Documentation for biocon
texlive-bitelist -
Split list, in TeX's mouth
texlive-bitelist-doc -
Documentation for bitelist
texlive-bizcard -
Typeset business cards
texlive-bizcard-doc -
Documentation for bizcard
texlive-blacklettert1 -
T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
texlive-blacklettert1-doc -
Documentation for blacklettert1
texlive-blindtext -
Producing 'blind' text for testing
texlive-blindtext-doc -
Documentation for blindtext
texlive-blkarray -
Extended array and tabular
texlive-blkarray-doc -
Documentation for blkarray
texlive-block -
A block letter style for the letter class
texlive-block-doc -
Documentation for block
texlive-blockdraw_mp -
Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost
texlive-blockdraw_mp-doc -
Documentation for blockdraw_mp
texlive-bloques -
Generate control diagrams
texlive-bloques-doc -
Documentation for bloques
texlive-blowup -
Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
texlive-blowup-doc -
Documentation for blowup
texlive-bodegraph -
Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
texlive-bodegraph-doc -
Documentation for bodegraph
texlive-bohr -
Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model
texlive-bohr-doc -
Documentation for bohr
texlive-boisik -
A font inspired by Baskerville design
texlive-boisik-doc -
Documentation for boisik
texlive-boites -
Boxes that may break across pages
texlive-boites-doc -
Documentation for boites
texlive-bold-extra -
Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts
texlive-bold-extra-doc -
Documentation for bold-extra
texlive-boldtensors -
Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters
texlive-boldtensors-doc -
Documentation for boldtensors
texlive-bondgraph -
Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents
texlive-bondgraph-doc -
Documentation for bondgraph
texlive-bookest -
Extended book class
texlive-bookest-doc -
Documentation for bookest
texlive-bookhands -
A collection of book-hand fonts
texlive-bookhands-doc -
Documentation for bookhands
texlive-booklet -
Aids for printing simple booklets
texlive-booklet-doc -
Documentation for booklet
texlive-bookman -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-booktabs -
Publication quality tables in LaTeX
texlive-booktabs-de-doc -
Documentation for booktabs-de
texlive-booktabs-doc -
Documentation for booktabs
texlive-booktabs-fr-doc -
Documentation for booktabs-fr
texlive-boolexpr -
A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command
texlive-boolexpr-doc -
Documentation for boolexpr
texlive-boondox -
Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts
texlive-boondox-doc -
Documentation for boondox
texlive-bophook -
Provides an At-Begin-Page hook
texlive-bophook-doc -
Documentation for bophook
texlive-bosisio -
A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio
texlive-bosisio-doc -
Documentation for bosisio
texlive-boxedminipage -
A package for producing framed minipages
texlive-boxedminipage-doc -
Documentation for boxedminipage
texlive-boxhandler -
Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing
texlive-boxhandler-doc -
Documentation for boxhandler
texlive-bpchem -
Typeset chemical names, formulae, etc
texlive-bpchem-doc -
Documentation for bpchem
texlive-bpolynomial -
Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3
texlive-bpolynomial-doc -
Documentation for bpolynomial
texlive-bracketkey -
Produce bracketed identification keys
texlive-bracketkey-doc -
Documentation for bracketkey
texlive-braids -
Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
texlive-braids-doc -
Documentation for braids
texlive-braille -
Support for braille
texlive-braille-doc -
Documentation for braille
texlive-braket -
Dirac bra-ket and set notations
texlive-braket-doc -
Documentation for braket
texlive-brandeis-dissertation -
Class for Brandeis University dissertations
texlive-brandeis-dissertation-doc -
Documentation for brandeis-dissertation
texlive-breakurl -
Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf
texlive-breakurl-doc -
Documentation for breakurl
texlive-bropd -
Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX
texlive-bropd-doc -
Documentation for bropd
texlive-brushscr -
A handwriting script font
texlive-brushscr-doc -
Documentation for brushscr
texlive-bullcntr -
Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
texlive-bullcntr-doc -
Documentation for bullcntr
texlive-bundledoc -
Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document
texlive-bundledoc-bin -
Binaries for bundledoc
texlive-bundledoc-doc -
Documentation for bundledoc
texlive-burmese -
Basic Support for Writing Burmese
texlive-burmese-doc -
Documentation for burmese
texlive-bussproofs -
Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus
texlive-bussproofs-doc -
Documentation for bussproofs
texlive-bxbase -
BX bundle base components
texlive-bxbase-doc -
Documentation for bxbase
texlive-bxcjkjatype -
Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
texlive-bxcjkjatype-doc -
Documentation for bxcjkjatype
texlive-bxdpx-beamer -
Dvipdfmx extras for use with beamer
texlive-bxdpx-beamer-doc -
Documentation for bxdpx-beamer
texlive-bxeepic -
Eepic facilities using pict2e
texlive-bxeepic-doc -
Documentation for bxeepic
texlive-bxjscls -
Document classes based on jsclasses
texlive-bxjscls-doc -
Documentation for bxjscls
texlive-bytefield -
Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
texlive-bytefield-doc -
Documentation for bytefield
texlive-c-pascal -
Typeset Python, C and Pascal programs
texlive-c-pascal-doc -
Documentation for c-pascal
texlive-c90 -
c90 package
texlive-c90-doc -
Documentation for c90
texlive-cabin -
A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
texlive-cabin-doc -
Documentation for cabin
texlive-cachepic -
Convert document fragments into graphics
texlive-cachepic-bin -
Binaries for cachepic
texlive-cachepic-doc -
Documentation for cachepic
texlive-calcage -
Calculate the age of something, in years
texlive-calcage-doc -
Documentation for calcage
texlive-calctab -
Language for numeric tables
texlive-calctab-doc -
Documentation for calctab
texlive-calculator -
Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
texlive-calculator-doc -
Documentation for calculator
texlive-calligra -
Calligraphic font
texlive-calligra-doc -
Documentation for calligra
texlive-calligra-type1 -
Type 1 version of Caliigra
texlive-calligra-type1-doc -
Documentation for calligra-type1
texlive-calrsfs -
Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX
texlive-calrsfs-doc -
Documentation for calrsfs
texlive-cals -
Multipage tables with wide range of features
texlive-cals-doc -
Documentation for cals
texlive-calxxxx-yyyy -
Print a calendar for a group of years
texlive-calxxxx-yyyy-doc -
Documentation for calxxxx-yyyy
texlive-cancel -
Place lines through maths formulae
texlive-cancel-doc -
Documentation for cancel
texlive-canoniclayout -
Create canonical page layouts with memoir
texlive-canoniclayout-doc -
Documentation for canoniclayout
texlive-cantarell -
LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
texlive-cantarell-doc -
Documentation for cantarell
texlive-capt-of -
Captions on more than floats
texlive-capt-of-doc -
Documentation for capt-of
texlive-captcont -
Retain float number across several floats
texlive-captcont-doc -
Documentation for captcont
texlive-captdef -
Declare free-standing \caption commands
texlive-captdef-doc -
Documentation for captdef
texlive-caption -
Customising captions in floating environments
texlive-caption-doc -
Documentation for caption
texlive-carlisle -
David Carlisle's small packages
texlive-carlisle-doc -
Documentation for carlisle
texlive-carolmin-ps -
Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts
texlive-carolmin-ps-doc -
Documentation for carolmin-ps
texlive-cascadilla -
Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project
texlive-cascadilla-doc -
Documentation for cascadilla
texlive-cases -
Numbered cases environment
texlive-cases-doc -
Documentation for cases
texlive-casyl -
Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
texlive-casyl-doc -
Documentation for casyl
texlive-catchfilebetweentags -
Catch text delimited by docstrip tags
texlive-catchfilebetweentags-doc -
Documentation for catchfilebetweentags
texlive-catcodes -
Generic handling of TeX category codes
texlive-catcodes-doc -
Documentation for catcodes
texlive-catechis -
Macros for typesetting catechisms
texlive-catechis-doc -
Documentation for catechis
texlive-catoptions -
Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
texlive-catoptions-doc -
Documentation for catoptions
texlive-cbcoptic -
Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
texlive-cbcoptic-doc -
Documentation for cbcoptic
texlive-cbfonts -
Complete set of Greek fonts
texlive-cbfonts-doc -
Documentation for cbfonts
texlive-cbfonts-fd -
LaTeX font description files for the CB Greek fonts
texlive-cbfonts-fd-doc -
Documentation for cbfonts-fd
texlive-cc-pl -
Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts
texlive-cc-pl-doc -
Documentation for cc-pl
texlive-ccaption -
Continuation headings and legends for floats
texlive-ccaption-doc -
Documentation for ccaption
texlive-ccfonts -
Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
texlive-ccfonts-doc -
Documentation for ccfonts
texlive-ccicons -
LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons
texlive-ccicons-doc -
Documentation for ccicons
texlive-cclicenses -
Typeset Creative Commons licence logos
texlive-cclicenses-doc -
Documentation for cclicenses
texlive-cd -
Typeset CD covers
texlive-cd-cover -
Typeset CD covers
texlive-cd-cover-doc -
Documentation for cd-cover
texlive-cd-doc -
Documentation for cd
texlive-cdpbundl -
Business letters in the Italian style
texlive-cdpbundl-doc -
Documentation for cdpbundl
texlive-cell -
Bibliography style for Cell
texlive-cell-doc -
Documentation for cell
texlive-cellspace -
Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
texlive-cellspace-doc -
Documentation for cellspace
texlive-censor -
Facilities for controlling restricted text in a document
texlive-censor-doc -
Documentation for censor
texlive-cfr-lm -
Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
texlive-cfr-lm-doc -
Documentation for cfr-lm
texlive-changebar -
Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
texlive-changebar-doc -
Documentation for changebar
texlive-changelayout -
Change the layout of individual pages and their text
texlive-changelayout-doc -
Documentation for changelayout
texlive-changepage -
Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages
texlive-changepage-doc -
Documentation for changepage
texlive-changes -
Manual change markup
texlive-changes-doc -
Documentation for changes
texlive-chappg -
Page numbering by chapter
texlive-chappg-doc -
Documentation for chappg
texlive-chapterfolder -
Package for working with complicated folder structures
texlive-chapterfolder-doc -
Documentation for chapterfolder
texlive-charter -
Charter fonts
texlive-charter-doc -
Documentation for charter
texlive-chbibref -
Change the Bibliography/References title
texlive-chbibref-doc -
Documentation for chbibref
texlive-checkcites -
Check citation commands in a document
texlive-checkcites-bin -
Binaries for checkcites
texlive-checkcites-doc -
Documentation for checkcites
texlive-chem-journal -
Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry
texlive-chemarrow -
Arrows for use in chemistry
texlive-chemarrow-doc -
Documentation for chemarrow
texlive-chembst -
A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals
texlive-chembst-doc -
Documentation for chembst
texlive-chemcompounds -
Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds
texlive-chemcompounds-doc -
Documentation for chemcompounds
texlive-chemcono -
Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents
texlive-chemcono-doc -
Documentation for chemcono
texlive-chemexec -
Creating (chemical) exercise sheets
texlive-chemexec-doc -
Documentation for chemexec
texlive-chemfig -
Draw molecules with easy syntax
texlive-chemfig-doc -
Documentation for chemfig
texlive-chemmacros -
A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
texlive-chemmacros-doc -
Documentation for chemmacros
texlive-chemnum -
A method of numbering chemical compounds
texlive-chemnum-doc -
Documentation for chemnum
texlive-chemstyle -
Writing chemistry with style
texlive-chemstyle-doc -
Documentation for chemstyle
texlive-chess -
Fonts for typesetting chess boards
texlive-chess-doc -
Documentation for chess
texlive-chess-problem-diagrams -
A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
texlive-chess-problem-diagrams-doc -
Documentation for chess-problem-diagrams
texlive-chessboard -
Print chess boards
texlive-chessboard-doc -
Documentation for chessboard
texlive-chessfss -
A package to handle chess fonts
texlive-chessfss-doc -
Documentation for chessfss
texlive-chet -
LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac
texlive-chet-doc -
Documentation for chet
texlive-chextras -
A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
texlive-chextras-doc -
Documentation for chextras
texlive-chicago -
A "Chicago" bibliography style
texlive-chicago-annote -
Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style
texlive-chicago-annote-doc -
Documentation for chicago-annote
texlive-chickenize -
Use lua callbacks for "interesting" textual effects
texlive-chickenize-doc -
Documentation for chickenize
texlive-chkfloat -
Warn whenever a float is placed "to far away"
texlive-chkfloat-doc -
Documentation for chkfloat
texlive-chktex -
Check for errors in LaTeX documents
texlive-chktex-bin -
Binaries for chktex
texlive-chktex-doc -
Documentation for chktex
texlive-chletter -
Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules
texlive-chletter-doc -
Documentation for chletter
texlive-chngcntr -
Change the resetting of counters
texlive-chngcntr-doc -
Documentation for chngcntr
texlive-chronology -
Provides a horizontal timeline
texlive-chronology-doc -
Documentation for chronology
texlive-chronosys -
Drawing time-line diagrams
texlive-chronosys-doc -
Documentation for chronosys
texlive-chscite -
Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology
texlive-chscite-doc -
Documentation for chscite
texlive-cinzel -
LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
texlive-cinzel-doc -
Documentation for cinzel
texlive-circ -
Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams
texlive-circ-doc -
Documentation for circ
texlive-circuitikz -
Draw electrical networks with TikZ
texlive-circuitikz-doc -
Documentation for circuitikz
texlive-cite -
Improved citation handling in LaTeX
texlive-cite-doc -
Documentation for cite
texlive-cjhebrew -
Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX
texlive-cjhebrew-doc -
Documentation for cjhebrew
texlive-cjk -
CJK language support
texlive-cjk-doc -
Documentation for cjk
texlive-cjk-ko -
Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
texlive-cjk-ko-doc -
Documentation for cjk-ko
texlive-cjkpunct -
Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks
texlive-cjkpunct-doc -
Documentation for cjkpunct
texlive-cjkutils -
cjkutils package
texlive-cjkutils-bin -
Binaries for cjkutils
texlive-cjkutils-doc -
Documentation for cjkutils
texlive-classics -
Cite classic works
texlive-classics-doc -
Documentation for classics
texlive-classicthesis -
A "classically styled" thesis package
texlive-classicthesis-doc -
Documentation for classicthesis
texlive-classpack -
XML mastering for LaTeX classes and packages
texlive-classpack-doc -
Documentation for classpack
texlive-clearsans -
clearsans package
texlive-clearsans-doc -
Documentation for clearsans
texlive-clefval -
Key/value support with a hash
texlive-clefval-doc -
Documentation for clefval
texlive-cleveref -
Intelligent cross-referencing
texlive-cleveref-doc -
Documentation for cleveref
texlive-clipboard -
Copy and paste into and across documents
texlive-clipboard-doc -
Documentation for clipboard
texlive-clock -
Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX
texlive-clock-doc -
Documentation for clock
texlive-clrscode -
Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
texlive-clrscode-doc -
Documentation for clrscode
texlive-cm -
Computer Modern fonts
texlive-cm-doc -
Documentation for cm
texlive-cm-lgc -
Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic
texlive-cm-lgc-doc -
Documentation for cm-lgc
texlive-cm-super -
CM-Super family of fonts
texlive-cm-super-doc -
Documentation for cm-super
texlive-cm-unicode -
Computer Modern Unicode font family
texlive-cm-unicode-doc -
Documentation for cm-unicode
texlive-cmap -
Make PDF files searchable and copyable
texlive-cmap-doc -
Documentation for cmap
texlive-cmarrows -
MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style
texlive-cmarrows-doc -
Documentation for cmarrows
texlive-cmbright -
Computer Modern Bright fonts
texlive-cmbright-doc -
Documentation for cmbright
texlive-cmcyr -
Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions
texlive-cmcyr-doc -
Documentation for cmcyr
texlive-cmdstring -
Get command name reliably
texlive-cmdstring-doc -
Documentation for cmdstring
texlive-cmextra -
Knuth's local information
texlive-cmll -
Symbols for linear logic
texlive-cmll-doc -
Documentation for cmll
texlive-cmpica -
A Computer Modern Pica variant
texlive-cmpica-doc -
Documentation for cmpica
texlive-cmpj -
Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics
texlive-cmpj-doc -
Documentation for cmpj
texlive-cmsd -
Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
texlive-cmsd-doc -
Documentation for cmsd
texlive-cmtiup -
Upright punctuation with CM slanted
texlive-cmtiup-doc -
Documentation for cmtiup
texlive-cnbwp -
Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
texlive-cnbwp-doc -
Documentation for cnbwp
texlive-cnltx -
LaTeX tools and documenting facilities
texlive-cnltx-doc -
Documentation for cnltx
texlive-cns -
cns package
texlive-cns-doc -
Documentation for cns
texlive-codedoc -
LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file
texlive-codedoc-doc -
Documentation for codedoc
texlive-codepage -
Support for variant code pages
texlive-codepage-doc -
Documentation for codepage
texlive-codicefiscaleitaliano -
Test the consistency of the Italian personal Fiscal Code
texlive-codicefiscaleitaliano-doc -
Documentation for codicefiscaleitaliano
texlive-collcell -
Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro
texlive-collcell-doc -
Documentation for collcell
texlive-collectbox -
collectbox package
texlive-collectbox-doc -
Documentation for collectbox
texlive-collection-basic -
Essential programs and files
texlive-collection-bibtexextra -
BibTeX additional styles
texlive-collection-binextra -
TeX auxiliary programs
texlive-collection-context -
ConTeXt and packages
texlive-collection-fontsextra -
Additional fonts
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended -
Recommended fonts
texlive-collection-fontutils -
Graphics and font utilities
texlive-collection-formatsextra -
Additional formats
texlive-collection-games -
Games typesetting
texlive-collection-genericextra -
Generic additional packages
texlive-collection-genericrecommended -
Generic recommended packages
texlive-collection-htmlxml -
texlive-collection-humanities -
Humanities packages
texlive-collection-langafrican -
African scripts
texlive-collection-langarabic -
texlive-collection-langcjk -
texlive-collection-langcyrillic -
texlive-collection-langczechslovak -
texlive-collection-langenglish -
US and UK English
texlive-collection-langeuropean -
Other European languages
texlive-collection-langfrench -
texlive-collection-langgerman -
texlive-collection-langgreek -
texlive-collection-langindic -
Indic scripts
texlive-collection-langitalian -
texlive-collection-langother -
Other languages
texlive-collection-langpolish -
texlive-collection-langportuguese -
texlive-collection-langspanish -
texlive-collection-latex -
LaTeX fundamental packages
texlive-collection-latexextra -
LaTeX additional packages
texlive-collection-latexrecommended -
LaTeX recommended packages
texlive-collection-luatex -
LuaTeX packages
texlive-collection-mathextra -
Mathematics packages
texlive-collection-metapost -
MetaPost and Metafont packages
texlive-collection-music -
Music packages
texlive-collection-omega -
Omega packages
texlive-collection-pictures -
Graphics, pictures, diagrams
texlive-collection-plainextra -
Plain TeX packages
texlive-collection-pstricks -
texlive-collection-publishers -
Publisher styles, theses, etc
texlive-collection-science -
Natural and computer sciences
texlive-collection-xetex -
XeTeX and packages
texlive-collref -
Collect blocks of references into a single reference
texlive-collref-doc -
Documentation for collref
texlive-colordoc -
Coloured syntax highlights in documentation
texlive-colordoc-doc -
Documentation for colordoc
texlive-colorinfo -
Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours
texlive-colorinfo-doc -
Documentation for colorinfo
texlive-colorsep -
Color separation
texlive-colortab -
Shade cells of tables and halign
texlive-colortab-doc -
Documentation for colortab
texlive-colortbl -
Add colour to LaTeX tables
texlive-colortbl-doc -
Documentation for colortbl
texlive-colorwav -
Colours by wavelength of visible light
texlive-colorwav-doc -
Documentation for colorwav
texlive-colorweb -
Extend the color package colour space
texlive-colorweb-doc -
Documentation for colorweb
texlive-colourchange -
texlive-colourchange-doc -
Documentation for colourchange
texlive-combelow -
Typeset "comma-below" letters, as in Romanian
texlive-combelow-doc -
Documentation for combelow
texlive-combine -
Bundle individual documents into a single document
texlive-combine-doc -
Documentation for combine
texlive-combinedgraphics -
Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations
texlive-combinedgraphics-doc -
Documentation for combinedgraphics
texlive-comfortaa -
Sans serif font, with LaTeX support
texlive-comfortaa-doc -
Documentation for comfortaa
texlive-comma -
Formats a number by inserting commas
texlive-comma-doc -
Documentation for comma
texlive-commado -
Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists
texlive-commado-doc -
Documentation for commado
texlive-commath -
Mathematics typesetting support
texlive-commath-doc -
Documentation for commath
texlive-comment -
Selectively include/excludes portions of text
texlive-comment-doc -
Documentation for comment
texlive-compactbib -
Multiple thebibliography environments
texlive-complexity -
Computational complexity class names
texlive-complexity-doc -
Documentation for complexity
texlive-components-of-TeX-doc -
Documentation for components-of-TeX
texlive-comprehensive-doc -
Documentation for comprehensive
texlive-computational-complexity -
Class for the journal Computational Complexity
texlive-computational-complexity-doc -
Documentation for computational-complexity
texlive-concepts -
Keeping track of formal 'concepts' for a particular field
texlive-concepts-doc -
Documentation for concepts
texlive-concmath -
Concrete Math fonts
texlive-concmath-doc -
Documentation for concmath
texlive-concmath-fonts -
Concrete mathematics fonts
texlive-concmath-fonts-doc -
Documentation for concmath-fonts
texlive-concprog -
Concert programmes
texlive-concprog-doc -
Documentation for concprog
texlive-concrete -
Concrete Roman fonts
texlive-concrete-doc -
Documentation for concrete
texlive-confproc -
A set of tools for generating conference proceedings
texlive-confproc-doc -
Documentation for confproc
texlive-constants -
Automatic numbering of constants
texlive-constants-doc -
Documentation for constants
texlive-conteq -
Typeset multiline continued equalities
texlive-conteq-doc -
Documentation for conteq
texlive-context -
The ConTeXt macro package
texlive-context-account -
A simple accounting package
texlive-context-account-doc -
Documentation for context-account
texlive-context-algorithmic -
Algorithm handling in ConTeXt
texlive-context-bin -
Binaries for context
texlive-context-bnf -
A BNF module for Context
texlive-context-bnf-doc -
Documentation for context-bnf
texlive-context-chromato -
ConTeXt macros for chromatograms
texlive-context-chromato-doc -
Documentation for context-chromato
texlive-context-construction-plan -
Construction plans in ConTeXt
texlive-context-construction-plan-doc -
Documentation for context-construction-plan
texlive-context-cyrillicnumbers -
Write numbers as cyrillic glyphs
texlive-context-cyrillicnumbers-doc -
Documentation for context-cyrillicnumbers
texlive-context-degrade -
Degrading JPEG images in ConTeXt
texlive-context-degrade-doc -
Documentation for context-degrade
texlive-context-doc -
Documentation for context
texlive-context-filter -
Run external programs on the contents of a start-stop environment
texlive-context-filter-doc -
Documentation for context-filter
texlive-context-fixme -
Make editorial marks on a document
texlive-context-french -
Support for writing French in ConTeXt
texlive-context-french-doc -
Documentation for context-french
texlive-context-fullpage -
Overfull pages with ConTeXt
texlive-context-fullpage-doc -
Documentation for context-fullpage
texlive-context-games -
context-games package
texlive-context-games-doc -
Documentation for context-games
texlive-context-gantt -
GANTT module for ConTeXt
texlive-context-gantt-doc -
Documentation for context-gantt
texlive-context-gnuplot -
Inclusion of Gnuplot graphs in ConTeXt
texlive-context-gnuplot-doc -
Documentation for context-gnuplot
texlive-context-letter -
Context package for writing letters
texlive-context-letter-doc -
Documentation for context-letter
texlive-context-lettrine -
A ConTeXt implementation of lettrines
texlive-context-lettrine-doc -
Documentation for context-lettrine
texlive-context-lilypond -
Lilypond code in ConTeXt
texlive-context-lilypond-doc -
Documentation for context-lilypond
texlive-context-mathsets -
Set notation in ConTeXt
texlive-context-mathsets-doc -
Documentation for context-mathsets
texlive-context-notes-zh-cn -
Notes on using ConTeXt MkIV
texlive-context-notes-zh-cn-doc -
Documentation for context-notes-zh-cn
texlive-context-rst -
Process reStructuredText with ConTeXt
texlive-context-rst-doc -
Documentation for context-rst
texlive-context-ruby -
Ruby annotations in ConTeXt
texlive-context-ruby-doc -
Documentation for context-ruby
texlive-context-simplefonts -
Simplified font usage for ConTeXt
texlive-context-simplefonts-doc -
Documentation for context-simplefonts
texlive-context-simpleslides -
context-simpleslides package
texlive-context-simpleslides-doc -
Documentation for context-simpleslides
texlive-context-transliterator -
Transliterate text from 'other' alphabets
texlive-context-transliterator-doc -
Documentation for context-transliterator
texlive-context-typearea -
Something like Koma-Script typearea
texlive-context-typearea-doc -
Documentation for context-typearea
texlive-context-typescripts -
Small modules to load various fonts for use in ConTeXt
texlive-context-typescripts-doc -
Documentation for context-typescripts
texlive-context-vim -
Generate Context syntax highlighting code from vim
texlive-context-vim-doc -
Documentation for context-vim
texlive-contour -
Print a coloured contour around text
texlive-contour-doc -
Documentation for contour
texlive-contracard -
Generate calling cards for dances
texlive-contracard-doc -
Documentation for contracard
texlive-convbkmk -
Correct platex/uplatex bookmarks in PDF created with hyperref
texlive-convbkmk-bin -
Binaries for convbkmk
texlive-convbkmk-doc -
Documentation for convbkmk
texlive-cooking -
Typeset recipes
texlive-cooking-doc -
Documentation for cooking
texlive-cookingsymbols -
cookingsymbols package
texlive-cookingsymbols-doc -
Documentation for cookingsymbols
texlive-cool -
COntent-Oriented LaTeX
texlive-cool-doc -
Documentation for cool
texlive-coollist -
Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
texlive-coollist-doc -
Documentation for coollist
texlive-coolstr -
String manipulation in LaTeX
texlive-coolstr-doc -
Documentation for coolstr
texlive-coolthms -
Reference items in a theorem environment
texlive-coolthms-doc -
Documentation for coolthms
texlive-cooltooltips -
Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
texlive-cooltooltips-doc -
Documentation for cooltooltips
texlive-coordsys -
Draw cartesian coordinate systems
texlive-coordsys-doc -
Documentation for coordsys
texlive-copyrightbox -
Provide copyright notices for images in a document
texlive-copyrightbox-doc -
Documentation for copyrightbox
texlive-coseoul -
Context sensitive outline elements
texlive-coseoul-doc -
Documentation for coseoul
texlive-countriesofeurope -
A font with the images of the countries of Europe
texlive-countriesofeurope-doc -
Documentation for countriesofeurope
texlive-counttexruns -
Count compilations of a document
texlive-counttexruns-doc -
Documentation for counttexruns
texlive-courier -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-courier-scaled -
Provides a scaled Courier font
texlive-courier-scaled-doc -
Documentation for courier-scaled
texlive-courseoutline -
Prepare university course outlines
texlive-courseoutline-doc -
Documentation for courseoutline
texlive-coursepaper -
Prepare university course papers
texlive-coursepaper-doc -
Documentation for coursepaper
texlive-coverpage -
Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers (with BibTeX data and copyright notice)
texlive-coverpage-doc -
Documentation for coverpage
texlive-covington -
Linguistic support
texlive-covington-doc -
Documentation for covington
texlive-cprotect -
Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments
texlive-cprotect-doc -
Documentation for cprotect
texlive-crbox -
Boxes with crossed corners
texlive-crbox-doc -
Documentation for crbox
texlive-crop -
Support for cropmarks
texlive-crop-doc -
Documentation for crop
texlive-crossreference -
Crossreferences within documents
texlive-crossreference-doc -
Documentation for crossreference
texlive-crossword -
Typeset crossword puzzles
texlive-crossword-doc -
Documentation for crossword
texlive-crosswrd -
Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles
texlive-crosswrd-doc -
Documentation for crosswrd
texlive-cryst -
Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography
texlive-cryst-doc -
Documentation for cryst
texlive-cs -
Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts
texlive-csbulletin -
LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
texlive-csbulletin-doc -
Documentation for csbulletin
texlive-cslatex -
LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting
texlive-cslatex-bin -
Binaries for cslatex
texlive-csplain -
Plain TeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting
texlive-csplain-bin -
Binaries for csplain
texlive-csquotes -
Context sensitive quotation facilities
texlive-csquotes-de-doc -
Documentation for csquotes-de
texlive-csquotes-doc -
Documentation for csquotes
texlive-cstex-doc -
Documentation for cstex
texlive-csvsimple -
Simple CSV file processing
texlive-csvsimple-doc -
Documentation for csvsimple
texlive-csvtools -
Reading data from CSV files
texlive-csvtools-doc -
Documentation for csvtools
texlive-ctable -
Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives
texlive-ctable-doc -
Documentation for ctable
texlive-ctanify -
Prepare a package for upload to CTAN
texlive-ctanify-bin -
Binaries for ctanify
texlive-ctanify-doc -
Documentation for ctanify
texlive-ctanupload -
Support for users uploading to CTAN
texlive-ctanupload-bin -
Binaries for ctanupload
texlive-ctanupload-doc -
Documentation for ctanupload
texlive-ctex -
LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
texlive-ctex-doc -
Documentation for ctex
texlive-ctex-faq-doc -
Documentation for ctex-faq
texlive-ctib -
Tibetan for TeX and LATeX2e
texlive-ctib-doc -
Documentation for ctib
texlive-ctie -
C version of tie (merging Web change files)
texlive-ctie-bin -
Binaries for ctie
texlive-cuisine -
Typeset recipes
texlive-cuisine-doc -
Documentation for cuisine
texlive-currfile -
Provide file name and path of input files
texlive-currfile-doc -
Documentation for currfile
texlive-currvita -
Typeset a curriculum vitae
texlive-currvita-doc -
Documentation for currvita
texlive-cursolatex-doc -
Documentation for cursolatex
texlive-curve -
A class for making curriculum vitae
texlive-curve-doc -
Documentation for curve
texlive-curve2e -
Extensions for package pict2e
texlive-curve2e-doc -
Documentation for curve2e
texlive-curves -
Curves for LaTeX picture environment
texlive-curves-doc -
Documentation for curves
texlive-custom-bib -
Customised BibTeX styles
texlive-custom-bib-doc -
Documentation for custom-bib
texlive-cutwin -
Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
texlive-cutwin-doc -
Documentation for cutwin
texlive-cv -
A package for creating a curriculum vitae
texlive-cv-doc -
Documentation for cv
texlive-cv4tw -
LaTeX CV class, with extended details
texlive-cv4tw-doc -
Documentation for cv4tw
texlive-cweb -
A Web system in C
texlive-cweb-bin -
Binaries for cweb
texlive-cweb-doc -
Documentation for cweb
texlive-cweb-latex -
A LaTeX version of CWEB
texlive-cweb-latex-doc -
Documentation for cweb-latex
texlive-cyklop -
The Cyclop typeface
texlive-cyklop-doc -
Documentation for cyklop
texlive-cyrillic -
Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
texlive-cyrillic-bin -
Cyrillic bibtex and makeindex
texlive-cyrillic-bin-bin -
Binaries for cyrillic-bin
texlive-cyrillic-doc -
Documentation for cyrillic
texlive-cyrplain -
cyrplain package
texlive-dancers -
Font for Conan Doyle's "The Dancing Men"
texlive-dashbox -
Draw dashed boxes
texlive-dashbox-doc -
Documentation for dashbox
texlive-dashrule -
Draw dashed rules
texlive-dashrule-doc -
Documentation for dashrule
texlive-dashundergaps -
Underline with dotted or dashed lines
texlive-dashundergaps-doc -
Documentation for dashundergaps
texlive-dataref -
Manage references to experimental data
texlive-dataref-doc -
Documentation for dataref
texlive-datatool -
Tools to load and manipulate data
texlive-datatool-doc -
Documentation for datatool
texlive-dateiliste -
Extensions of the \listfiles concept
texlive-dateiliste-doc -
Documentation for dateiliste
texlive-datenumber -
Convert a date into a number and vice versa
texlive-datenumber-doc -
Documentation for datenumber
texlive-datetime -
Change format of \today with commands for current time
texlive-datetime-doc -
Documentation for datetime
texlive-dblfloatfix -
Fixes for twocolumn floats
texlive-dblfloatfix-doc -
Documentation for dblfloatfix
texlive-dccpaper -
Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
texlive-dccpaper-doc -
Documentation for dccpaper
texlive-dcpic -
Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents
texlive-dcpic-doc -
Documentation for dcpic
texlive-de-macro -
Expand private macros in a document
texlive-de-macro-bin -
Binaries for de-macro
texlive-de-macro-doc -
Documentation for de-macro
texlive-decimal -
LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point
texlive-decimal-doc -
Documentation for decimal
texlive-decorule -
Decorative swelled rule using font character
texlive-decorule-doc -
Documentation for decorule
texlive-dehyph-exptl -
Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
texlive-dehyph-exptl-doc -
Documentation for dehyph-exptl
texlive-dejavu -
LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
texlive-dejavu-doc -
Documentation for dejavu
texlive-delim -
delim package
texlive-delim-doc -
Documentation for delim
texlive-delimtxt -
Read and parse text tables
texlive-delimtxt-doc -
Documentation for delimtxt
texlive-detex -
Strip TeX from a source file
texlive-detex-bin -
Binaries for detex
texlive-detlev-cm -
detlev-cm package
texlive-detlev-cm-doc -
Documentation for detlev-cm
texlive-devnag -
Typeset Devanagari
texlive-devnag-bin -
Binaries for devnag
texlive-dhua -
German abbreviations using thin space
texlive-dhua-doc -
Documentation for dhua
texlive-diagbox -
Table heads with diagonal lines
texlive-diagbox-doc -
Documentation for diagbox
texlive-diagmac2 -
Diagram macros, using pict2e
texlive-diagmac2-doc -
Documentation for diagmac2
texlive-diagnose -
A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation
texlive-diagnose-doc -
Documentation for diagnose
texlive-dialogl -
Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts
texlive-dialogl-doc -
Documentation for dialogl
texlive-dice -
A font for die faces
texlive-dice-doc -
Documentation for dice
texlive-dichokey -
Construct dichotomous identification keys
texlive-dichokey-doc -
Documentation for dichokey
texlive-dickimaw-doc -
Documentation for dickimaw
texlive-dictsym -
DictSym font and macro package
texlive-dictsym-doc -
Documentation for dictsym
texlive-digiconfigs -
Writing "configurations"
texlive-digiconfigs-doc -
Documentation for digiconfigs
texlive-din1505 -
Bibliography styles for German texts
texlive-din1505-doc -
Documentation for din1505
texlive-dinat -
Bibliography style for German texts
texlive-dinat-doc -
Documentation for dinat
texlive-dinbrief -
German letter DIN style
texlive-dinbrief-doc -
Documentation for dinbrief
texlive-dingbat -
Two dingbat symbol fonts
texlive-dingbat-doc -
Documentation for dingbat
texlive-directory -
An address book using BibTeX
texlive-directory-doc -
Documentation for directory
texlive-dirtree -
Display trees in the style of windows explorer
texlive-dirtree-doc -
Documentation for dirtree
texlive-dirtytalk -
dirtytalk package
texlive-dirtytalk-doc -
Documentation for dirtytalk
texlive-disser -
Class and templates for typesetting dissertations in Russian
texlive-disser-doc -
Documentation for disser
texlive-dk-bib -
Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles
texlive-dk-bib-doc -
Documentation for dk-bib
texlive-dlfltxb -
Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX"
texlive-dlfltxb-doc -
Documentation for dlfltxb
texlive-dnaseq -
Format DNA base sequences
texlive-dnaseq-doc -
Documentation for dnaseq
texlive-dnp -
dnp package
texlive-doc-pictex-doc -
Documentation for doc-pictex
texlive-docmfp -
Document non-LaTeX code
texlive-docmfp-doc -
Documentation for docmfp
texlive-docmute -
Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc
texlive-docmute-doc -
Documentation for docmute
texlive-documentation -
Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code
texlive-documentation-doc -
Documentation for documentation
texlive-doi -
Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
texlive-doi-doc -
Documentation for doi
texlive-doipubmed -
Special commands for use in bibliographies
texlive-doipubmed-doc -
Documentation for doipubmed
texlive-dosepsbin -
Deal with DOS binary EPS files
texlive-dosepsbin-bin -
Binaries for dosepsbin
texlive-dosepsbin-doc -
Documentation for dosepsbin
texlive-dot2texi -
Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool
texlive-dot2texi-doc -
Documentation for dot2texi
texlive-dotarrow -
Extendable dotted arrows
texlive-dotarrow-doc -
Documentation for dotarrow
texlive-dotseqn -
Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers
texlive-dotseqn-doc -
Documentation for dotseqn
texlive-dottex -
Use dot code in LaTeX
texlive-dottex-doc -
Documentation for dottex
texlive-doublestroke -
Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
texlive-doublestroke-doc -
Documentation for doublestroke
texlive-dowith -
Apply a command to a list of items
texlive-dowith-doc -
Documentation for dowith
texlive-download -
Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process
texlive-download-doc -
Documentation for download
texlive-dox -
Extend the doc package
texlive-dox-doc -
Documentation for dox
texlive-dozenal -
Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
texlive-dozenal-doc -
Documentation for dozenal
texlive-dpfloat -
Support for double-page floats
texlive-dpfloat-doc -
Documentation for dpfloat
texlive-dprogress -
LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging
texlive-dprogress-doc -
Documentation for dprogress
texlive-drac -
Declare active character substitution, robustly
texlive-drac-doc -
Documentation for drac
texlive-draftcopy -
Identify draft copies
texlive-draftcopy-doc -
Documentation for draftcopy
texlive-draftwatermark -
Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
texlive-draftwatermark-doc -
Documentation for draftwatermark
texlive-dramatist -
Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose
texlive-dramatist-doc -
Documentation for dramatist
texlive-dratex -
General drawing macros
texlive-dratex-doc -
Documentation for dratex
texlive-drawstack -
Draw execution stacks
texlive-drawstack-doc -
Documentation for drawstack
texlive-droid -
LaTeX support for the Droid font families
texlive-droid-doc -
Documentation for droid
texlive-droit-fr -
Document class and bibliographic style for French law
texlive-droit-fr-doc -
Documentation for droit-fr
texlive-drs -
Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
texlive-drs-doc -
Documentation for drs
texlive-drv -
Derivation trees with MetaPost
texlive-drv-doc -
Documentation for drv
texlive-dtk -
Document class for the journal of DANTE
texlive-dtk-doc -
Documentation for dtk
texlive-dtl -
Tools to dis-assemble and re-assemble DVI files
texlive-dtl-bin -
Binaries for dtl
texlive-dtxgallery-doc -
Documentation for dtxgallery
texlive-dtxgen -
Creates a template for a self-extracting .dtx file
texlive-dtxgen-bin -
Binaries for dtxgen
texlive-dtxgen-doc -
Documentation for dtxgen
texlive-dtxtut-doc -
Documentation for dtxtut
texlive-duerer -
Computer Duerer fonts
texlive-duerer-doc -
Documentation for duerer
texlive-duerer-latex -
LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
texlive-duerer-latex-doc -
Documentation for duerer-latex
texlive-duotenzor -
Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams
texlive-duotenzor-doc -
Documentation for duotenzor
texlive-dutchcal -
A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version
texlive-dutchcal-doc -
Documentation for dutchcal
texlive-dvdcoll -
A class for typesetting DVD archives
texlive-dvdcoll-doc -
Documentation for dvdcoll
texlive-dvgloss -
Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text
texlive-dvgloss-doc -
Documentation for dvgloss
texlive-dvi2tty -
Produce ASCII from DVI
texlive-dvi2tty-bin -
Binaries for dvi2tty
texlive-dviasm -
A utility for editing DVI files
texlive-dviasm-bin -
Binaries for dviasm
texlive-dvicopy -
Copy DVI files, flattening VFs
texlive-dvicopy-bin -
Binaries for dvicopy
texlive-dvidvi -
Convert one DVI file into another
texlive-dvidvi-bin -
Binaries for dvidvi
texlive-dviincl -
Include a DVI page into MetaPost output
texlive-dviincl-doc -
Documentation for dviincl
texlive-dviljk -
DVI to Laserjet output
texlive-dviljk-bin -
Binaries for dviljk
texlive-dvipdfmx -
An extended version of dvipdfm
texlive-dvipdfmx-bin -
Binaries for dvipdfmx
texlive-dvipdfmx-def -
Configuration file for dvipdfmx graphics
texlive-dvipdfmx-doc -
Documentation for dvipdfmx
texlive-dvipng -
A fast DVI to PNG/GIF converter
texlive-dvipng-bin -
Binaries for dvipng
texlive-dvipng-doc -
Documentation for dvipng
texlive-dvipos -
dvipos package
texlive-dvipos-bin -
Binaries for dvipos
texlive-dvips -
A DVI to PostScript driver
texlive-dvips-bin -
Binaries for dvips
texlive-dvips-doc -
Documentation for dvips
texlive-dvipsconfig -
Collection of dvips PostScript headers
texlive-dvisvgm -
Convert DVI files to Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG)
texlive-dvisvgm-bin -
Binaries for dvisvgm
texlive-dynblocks -
A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer
texlive-dynblocks-doc -
Documentation for dynblocks
texlive-dyntree -
Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
texlive-dyntree-doc -
Documentation for dyntree
texlive-ean -
Macros for making EAN barcodes
texlive-ean-doc -
Documentation for ean
texlive-ean13isbn -
Print EAN13 for ISBN
texlive-ean13isbn-doc -
Documentation for ean13isbn
texlive-easy -
A collection of easy-to-use macros
texlive-easy-doc -
Documentation for easy
texlive-easy-todo -
To-do notes in a document
texlive-easy-todo-doc -
Documentation for easy-todo
texlive-easyfig -
Simplifying the use of common figures
texlive-easyfig-doc -
Documentation for easyfig
texlive-easylist -
Lists using a single active character
texlive-easylist-doc -
Documentation for easylist
texlive-ebezier -
Device independent picture environment enhancement
texlive-ebezier-doc -
Documentation for ebezier
texlive-ebgaramond -
LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
texlive-ebgaramond-doc -
Documentation for ebgaramond
texlive-ebong -
Utility for writing Bengali in Rapid Roman Format
texlive-ebong-bin -
Binaries for ebong
texlive-ebong-doc -
Documentation for ebong
texlive-ebook -
ebook package
texlive-ebook-doc -
Documentation for ebook
texlive-ebsthesis -
Typesetting theses for economics
texlive-ebsthesis-doc -
Documentation for ebsthesis
texlive-ec -
Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
texlive-ec-doc -
Documentation for ec
texlive-ecc -
Sources for the European Concrete fonts
texlive-ecc-doc -
Documentation for ecc
texlive-ecclesiastic -
Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin
texlive-ecclesiastic-doc -
Documentation for ecclesiastic
texlive-ecltree -
Trees using epic and eepic macros
texlive-ecltree-doc -
Documentation for ecltree
texlive-eco -
Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
texlive-eco-doc -
Documentation for eco
texlive-ecv -
A fancy Curriculum Vitae class
texlive-ecv-doc -
Documentation for ecv
texlive-ed -
Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents
texlive-ed-doc -
Documentation for ed
texlive-edfnotes -
Critical annotations to footnotes with ednotes
texlive-edfnotes-doc -
Documentation for edfnotes
texlive-edmac -
Typeset scholarly edition
texlive-edmac-doc -
Documentation for edmac
texlive-edmargin -
Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions
texlive-edmargin-doc -
Documentation for edmargin
texlive-ednotes -
Typeset scholarly editions
texlive-ednotes-doc -
Documentation for ednotes
texlive-eemeir -
Adjust the gender of words in a document
texlive-eemeir-doc -
Documentation for eemeir
texlive-eepic -
Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools
texlive-eepic-doc -
Documentation for eepic
texlive-efbox -
Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
texlive-efbox-doc -
Documentation for efbox
texlive-egameps -
LaTeX package for typesetting extensive games
texlive-egameps-doc -
Documentation for egameps
texlive-egplot -
Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents
texlive-egplot-doc -
Documentation for egplot
texlive-eiad-ltx -
LaTeX support for the eiad font
texlive-eiad-ltx-doc -
Documentation for eiad-ltx
texlive-eijkhout -
Victor Eijkhout's packages
texlive-einfuehrung-doc -
Documentation for einfuehrung
texlive-ejpecp -
Class for EJP and ECP
texlive-ejpecp-doc -
Documentation for ejpecp
texlive-elbioimp -
A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
texlive-elbioimp-doc -
Documentation for elbioimp
texlive-electrum -
Electrum ADF fonts collection
texlive-electrum-doc -
Documentation for electrum
texlive-eledform -
Define textual variants
texlive-eledform-doc -
Documentation for eledform
texlive-eledmac -
Typeset scholarly editions
texlive-eledmac-doc -
Documentation for eledmac
texlive-ellipsis -
Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode
texlive-ellipsis-doc -
Documentation for ellipsis
texlive-elmath -
Mathematics in Greek texts
texlive-elmath-doc -
Documentation for elmath
texlive-elpres -
A simple class for electronic presentations
texlive-elpres-doc -
Documentation for elpres
texlive-elsarticle -
Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
texlive-elsarticle-doc -
Documentation for elsarticle
texlive-elteikthesis -
Thesis class for ELTE University Informatics wing
texlive-elteikthesis-doc -
Documentation for elteikthesis
texlive-eltex -
Simple circuit diagrams in LaTeX picture mode
texlive-eltex-doc -
Documentation for eltex
texlive-elvish -
Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts
texlive-elvish-doc -
Documentation for elvish
texlive-emarks -
Named mark registers with e-TeX
texlive-emarks-doc -
Documentation for emarks
texlive-embedall -
Embed source files into the generated PDF
texlive-embedall-doc -
Documentation for embedall
texlive-embrac -
Upright brackets in emphasised text
texlive-embrac-doc -
Documentation for embrac
texlive-emp -
"Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document
texlive-emp-doc -
Documentation for emp
texlive-emptypage -
Make empty pages really empty
texlive-emptypage-doc -
Documentation for emptypage
texlive-emulateapj -
Produce output similar to that of APJ
texlive-emulateapj-doc -
Documentation for emulateapj
texlive-enctex -
A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX
texlive-enctex-doc -
Documentation for enctex
texlive-encxvlna -
Insert nonbreakable spaces, using encTeX
texlive-encxvlna-doc -
Documentation for encxvlna
texlive-endfloat -
Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong
texlive-endfloat-doc -
Documentation for endfloat
texlive-endheads -
Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
texlive-endheads-doc -
Documentation for endheads
texlive-endiagram -
Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams
texlive-endiagram-doc -
Documentation for endiagram
texlive-endnotes -
Place footnotes at the end
texlive-endnotes-doc -
Documentation for endnotes
texlive-engpron -
Helps to type the pronunciation of English words
texlive-engpron-doc -
Documentation for engpron
texlive-engrec -
Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
texlive-engrec-doc -
Documentation for engrec
texlive-engtlc -
Support for users in Telecommunications Engineering
texlive-engtlc-doc -
Documentation for engtlc
texlive-enigma -
Encrypt documents with a three rotor Enigma
texlive-enigma-doc -
Documentation for enigma
texlive-enotez -
Support for end-notes
texlive-enotez-doc -
Documentation for enotez
texlive-enumitem -
Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description
texlive-enumitem-doc -
Documentation for enumitem
texlive-enumitem-zref -
Extended references to items for enumitem package
texlive-enumitem-zref-doc -
Documentation for enumitem-zref
texlive-envbig -
Printing addresses on envelopes
texlive-envbig-doc -
Documentation for envbig
texlive-environ -
A new interface for environments in LaTeX
texlive-environ-doc -
Documentation for environ
texlive-envlab -
Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
texlive-envlab-doc -
Documentation for envlab
texlive-epigrafica -
A Greek and Latin font
texlive-epigrafica-doc -
Documentation for epigrafica
texlive-epigram -
Display short quotations
texlive-epigraph -
A package for typesetting epigraphs
texlive-epigraph-doc -
Documentation for epigraph
texlive-epiolmec -
Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language
texlive-epiolmec-doc -
Documentation for epiolmec
texlive-eplain -
Extended plain tex macros
texlive-eplain-bin -
Binaries for eplain
texlive-eplain-doc -
Documentation for eplain
texlive-epsdice -
A scalable dice "font"
texlive-epsdice-doc -
Documentation for epsdice
texlive-epsf -
Simple macros for EPS inclusion
texlive-epsf-doc -
Documentation for epsf
texlive-epsincl -
Include EPS in MetaPost figures
texlive-epsincl-doc -
Documentation for epsincl
texlive-epslatex-fr-doc -
Documentation for epslatex-fr
texlive-epspdf -
Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
texlive-epspdf-bin -
Binaries for epspdf
texlive-epspdf-doc -
Documentation for epspdf
texlive-epspdfconversion -
On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF
texlive-epspdfconversion-doc -
Documentation for epspdfconversion
texlive-epstopdf -
Convert EPS to 'encapsulated' PDF using GhostScript
texlive-epstopdf-bin -
Binaries for epstopdf
texlive-epstopdf-doc -
Documentation for epstopdf
texlive-eqell -
Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation
texlive-eqell-doc -
Documentation for eqell
texlive-eqlist -
Description lists with equal indentation
texlive-eqlist-doc -
Documentation for eqlist
texlive-eqname -
Name tags for equations
texlive-eqnarray -
More generalised equation arrays with numbering
texlive-eqnarray-doc -
Documentation for eqnarray
texlive-eqparbox -
Create equal-widthed parboxes
texlive-eqparbox-doc -
Documentation for eqparbox
texlive-erdc -
Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers
texlive-erdc-doc -
Documentation for erdc
texlive-errata -
Error markup for LaTeX documents
texlive-errata-doc -
Documentation for errata
texlive-es-tex-faq-doc -
Documentation for es-tex-faq
texlive-esami -
Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
texlive-esami-doc -
Documentation for esami
texlive-esdiff -
Simplify typesetting of derivatives
texlive-esdiff-doc -
Documentation for esdiff
texlive-esint -
Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
texlive-esint-doc -
Documentation for esint
texlive-esint-type1 -
Font esint10 in Type 1 format
texlive-esint-type1-doc -
Documentation for esint-type1
texlive-esk -
Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources
texlive-esk-doc -
Documentation for esk
texlive-eskd -
Modern Russian typesetting
texlive-eskd-doc -
Documentation for eskd
texlive-eskdx -
Modern Russian typesetting
texlive-eskdx-doc -
Documentation for eskdx
texlive-eso-pic -
Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
texlive-eso-pic-doc -
Documentation for eso-pic
texlive-esstix -
PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support
texlive-esstix-doc -
Documentation for esstix
texlive-estcpmm -
Style for Munitions Management Project Reports
texlive-estcpmm-doc -
Documentation for estcpmm
texlive-esvect -
Vector arrows
texlive-esvect-doc -
Documentation for esvect
texlive-etaremune -
Reverse-counting enumerate environment
texlive-etaremune-doc -
Documentation for etaremune
texlive-etex -
An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project
texlive-etex-doc -
Documentation for etex
texlive-etex-pkg -
E-TeX support package
texlive-etex-pkg-doc -
Documentation for etex-pkg
texlive-etextools -
e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers
texlive-etextools-doc -
Documentation for etextools
texlive-ethiop -
LaTeX macros and fonts for typesetting Amharic
texlive-ethiop-doc -
Documentation for ethiop
texlive-ethiop-t1 -
Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts
texlive-ethiop-t1-doc -
Documentation for ethiop-t1
texlive-etoc -
Completely customisable TOCs
texlive-etoc-doc -
Documentation for etoc
texlive-etoolbox -
Tool-box for LaTeX programmers using e-TeX
texlive-etoolbox-de-doc -
Documentation for etoolbox-de
texlive-etoolbox-doc -
Documentation for etoolbox
texlive-euenc -
Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX
texlive-euenc-doc -
Documentation for euenc
texlive-eukdate -
UK format dates, with weekday
texlive-eukdate-doc -
Documentation for eukdate
texlive-euler -
Use AMS Euler fonts for math
texlive-euler-doc -
Documentation for euler
texlive-eulervm -
Euler virtual math fonts
texlive-eulervm-doc -
Documentation for eulervm
texlive-euro -
Provide Euro values for national currency amounts
texlive-euro-doc -
Documentation for euro
texlive-europecv -
Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
texlive-europecv-doc -
Documentation for europecv
texlive-eurosym -
MetaFont and macros for Euro sign
texlive-eurosym-doc -
Documentation for eurosym
texlive-euxm -
euxm package
texlive-everyhook -
Hooks for standard TeX token lists
texlive-everyhook-doc -
Documentation for everyhook
texlive-everypage -
Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document
texlive-everypage-doc -
Documentation for everypage
texlive-exam -
Package for typesetting exam scripts
texlive-exam-doc -
Documentation for exam
texlive-examdesign -
LaTeX class for typesetting exams
texlive-examdesign-doc -
Documentation for examdesign
texlive-example -
Typeset examples for TeX courses
texlive-examplep -
Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX
texlive-examplep-doc -
Documentation for examplep
texlive-exceltex -
Get data from Excel files into LaTeX
texlive-exceltex-bin -
Binaries for exceltex
texlive-exceltex-doc -
Documentation for exceltex
texlive-excludeonly -
Prevent files being \include-ed
texlive-excludeonly-doc -
Documentation for excludeonly
texlive-exercise -
Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
texlive-exercise-doc -
Documentation for exercise
texlive-exp-testopt -
Expandable \@testopt (and related) macros
texlive-exp-testopt-doc -
Documentation for exp-testopt
texlive-expdlist -
Expanded description environments
texlive-expdlist-doc -
Documentation for expdlist
texlive-expex -
Format linguistic examples and glosses, with reference capabilities
texlive-expex-doc -
Documentation for expex
texlive-export -
Import and export values of LaTeX registers
texlive-export-doc -
Documentation for export
texlive-expressg -
Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations
texlive-expressg-doc -
Documentation for expressg
texlive-exsheets -
Create exercise sheets and exams
texlive-exsheets-doc -
Documentation for exsheets
texlive-exsol -
Exercises and solutions from same source, into a book
texlive-exsol-doc -
Documentation for exsol
texlive-extarrows -
Extra Arrows beyond those provided in AMSmath
texlive-extarrows-doc -
Documentation for extarrows
texlive-exteps -
Include EPS figures in MetaPost
texlive-exteps-doc -
Documentation for exteps
texlive-extpfeil -
Extensible arrows in mathematics
texlive-extpfeil-doc -
Documentation for extpfeil
texlive-extract -
Extract parts of a document and write to another document
texlive-extract-doc -
Documentation for extract
texlive-extsizes -
Extend the standard classes' size options
texlive-extsizes-doc -
Documentation for extsizes
texlive-facsimile -
Document class for preparing faxes
texlive-facsimile-doc -
Documentation for facsimile
texlive-factura -
factura package
texlive-factura-doc -
Documentation for factura
texlive-facture -
Generate an invoice
texlive-facture-doc -
Documentation for facture
texlive-faktor -
Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX
texlive-faktor-doc -
Documentation for faktor
texlive-fancybox -
Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
texlive-fancybox-doc -
Documentation for fancybox
texlive-fancyhdr -
Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
texlive-fancyhdr-doc -
Documentation for fancyhdr
texlive-fancyhdr-it-doc -
Documentation for fancyhdr-it
texlive-fancynum -
Typeset numbers
texlive-fancynum-doc -
Documentation for fancynum
texlive-fancypar -
Decoration of individual paragraphs
texlive-fancypar-doc -
Documentation for fancypar
texlive-fancyref -
A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing
texlive-fancyref-doc -
Documentation for fancyref
texlive-fancytabs -
Fancy page border tabs
texlive-fancytabs-doc -
Documentation for fancytabs
texlive-fancytooltips -
Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
texlive-fancytooltips-doc -
Documentation for fancytooltips
texlive-fancyvrb -
Sophisticated verbatim text
texlive-fancyvrb-doc -
Documentation for fancyvrb
texlive-fandol -
Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting
texlive-fandol-doc -
Documentation for fandol
texlive-fast-diagram -
Easy generation of FAST diagrams
texlive-fast-diagram-doc -
Documentation for fast-diagram
texlive-fbb -
A free Bembo-like font
texlive-fbb-doc -
Documentation for fbb
texlive-fbithesis -
Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund
texlive-fbithesis-doc -
Documentation for fbithesis
texlive-fbs -
BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience
texlive-fc -
Fonts for African languages
texlive-fc-doc -
Documentation for fc
texlive-fcltxdoc -
Macros for use in the author's documentation
texlive-fcltxdoc-doc -
Documentation for fcltxdoc
texlive-fdsymbol -
A maths symbol font
texlive-fdsymbol-doc -
Documentation for fdsymbol
texlive-featpost -
MetaPost macros for 3D
texlive-featpost-doc -
Documentation for featpost
texlive-fenixpar -
One-shot changes to token registers such as \everypar
texlive-fenixpar-doc -
Documentation for fenixpar
texlive-fetamont -
Extended version of Knuth's logo typeface
texlive-fetamont-doc -
Documentation for fetamont
texlive-feupphdteses -
Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto
texlive-feupphdteses-doc -
Documentation for feupphdteses
texlive-feyn -
A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
texlive-feyn-doc -
Documentation for feyn
texlive-feynmf -
Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
texlive-feynmf-doc -
Documentation for feynmf
texlive-feynmp-auto -
Automatic processing of feynmp graphics
texlive-feynmp-auto-doc -
Documentation for feynmp-auto
texlive-fge -
A font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
texlive-fge-doc -
Documentation for fge
texlive-fifinddo-info-doc -
Documentation for fifinddo-info
texlive-fifo-stack -
FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
texlive-fifo-stack-doc -
Documentation for fifo-stack
texlive-fig4latex -
Management of figures for large LaTeX documents
texlive-fig4latex-bin -
Binaries for fig4latex
texlive-fig4latex-doc -
Documentation for fig4latex
texlive-figbas -
Mini-fonts for figured-bass notation in music
texlive-figbas-doc -
Documentation for figbas
texlive-figbib -
Organize figure databases with BibTeX
texlive-figbib-doc -
Documentation for figbib
texlive-figflow -
Flow text around a figure
texlive-figflow-doc -
Documentation for figflow
texlive-figsize -
Auto-size graphics
texlive-figsize-doc -
Documentation for figsize
texlive-filecontents -
Extended filecontents and filecontents* environments
texlive-filecontents-doc -
Documentation for filecontents
texlive-filedate -
Access and compare info and modification dates
texlive-filedate-doc -
Documentation for filedate
texlive-filehook -
Hooks for input files
texlive-filehook-doc -
Documentation for filehook
texlive-fileinfo -
Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information
texlive-fileinfo-doc -
Documentation for fileinfo
texlive-filemod -
Provide file modification times, and compare them
texlive-filemod-doc -
Documentation for filemod
texlive-finbib -
A Finnish version of plain.bst
texlive-findhyph -
Find hyphenated words in a document
texlive-findhyph-bin -
Binaries for findhyph
texlive-findhyph-doc -
Documentation for findhyph
texlive-fink -
The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper
texlive-fink-doc -
Documentation for fink
texlive-finstrut -
Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes
texlive-finstrut-doc -
Documentation for finstrut
texlive-fira -
fira package
texlive-fira-doc -
Documentation for fira
texlive-first-latex-doc-doc -
Documentation for first-latex-doc
texlive-fix2col -
Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
texlive-fix2col-doc -
Documentation for fix2col
texlive-fixfoot -
Multiple use of the same footnote text
texlive-fixfoot-doc -
Documentation for fixfoot
texlive-fixlatvian -
Improve Latvian language support in XeLaTeX
texlive-fixlatvian-doc -
Documentation for fixlatvian
texlive-fixltxhyph -
Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
texlive-fixltxhyph-doc -
Documentation for fixltxhyph
texlive-fixme -
Insert "fixme" notes into draft documents
texlive-fixme-doc -
Documentation for fixme
texlive-fixmetodonotes -
Add notes on document development
texlive-fixmetodonotes-doc -
Documentation for fixmetodonotes
texlive-fixpdfmag -
Fix magnification in PDFTeX
texlive-fjodor -
A selection of layout styles
texlive-fjodor-doc -
Documentation for fjodor
texlive-flabels -
Labels for files and folders
texlive-flabels-doc -
Documentation for flabels
texlive-flacards -
Generate flashcards for printing
texlive-flacards-doc -
Documentation for flacards
texlive-flagderiv -
Flag style derivation package
texlive-flagderiv-doc -
Documentation for flagderiv
texlive-flashcards -
A class for typesetting flashcards
texlive-flashcards-doc -
Documentation for flashcards
texlive-flashmovie -
Directly embed flash movies into PDF files
texlive-flashmovie-doc -
Documentation for flashmovie
texlive-flipbook -
Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents
texlive-flipbook-doc -
Documentation for flipbook
texlive-flippdf -
Horizontal flipping of pages with pdfLaTeX
texlive-flippdf-doc -
Documentation for flippdf
texlive-float -
Improved interface for floating objects
texlive-float-doc -
Documentation for float
texlive-floatflt -
Wrap text around floats
texlive-floatflt-doc -
Documentation for floatflt
texlive-floatrow -
Modifying the layout of floats
texlive-floatrow-doc -
Documentation for floatrow
texlive-flowchart -
Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ
texlive-flowchart-doc -
Documentation for flowchart
texlive-flowfram -
Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines
texlive-flowfram-doc -
Documentation for flowfram
texlive-fltpoint -
Simple floating point arithmetic
texlive-fltpoint-doc -
Documentation for fltpoint
texlive-fmp -
Include Functional MetaPost in LaTeX
texlive-fmp-doc -
Documentation for fmp
texlive-fmtcount -
Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
texlive-fmtcount-doc -
Documentation for fmtcount
texlive-fn2end -
Convert footnotes to endnotes
texlive-fn2end-doc -
Documentation for fn2end
texlive-fnbreak -
Warn for split footnotes
texlive-fnbreak-doc -
Documentation for fnbreak
texlive-fncychap -
Seven predefined chapter heading styles
texlive-fncychap-doc -
Documentation for fncychap
texlive-fncylab -
Alter the format of \label references
texlive-fncylab-doc -
Documentation for fncylab
texlive-fnpara -
Footnotes in paragraphs
texlive-fnpara-doc -
Documentation for fnpara
texlive-fnpct -
Manage footnote marks' interaction with punctuation
texlive-fnpct-doc -
Documentation for fnpct
texlive-fntproof -
A programmable font test pattern generator
texlive-fntproof-doc -
Documentation for fntproof
texlive-fnumprint -
Print a number in 'appropriate' format
texlive-fnumprint-doc -
Documentation for fnumprint
texlive-foekfont -
The title font of the Mads Fok magazine
texlive-foekfont-doc -
Documentation for foekfont
texlive-foilhtml -
Interface between foiltex and LaTeX2HTML
texlive-foilhtml-doc -
Documentation for foilhtml
texlive-fonetika -
Support for the danish "Dania" phonetic system
texlive-fonetika-doc -
Documentation for fonetika
texlive-font-change -
Macros to Change Text and Math fonts in plain TeX
texlive-font-change-doc -
Documentation for font-change
texlive-fontawesome -
Font containing web-related icons
texlive-fontawesome-doc -
Documentation for fontawesome
texlive-fontaxes -
Additional font axes for LaTeX
texlive-fontaxes-doc -
Documentation for fontaxes
texlive-fontbook -
Generate a font book
texlive-fontbook-doc -
Documentation for fontbook
texlive-fontch -
Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX
texlive-fontch-doc -
Documentation for fontch
texlive-fontinst -
Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX
texlive-fontinst-bin -
Binaries for fontinst
texlive-fontinst-doc -
Documentation for fontinst
texlive-fontname -
Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
texlive-fontname-doc -
Documentation for fontname
texlive-fontools -
Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
texlive-fontools-bin -
Binaries for fontools
texlive-fontools-doc -
Documentation for fontools
texlive-fonts-tlwg -
Thai fonts for LaTeX from TLWG
texlive-fonts-tlwg-doc -
Documentation for fonts-tlwg
texlive-fontspec -
Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
texlive-fontspec-doc -
Documentation for fontspec
texlive-fonttable -
Print font tables from a LaTeX document
texlive-fonttable-doc -
Documentation for fonttable
texlive-fontware -
fontware package
texlive-fontware-bin -
Binaries for fontware
texlive-fontwrap -
Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks
texlive-fontwrap-doc -
Documentation for fontwrap
texlive-footbib -
Bibliographic references as footnotes
texlive-footbib-doc -
Documentation for footbib
texlive-footmisc -
A range of footnote options
texlive-footmisc-doc -
Documentation for footmisc
texlive-footnotebackref -
Back-references from footnotes
texlive-footnotebackref-doc -
Documentation for footnotebackref
texlive-footnoterange -
References to ranges of footnotes
texlive-footnoterange-doc -
Documentation for footnoterange
texlive-footnpag -
Per-page numbering of footnotes
texlive-footnpag-doc -
Documentation for footnpag
texlive-forarray -
Using array structures in LaTeX
texlive-forarray-doc -
Documentation for forarray
texlive-foreign -
Systematic treatment of 'foreign' words in documents
texlive-foreign-doc -
Documentation for foreign
texlive-forest -
Drawing (linguistic) trees
texlive-forest-doc -
Documentation for forest
texlive-forloop -
Iteration in LaTeX
texlive-forloop-doc -
Documentation for forloop
texlive-formular -
Create forms containing field for manual entry
texlive-formular-doc -
Documentation for formular
texlive-fouridx -
Left sub- and superscripts in maths mode
texlive-fouridx-doc -
Documentation for fouridx
texlive-fourier -
Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
texlive-fourier-doc -
Documentation for fourier
texlive-fouriernc -
Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts
texlive-fouriernc-doc -
Documentation for fouriernc
texlive-fp -
Fixed point arithmetic
texlive-fp-doc -
Documentation for fp
texlive-fpl -
SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
texlive-fpl-doc -
Documentation for fpl
texlive-fragmaster -
Using psfrag with PDFLaTeX
texlive-fragmaster-bin -
Binaries for fragmaster
texlive-fragmaster-doc -
Documentation for fragmaster
texlive-fragments -
Fragments of LaTeX code
texlive-fragments-doc -
Documentation for fragments
texlive-frame -
Framed boxes for Plain TeX
texlive-frame-doc -
Documentation for frame
texlive-framed -
Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages
texlive-framed-doc -
Documentation for framed
texlive-francais-bst -
Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards
texlive-francais-bst-doc -
Documentation for francais-bst
texlive-frankenstein -
A collection of LaTeX packages.
texlive-frankenstein-doc -
Documentation for frankenstein
texlive-frcursive -
French cursive hand fonts
texlive-frcursive-doc -
Documentation for frcursive
texlive-frege -
Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift
texlive-frege-doc -
Documentation for frege
texlive-frenchle -
French macros, usable stand-alone or with Babel
texlive-frenchle-doc -
Documentation for frenchle
texlive-frletter -
Typeset letters in the French style
texlive-frletter-doc -
Documentation for frletter
texlive-frontespizio -
Create a frontispiece for Italian theses
texlive-frontespizio-doc -
Documentation for frontespizio
texlive-ftcap -
Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment
texlive-ftcap-doc -
Documentation for ftcap
texlive-ftnxtra -
Extend the applicability of the \footnote command
texlive-ftnxtra-doc -
Documentation for ftnxtra
texlive-fullblck -
Left-blocking for letter class
texlive-fullblck-doc -
Documentation for fullblck
texlive-fullwidth -
Adjust margins of text block
texlive-fullwidth-doc -
Documentation for fullwidth
texlive-functan -
Macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
texlive-functan-doc -
Documentation for functan
texlive-fundus-calligra -
Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
texlive-fundus-calligra-doc -
Documentation for fundus-calligra
texlive-fundus-cyr -
Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts
texlive-fundus-sueterlin -
texlive-fundus-sueterlin-doc -
Documentation for fundus-sueterlin
texlive-fwlw -
Get first and last words of a page
texlive-fwlw-doc -
Documentation for fwlw
texlive-g-brief -
Letter document class
texlive-g-brief-doc -
Documentation for g-brief
texlive-gaceta -
A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME
texlive-gaceta-doc -
Documentation for gaceta
texlive-galois -
Typeset Galois connections
texlive-galois-doc -
Documentation for galois
texlive-gamebook -
Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels
texlive-gamebook-doc -
Documentation for gamebook
texlive-garrigues -
MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram
texlive-garrigues-doc -
Documentation for garrigues
texlive-garuda-c90 -
TeX support (from CJK) for the garuda font
texlive-gastex -
Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
texlive-gastex-doc -
Documentation for gastex
texlive-gatech-thesis -
Georgia Institute of Technology thesis class
texlive-gatech-thesis-doc -
Documentation for gatech-thesis
texlive-gates -
Support for writing modular and customisable code
texlive-gates-doc -
Documentation for gates
texlive-gauss -
A package for Gaussian operations
texlive-gauss-doc -
Documentation for gauss
texlive-gb4e -
Linguistic tools
texlive-gb4e-doc -
Documentation for gb4e
texlive-gcard -
Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
texlive-gcard-doc -
Documentation for gcard
texlive-gchords -
Typeset guitar chords
texlive-gchords-doc -
Documentation for gchords
texlive-gcite -
Citations in a reader-friendly style
texlive-gcite-doc -
Documentation for gcite
texlive-gene-logic -
Typeset logic formulae, etc
texlive-gene-logic-doc -
Documentation for gene-logic
texlive-genealogy -
A compilation genealogy font
texlive-genealogy-doc -
Documentation for genealogy
texlive-genmisc -
genmisc package
texlive-genmpage -
Generalization of LaTeX's minipages
texlive-genmpage-doc -
Documentation for genmpage
texlive-gentium-tug -
Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
texlive-gentium-tug-doc -
Documentation for gentium-tug
texlive-gentle-doc -
Documentation for gentle
texlive-geometry -
Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
texlive-geometry-de-doc -
Documentation for geometry-de
texlive-geometry-doc -
Documentation for geometry
texlive-german -
Support for German typography
texlive-german-doc -
Documentation for german
texlive-germkorr -
Change kerning for german quotation marks
texlive-germkorr-doc -
Documentation for germkorr
texlive-geschichtsfrkl -
BibLaTeX style for historians
texlive-geschichtsfrkl-doc -
Documentation for geschichtsfrkl
texlive-getfiledate -
Find the date of last modification of a file
texlive-getfiledate-doc -
Documentation for getfiledate
texlive-gfsartemisia -
A modern Greek font design
texlive-gfsartemisia-doc -
Documentation for gfsartemisia
texlive-gfsbaskerville -
A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville
texlive-gfsbaskerville-doc -
Documentation for gfsbaskerville
texlive-gfsbodoni -
A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni
texlive-gfsbodoni-doc -
Documentation for gfsbodoni
texlive-gfscomplutum -
A Greek font with a long history
texlive-gfscomplutum-doc -
Documentation for gfscomplutum
texlive-gfsdidot -
A Greek font based on Didot's work
texlive-gfsdidot-doc -
Documentation for gfsdidot
texlive-gfsneohellenic -
A Greek font in the Neo-Hellenic style
texlive-gfsneohellenic-doc -
Documentation for gfsneohellenic
texlive-gfsporson -
A Greek font, originally from Porson
texlive-gfsporson-doc -
Documentation for gfsporson
texlive-gfssolomos -
A Greek-alphabet font
texlive-gfssolomos-doc -
Documentation for gfssolomos
texlive-ghab -
Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX
texlive-ghab-doc -
Documentation for ghab
texlive-gillcm -
Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
texlive-gillcm-doc -
Documentation for gillcm
texlive-gillius -
Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
texlive-gillius-doc -
Documentation for gillius
texlive-gincltex -
Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics)
texlive-gincltex-doc -
Documentation for gincltex
texlive-ginpenc -
Modification of inputenc for German
texlive-ginpenc-doc -
Documentation for ginpenc
texlive-gitinfo -
Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
texlive-gitinfo-doc -
Documentation for gitinfo
texlive-gloss -
Create glossaries using BibTeX
texlive-gloss-doc -
Documentation for gloss
texlive-glossaries -
Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
texlive-glossaries-bin -
Binaries for glossaries
texlive-glossaries-doc -
Documentation for glossaries
texlive-glyphlist -
glyphlist package
texlive-gmdoc -
Documentation of LaTeX packages
texlive-gmdoc-doc -
Documentation for gmdoc
texlive-gmdoc-enhance -
Some enhancements to the gmdoc package
texlive-gmdoc-enhance-doc -
Documentation for gmdoc-enhance
texlive-gmiflink -
Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink
texlive-gmiflink-doc -
Documentation for gmiflink
texlive-gmp -
Allow integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX
texlive-gmp-doc -
Documentation for gmp
texlive-gmutils -
Support macros for other packages
texlive-gmutils-doc -
Documentation for gmutils
texlive-gmverb -
A variant of LaTeX \verb, verbatim and shortvrb
texlive-gmverb-doc -
Documentation for gmverb
texlive-gmverse -
A package for typesetting (short) poems
texlive-gmverse-doc -
Documentation for gmverse
texlive-gnu-freefont -
A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
texlive-gnu-freefont-doc -
Documentation for gnu-freefont
texlive-gnuplottex -
Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
texlive-gnuplottex-doc -
Documentation for gnuplottex
texlive-go -
Fonts and macros for typesetting go games
texlive-go-doc -
Documentation for go
texlive-gost -
BibTeX styles to format according to GOST
texlive-gost-doc -
Documentation for gost
texlive-gothic -
A collection of old German-style fonts
texlive-gothic-doc -
Documentation for gothic
texlive-gradientframe -
Simple gradient frames around objects
texlive-gradientframe-doc -
Documentation for gradientframe
texlive-grafcet -
Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ
texlive-grafcet-doc -
Documentation for grafcet
texlive-graphics -
Standard LaTeX graphics
texlive-graphics-doc -
Documentation for graphics
texlive-graphics-pln -
LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users
texlive-graphics-pln-doc -
Documentation for graphics-pln
texlive-graphicx-psmin -
Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
texlive-graphicx-psmin-doc -
Documentation for graphicx-psmin
texlive-graphicxbox -
Insert a graphical image as a background
texlive-graphicxbox-doc -
Documentation for graphicxbox
texlive-graphviz -
Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents
texlive-graphviz-doc -
Documentation for graphviz
texlive-greek-fontenc -
LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
texlive-greek-fontenc-doc -
Documentation for greek-fontenc
texlive-greek-inputenc -
Greek encoding support for inputenc
texlive-greek-inputenc-doc -
Documentation for greek-inputenc
texlive-greekdates -
Provides ancient Greek day and month names, dates, etc
texlive-greekdates-doc -
Documentation for greekdates
texlive-greektex -
Fonts for typesetting Greek/English documents
texlive-greektex-doc -
Documentation for greektex
texlive-greenpoint -
The Green Point logo
texlive-greenpoint-doc -
Documentation for greenpoint
texlive-grfpaste -
Include fragments of a dvi file
texlive-grfpaste-doc -
Documentation for grfpaste
texlive-grid -
Grid typesetting in LaTeX
texlive-grid-doc -
Documentation for grid
texlive-grid-system -
Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities
texlive-grid-system-doc -
Documentation for grid-system
texlive-gridset -
Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
texlive-gridset-doc -
Documentation for gridset
texlive-grotesq -
URW Grotesq font pack for LaTeX
texlive-grotesq-doc -
Documentation for grotesq
texlive-grundgesetze -
Typeset Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
texlive-grundgesetze-doc -
Documentation for grundgesetze
texlive-gsftopk -
Convert "ghostscript fonts" to PK files
texlive-gsftopk-bin -
Binaries for gsftopk
texlive-gtl -
gtl package
texlive-gtl-doc -
Documentation for gtl
texlive-gtrcrd -
Add chords to lyrics
texlive-gtrcrd-doc -
Documentation for gtrcrd
texlive-gu -
Typeset crystallographic group-subgroup-schemes
texlive-gu-doc -
Documentation for gu
texlive-guide-to-latex-doc -
Documentation for guide-to-latex
texlive-guitar -
Guitar chords and song texts
texlive-guitar-doc -
Documentation for guitar
texlive-guitarchordschemes -
Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures
texlive-guitarchordschemes-doc -
Documentation for guitarchordschemes
texlive-guitlogo -
Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo
texlive-guitlogo-doc -
Documentation for guitlogo
texlive-gustlib -
Polish oriented macros
texlive-gustlib-doc -
Documentation for gustlib
texlive-gustprog-doc -
Documentation for gustprog
texlive-hacm -
Font support for the Arka language
texlive-hacm-doc -
Documentation for hacm
texlive-handout -
Create handout for auditors of a talk
texlive-handout-doc -
Documentation for handout
texlive-hands -
Pointing hand font
texlive-hanging -
Hanging paragraphs
texlive-hanging-doc -
Documentation for hanging
texlive-hanoi -
Tower of Hanoi in TeX
texlive-happy4th-doc -
Documentation for happy4th
texlive-har2nat -
Replace the harvard package with natbib
texlive-har2nat-doc -
Documentation for har2nat
texlive-hardwrap -
Hard wrap text to a certain character length
texlive-hardwrap-doc -
Documentation for hardwrap
texlive-harmony -
Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
texlive-harmony-doc -
Documentation for harmony
texlive-harnon-cv -
harnon-cv package
texlive-harnon-cv-doc -
Documentation for harnon-cv
texlive-harpoon -
Extra harpoons, using the graphics package
texlive-harpoon-doc -
Documentation for harpoon
texlive-harvard -
Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e
texlive-harvard-doc -
Documentation for harvard
texlive-harveyballs -
Create Harvey Balls using TikZ
texlive-harveyballs-doc -
Documentation for harveyballs
texlive-harvmac -
Macros for scientific articles
texlive-harvmac-doc -
Documentation for harvmac
texlive-hatching -
MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths
texlive-hatching-doc -
Documentation for hatching
texlive-hausarbeit-jura -
Class for writing "juristiche Hausarbeiten" at German Universities
texlive-hausarbeit-jura-doc -
Documentation for hausarbeit-jura
texlive-hc -
Replacement for the LaTeX classes
texlive-hc-doc -
Documentation for hc
texlive-he-she -
Alternating pronouns to aid to gender-neutral writing
texlive-he-she-doc -
Documentation for he-she
texlive-helvetic -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-hep -
A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
texlive-hep-doc -
Documentation for hep
texlive-hepnames -
Pre-defined high energy particle names
texlive-hepnames-doc -
Documentation for hepnames
texlive-hepparticles -
Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names
texlive-hepparticles-doc -
Documentation for hepparticles
texlive-hepthesis -
A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
texlive-hepthesis-doc -
Documentation for hepthesis
texlive-hepunits -
A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
texlive-hepunits-doc -
Documentation for hepunits
texlive-here -
Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
texlive-here-doc -
Documentation for here
texlive-hexgame -
Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board
texlive-hexgame-doc -
Documentation for hexgame
texlive-hf-tikz -
A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts
texlive-hf-tikz-doc -
Documentation for hf-tikz
texlive-hfbright -
The hfbright fonts
texlive-hfbright-doc -
Documentation for hfbright
texlive-hfoldsty -
Old style numerals with EC fonts
texlive-hfoldsty-doc -
Documentation for hfoldsty
texlive-hhtensor -
Print vectors, matrices, and tensors
texlive-hhtensor-doc -
Documentation for hhtensor
texlive-histogr -
Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment
texlive-histogr-doc -
Documentation for histogr
texlive-historische-zeitschrift -
Biblatex style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
texlive-historische-zeitschrift-doc -
Documentation for historische-zeitschrift
texlive-hitec -
Class for documentation
texlive-hitec-doc -
Documentation for hitec
texlive-hletter -
Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings
texlive-hletter-doc -
Documentation for hletter
texlive-hobby -
An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ
texlive-hobby-doc -
Documentation for hobby
texlive-hobete -
Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim
texlive-hobete-doc -
Documentation for hobete
texlive-horoscop -
Generate astrological charts in LaTeX
texlive-horoscop-doc -
Documentation for horoscop
texlive-hpsdiss -
A dissertation class
texlive-hpsdiss-doc -
Documentation for hpsdiss
texlive-hrefhide -
Suppress hyper links when printing
texlive-hrefhide-doc -
Documentation for hrefhide
texlive-hrlatex -
LaTeX support for Croatian documents
texlive-hrlatex-doc -
Documentation for hrlatex
texlive-hvfloat -
Rotating caption and object of floats independently
texlive-hvfloat-doc -
Documentation for hvfloat
texlive-hvindex -
Support for indexing
texlive-hvindex-doc -
Documentation for hvindex
texlive-hypdvips -
Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
texlive-hypdvips-doc -
Documentation for hypdvips
texlive-hyper -
Hypertext cross referencing
texlive-hyper-doc -
Documentation for hyper
texlive-hypernat -
Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
texlive-hypernat-doc -
Documentation for hypernat
texlive-hyperref -
Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
texlive-hyperref-doc -
Documentation for hyperref
texlive-hyperref-docsrc-doc -
Documentation for hyperref-docsrc
texlive-hyperxmp -
Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
texlive-hyperxmp-doc -
Documentation for hyperxmp
texlive-hyph-utf8 -
Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
texlive-hyph-utf8-doc -
Documentation for hyph-utf8
texlive-hyphen-afrikaans -
Afrikaans hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-ancientgreek -
Ancient Greek hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-arabic -
(No) Arabic hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-armenian -
Armenian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-base -
hyphen-base package
texlive-hyphen-basque -
Basque hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-bulgarian -
Bulgarian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-catalan -
Catalan hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-chinese -
Chinese pinyin hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-coptic -
Coptic hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-croatian -
Croatian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-czech -
Czech hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-danish -
Danish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-dutch -
Dutch hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-english -
English hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-esperanto -
Esperanto hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-estonian -
Estonian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-ethiopic -
Hyphenation patterns for Ethiopic scripts
texlive-hyphen-farsi -
(No) Persian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-finnish -
Finnish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-french -
French hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-friulan -
Friulan hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-galician -
Galician hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-georgian -
Georgian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-german -
German hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-greek -
Modern Greek hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-greek-doc -
Documentation for hyphen-greek
texlive-hyphen-hungarian -
Hungarian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-hungarian-doc -
Documentation for hyphen-hungarian
texlive-hyphen-icelandic -
Icelandic hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-indic -
Indic hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-indonesian -
Indonesian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-interlingua -
Interlingua hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-irish -
Irish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-italian -
Italian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-kurmanji -
Kurmanji hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-latin -
Latin hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-latvian -
Latvian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-lithuanian -
Lithuanian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-mongolian -
Mongolian hyphenation patterns in Cyrillic script
texlive-hyphen-norwegian -
Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-piedmontese -
Piedmontese hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-polish -
Polish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-portuguese -
Portuguese hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-romanian -
Romanian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-romansh -
Romansh hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-russian -
Russian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-sanskrit -
Sanskrit hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-serbian -
Serbian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-slovak -
Slovak hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-slovenian -
Slovenian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-spanish -
Spanish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-swedish -
Swedish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-thai -
Thai hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-turkish -
Turkish hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-turkmen -
Turkmen hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-ukrainian -
Ukrainian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-uppersorbian -
Upper Sorbian hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphen-welsh -
Welsh hyphenation patterns
texlive-hyphenat -
Disable/enable hypenation
texlive-hyphenat-doc -
Documentation for hyphenat
texlive-hyphenex -
Generate a hyphenation exceptions file
texlive-hyplain -
Basic support for multiple languages in Plain TeX
texlive-hyplain-doc -
Documentation for hyplain
texlive-ibycus-babel -
Use the Ibycus 4 Greek font with Babel
texlive-ibycus-babel-doc -
Documentation for ibycus-babel
texlive-ibygrk -
Fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek
texlive-ibygrk-doc -
Documentation for ibygrk
texlive-icsv -
Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference
texlive-icsv-doc -
Documentation for icsv
texlive-idxcmds -
Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries
texlive-idxcmds-doc -
Documentation for idxcmds
texlive-idxlayout -
Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir
texlive-idxlayout-doc -
Documentation for idxlayout
texlive-ieeepes -
IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions
texlive-ieeepes-doc -
Documentation for ieeepes
texlive-ifetex -
Provides \ifetex switch
texlive-ifetex-doc -
Documentation for ifetex
texlive-ifluatex -
Provides the \ifluatex switch
texlive-ifluatex-doc -
Documentation for ifluatex
texlive-ifmslide -
Presentation slides for screen and printouts
texlive-ifmslide-doc -
Documentation for ifmslide
texlive-ifmtarg -
If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments
texlive-ifmtarg-doc -
Documentation for ifmtarg
texlive-ifnextok -
Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
texlive-ifnextok-doc -
Documentation for ifnextok
texlive-ifoddpage -
ifoddpage package
texlive-ifoddpage-doc -
Documentation for ifoddpage
texlive-ifplatform -
Conditionals to test which platform is being used
texlive-ifplatform-doc -
Documentation for ifplatform
texlive-ifsym -
A collection of symbols
texlive-ifsym-doc -
Documentation for ifsym
texlive-iftex -
Am I running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX?
texlive-iftex-doc -
Documentation for iftex
texlive-ifthenx -
Extra tests for \ifthenelse
texlive-ifthenx-doc -
Documentation for ifthenx
texlive-ifxetex -
Am I running under XeTeX?
texlive-ifxetex-doc -
Documentation for ifxetex
texlive-iitem -
Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment
texlive-iitem-doc -
Documentation for iitem
texlive-ijmart -
LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics
texlive-ijmart-doc -
Documentation for ijmart
texlive-ijqc -
BibTeX style file for the Intl. J. Quantum Chem
texlive-ijqc-doc -
Documentation for ijqc
texlive-imac -
International Modal Analysis Conference format
texlive-imac-doc -
Documentation for imac
texlive-image-gallery -
Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources
texlive-image-gallery-doc -
Documentation for image-gallery
texlive-imakeidx -
A package for producing multiple indexes
texlive-imakeidx-doc -
Documentation for imakeidx
texlive-impatient-doc -
Documentation for impatient
texlive-impatient-fr-doc -
Documentation for impatient-fr
texlive-impnattypo -
Support typography of l'Imprimerie Nationale FranASSaise
texlive-impnattypo-doc -
Documentation for impnattypo
texlive-import -
Establish input relative to a directory
texlive-import-doc -
Documentation for import
texlive-imsproc -
Typeset IMS conference proceedings
texlive-imsproc-doc -
Documentation for imsproc
texlive-imtekda -
IMTEK thesis class
texlive-imtekda-doc -
Documentation for imtekda
texlive-incgraph -
Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
texlive-incgraph-doc -
Documentation for incgraph
texlive-inconsolata -
A monospaced font, with support files for use with TeX
texlive-inconsolata-doc -
Documentation for inconsolata
texlive-index -
Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes
texlive-index-doc -
Documentation for index
texlive-initials -
Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts
texlive-initials-doc -
Documentation for initials
texlive-inlinebib -
Citations in footnotes
texlive-inlinebib-doc -
Documentation for inlinebib
texlive-inlinedef -
Inline expansions within definitions
texlive-inlinedef-doc -
Documentation for inlinedef
texlive-inputtrc -
Trace which file loads which
texlive-inputtrc-doc -
Documentation for inputtrc
texlive-insbox -
A TeX macro for inserting pictures/boxes into paragraphs
texlive-insbox-doc -
Documentation for insbox
texlive-installfont -
A bash script for installing a LaTeX font family
texlive-installfont-doc -
Documentation for installfont
texlive-interactiveworkbook -
latex-based interactive PDF on the web
texlive-interactiveworkbook-doc -
Documentation for interactiveworkbook
texlive-interfaces -
Set parameters for other packages, conveniently
texlive-interfaces-doc -
Documentation for interfaces
texlive-interpreter -
Translate input files on the fly
texlive-interpreter-doc -
Documentation for interpreter
texlive-interval -
Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
texlive-interval-doc -
Documentation for interval
texlive-intro-scientific-doc -
Documentation for intro-scientific
texlive-inversepath -
Calculate inverse file paths
texlive-inversepath-doc -
Documentation for inversepath
texlive-invoice -
Generate invoices
texlive-invoice-doc -
Documentation for invoice
texlive-ionumbers -
Restyle numbers in maths mode
texlive-ionumbers-doc -
Documentation for ionumbers
texlive-iopart-num -
Numeric citation style for IOP journals
texlive-iopart-num-doc -
Documentation for iopart-num
texlive-ipaex -
IPA and IPAex fonts from Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
texlive-ipaex-doc -
Documentation for ipaex
texlive-ipaex-type1 -
IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
texlive-ipaex-type1-doc -
Documentation for ipaex-type1
texlive-iso -
Generic ISO standards typesetting macros
texlive-iso-doc -
Documentation for iso
texlive-iso10303 -
Typesetting the STEP standards
texlive-iso10303-doc -
Documentation for iso10303
texlive-isodate -
Tune the output format of dates according to language
texlive-isodate-doc -
Documentation for isodate
texlive-isodoc -
A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices
texlive-isodoc-doc -
Documentation for isodoc
texlive-isomath -
Mathematics style for science and technology
texlive-isomath-doc -
Documentation for isomath
texlive-isonums -
Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0
texlive-isonums-doc -
Documentation for isonums
texlive-isorot -
Rotation of document elements
texlive-isorot-doc -
Documentation for isorot
texlive-isotope -
A package for typesetting isotopes
texlive-isotope-doc -
Documentation for isotope
texlive-issuulinks -
Produce external links instead of internal ones
texlive-issuulinks-doc -
Documentation for issuulinks
texlive-itnumpar -
Spell numbers in words (Italian)
texlive-itnumpar-doc -
Documentation for itnumpar
texlive-iwhdp -
Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) Discussion Papers
texlive-iwhdp-doc -
Documentation for iwhdp
texlive-iwona -
A two-element sans-serif font
texlive-iwona-doc -
Documentation for iwona
texlive-jablantile -
Metafont version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan
texlive-jablantile-doc -
Documentation for jablantile
texlive-jadetex -
Macros supporting Jade DSSSL output
texlive-jadetex-bin -
Binaries for jadetex
texlive-jadetex-doc -
Documentation for jadetex
texlive-jamtimes -
Expanded Times Roman fonts
texlive-jamtimes-doc -
Documentation for jamtimes
texlive-japanese -
A substitute for a babel package for Japanese
texlive-japanese-doc -
Documentation for japanese
texlive-japanese-otf -
Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
texlive-japanese-otf-doc -
Documentation for japanese-otf
texlive-japanese-otf-uptex -
Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
texlive-japanese-otf-uptex-doc -
Documentation for japanese-otf-uptex
texlive-jfontmaps -
Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese fonts
texlive-jfontmaps-bin -
Binaries for jfontmaps
texlive-jfontmaps-doc -
Documentation for jfontmaps
texlive-jknapltx -
Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
texlive-jknapltx-doc -
Documentation for jknapltx
texlive-jmlr -
Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
texlive-jmlr-doc -
Documentation for jmlr
texlive-jmn -
jmn package
texlive-jneurosci -
BibTeX style for the Journal of Neuroscience
texlive-jneurosci-doc -
Documentation for jneurosci
texlive-jpsj -
Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
texlive-jpsj-doc -
Documentation for jpsj
texlive-js-misc -
Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod
texlive-js-misc-doc -
Documentation for js-misc
texlive-jsclasses -
Classes tailored for use with Japanese
texlive-jsclasses-doc -
Documentation for jsclasses
texlive-junicode -
A TrueType font for mediaevalists
texlive-junicode-doc -
Documentation for junicode
texlive-jura -
A document class for German legal texts
texlive-jura-doc -
Documentation for jura
texlive-juraabbrev -
Abbreviations for typesetting (German) juridical documents
texlive-juraabbrev-doc -
Documentation for juraabbrev
texlive-jurabib -
Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts
texlive-jurabib-doc -
Documentation for jurabib
texlive-juramisc -
Typesetting German juridical documents
texlive-juramisc-doc -
Documentation for juramisc
texlive-jurarsp -
Citations of judgements and official documents in (German) juridical documents
texlive-jurarsp-doc -
Documentation for jurarsp
texlive-jvlisting -
A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package
texlive-jvlisting-doc -
Documentation for jvlisting
texlive-kantlipsum -
Generate sentences in Kant's style
texlive-kantlipsum-doc -
Documentation for kantlipsum
texlive-karnaugh -
Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps
texlive-karnaugh-doc -
Documentation for karnaugh
texlive-kastrup -
kastrup package
texlive-kastrup-doc -
Documentation for kastrup
texlive-kdgdocs -
Document classes for Karel de Grote University College
texlive-kdgdocs-doc -
Documentation for kdgdocs
texlive-kdgreek -
Greek fonts and macros
texlive-kdgreek-doc -
Documentation for kdgreek
texlive-kerkis -
Kerkis (Greek) font family
texlive-kerkis-doc -
Documentation for kerkis
texlive-kerntest -
Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings
texlive-kerntest-doc -
Documentation for kerntest
texlive-keycommand -
Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments
texlive-keycommand-doc -
Documentation for keycommand
texlive-keyreader -
A robust interface to xkeyval
texlive-keyreader-doc -
Documentation for keyreader
texlive-keystroke -
Graphical representation of keys on keyboard
texlive-keystroke-doc -
Documentation for keystroke
texlive-keyval2e -
A lightweight and robust key-value parser
texlive-keyval2e-doc -
Documentation for keyval2e
texlive-kix -
Typeset KIX codes
texlive-kix-doc -
Documentation for kix
texlive-kixfont -
A font for KIX codes
texlive-kixfont-doc -
Documentation for kixfont
texlive-kluwer -
kluwer package
texlive-kluwer-doc -
Documentation for kluwer
texlive-knitting -
Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX
texlive-knitting-doc -
Documentation for knitting
texlive-knittingpattern -
Create knitting patterns
texlive-knittingpattern-doc -
Documentation for knittingpattern
texlive-knuth-doc -
Documentation for knuth
texlive-knuth-lib -
A small library of MetaFont sources
texlive-knuth-local -
Knuth's local information
texlive-knuthotherfonts -
knuthotherfonts package
texlive-koma-moderncvclassic -
Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with biblatex
texlive-koma-moderncvclassic-doc -
Documentation for koma-moderncvclassic
texlive-koma-script -
A bundle of versatile classes and packages
texlive-koma-script-examples-doc -
Documentation for koma-script-examples
texlive-koma-script-sfs -
Koma-script letter class option for Finnish
texlive-koma-script-sfs-doc -
Documentation for koma-script-sfs
texlive-kotex-oblivoir -
A LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
texlive-kotex-oblivoir-doc -
Documentation for kotex-oblivoir
texlive-kotex-plain -
Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
texlive-kotex-plain-doc -
Documentation for kotex-plain
texlive-kotex-utf -
Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
texlive-kotex-utf-doc -
Documentation for kotex-utf
texlive-kotex-utils -
Utility scripts and support files for typesetting Korean
texlive-kotex-utils-bin -
Binaries for kotex-utils
texlive-kotex-utils-doc -
Documentation for kotex-utils
texlive-kpathsea -
Path searching library for TeX-related files
texlive-kpathsea-bin -
Binaries for kpathsea
texlive-kpathsea-doc -
Documentation for kpathsea
texlive-kpathsea-lib -
Path searching library for TeX-related files
texlive-kpathsea-lib-devel -
Path searching library for TeX-related files
texlive-kpfonts -
A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
texlive-kpfonts-doc -
Documentation for kpfonts
texlive-ksfh_nat -
ksfh_nat package
texlive-ktv-texdata -
Extract subsets of documents
texlive-ktv-texdata-doc -
Documentation for ktv-texdata
texlive-kurier -
A two-element sans-serif typeface
texlive-kurier-doc -
Documentation for kurier
texlive-l2picfaq-doc -
Documentation for l2picfaq
texlive-l2tabu-doc -
Documentation for l2tabu
texlive-l2tabu-english-doc -
Documentation for l2tabu-english
texlive-l2tabu-french-doc -
Documentation for l2tabu-french
texlive-l2tabu-italian-doc -
Documentation for l2tabu-italian
texlive-l2tabu-spanish-doc -
Documentation for l2tabu-spanish
texlive-l3experimental -
Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
texlive-l3experimental-doc -
Documentation for l3experimental
texlive-l3kernel -
LaTeX3 programming conventions
texlive-l3kernel-doc -
Documentation for l3kernel
texlive-l3packages -
High-level LaTeX3 concepts
texlive-l3packages-doc -
Documentation for l3packages
texlive-labbook -
Typeset laboratory journals
texlive-labbook-doc -
Documentation for labbook
texlive-labelcas -
Check the existence of labels, and fork accordingly
texlive-labelcas-doc -
Documentation for labelcas
texlive-labels -
Print sheets of sticky labels
texlive-labels-doc -
Documentation for labels
texlive-labyrinth -
Draw labyrinths and solution paths
texlive-labyrinth-doc -
Documentation for labyrinth
texlive-lacheck -
LaTeX checker
texlive-lacheck-bin -
Binaries for lacheck
texlive-lambda -
lambda package
texlive-lambda-lists -
Lists in TeX's mouth
texlive-lambda-lists-doc -
Documentation for lambda-lists
texlive-langcode -
langcode package
texlive-langcode-doc -
Documentation for langcode
texlive-lapdf -
PDF drawing directly in TeX documents
texlive-lapdf-doc -
Documentation for lapdf
texlive-lastpage -
Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
texlive-lastpage-doc -
Documentation for lastpage
texlive-latex -
A TeX macro package that defines LaTeX
texlive-latex-bib-ex-doc -
Documentation for latex-bib-ex
texlive-latex-bin -
LaTeX executables and man pages
texlive-latex-bin-bin -
Binaries for latex-bin
texlive-latex-brochure-doc -
Documentation for latex-brochure
texlive-latex-course-doc -
Documentation for latex-course
texlive-latex-doc -
Documentation for latex
texlive-latex-doc-ptr-doc -
Documentation for latex-doc-ptr
texlive-latex-fonts -
A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions
texlive-latex-fonts-doc -
Documentation for latex-fonts
texlive-latex-git-log -
Typeset git log information
texlive-latex-git-log-bin -
Binaries for latex-git-log
texlive-latex-git-log-doc -
Documentation for latex-git-log
texlive-latex-graphics-companion-doc -
Documentation for latex-graphics-companion
texlive-latex-notes-zh-cn-doc -
Documentation for latex-notes-zh-cn
texlive-latex-referenz-doc -
Documentation for latex-referenz
texlive-latex-tabellen-doc -
Documentation for latex-tabellen
texlive-latex-veryshortguide-doc -
Documentation for latex-veryshortguide
texlive-latex-web-companion-doc -
Documentation for latex-web-companion
texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo -
Unoffical reference manual covering LaTeX2e
texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-doc -
Documentation for latex2e-help-texinfo
texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish -
latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish package
texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish-doc -
Documentation for latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish
texlive-latex2man -
Translate LaTeX-based manual pages into Unix man format
texlive-latex2man-bin -
Binaries for latex2man
texlive-latex2man-doc -
Documentation for latex2man
texlive-latex4wp-doc -
Documentation for latex4wp
texlive-latex4wp-it-doc -
Documentation for latex4wp-it
texlive-latexcheat-doc -
Documentation for latexcheat
texlive-latexcheat-esmx-doc -
Documentation for latexcheat-esmx
texlive-latexcheat-ptbr-doc -
Documentation for latexcheat-ptbr
texlive-latexconfig -
latexconfig package
texlive-latexdiff -
Determine and mark up significant differences between latex files
texlive-latexdiff-bin -
Binaries for latexdiff
texlive-latexdiff-doc -
Documentation for latexdiff
texlive-latexfileinfo-pkgs -
A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information
texlive-latexfileinfo-pkgs-doc -
Documentation for latexfileinfo-pkgs
texlive-latexfileversion -
Prints the version and date of a LaTeX class or style file
texlive-latexfileversion-bin -
Binaries for latexfileversion
texlive-latexfileversion-doc -
Documentation for latexfileversion
texlive-latexindent -
Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
texlive-latexindent-bin -
Binaries for latexindent
texlive-latexindent-doc -
Documentation for latexindent
texlive-latexmp -
Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
texlive-latexmp-doc -
Documentation for latexmp
texlive-latexpand -
Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document
texlive-latexpand-bin -
Binaries for latexpand
texlive-latexpand-doc -
Documentation for latexpand
texlive-lato -
Lato font fanily and LaTeX support
texlive-lato-doc -
Documentation for lato
texlive-layaureo -
A package to improve the A4 page layout
texlive-layaureo-doc -
Documentation for layaureo
texlive-layouts -
Display various elements of a document's layout
texlive-layouts-doc -
Documentation for layouts
texlive-lazylist -
Lists in TeX's "mouth"
texlive-lazylist-doc -
Documentation for lazylist
texlive-lcd -
Alphanumerical LCD-style displays
texlive-lcd-doc -
Documentation for lcd
texlive-lcdftypetools -
A bundle of outline font manipulation tools
texlive-lcdftypetools-bin -
Binaries for lcdftypetools
texlive-lcg -
Generate random integers
texlive-lcg-doc -
Documentation for lcg
texlive-lcyw -
Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in LaTeX
texlive-lcyw-doc -
Documentation for lcyw
texlive-leading -
Define leading with a length
texlive-leading-doc -
Documentation for leading
texlive-leaflet -
Create small handouts (flyers)
texlive-leaflet-doc -
Documentation for leaflet
texlive-lecturer -
On-screen presentations for (almost) all formats
texlive-lecturer-doc -
Documentation for lecturer
texlive-ledmac -
Typeset scholarly editions
texlive-ledmac-doc -
Documentation for ledmac
texlive-leftidx -
Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode
texlive-leftidx-doc -
Documentation for leftidx
texlive-leipzig -
Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
texlive-leipzig-doc -
Documentation for leipzig
texlive-lengthconvert -
Express lengths in arbitrary units
texlive-lengthconvert-doc -
Documentation for lengthconvert
texlive-lettre -
Letters and faxes in French
texlive-lettre-doc -
Documentation for lettre
texlive-lettrine -
Typeset dropped capitals
texlive-lettrine-doc -
Documentation for lettrine
texlive-levy -
Fonts for typesetting classical greek
texlive-levy-doc -
Documentation for levy
texlive-lewis -
Draw Lewis structures
texlive-lewis-doc -
Documentation for lewis
texlive-lexikon -
Macros for a two language dictionary
texlive-lexikon-doc -
Documentation for lexikon
texlive-lexref -
Convenient and uniform references to legal provisions
texlive-lexref-doc -
Documentation for lexref
texlive-lfb -
A Greek font with normal and bold variants
texlive-lfb-doc -
Documentation for lfb
texlive-lgreek -
LaTeX macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
texlive-lgreek-doc -
Documentation for lgreek
texlive-lh -
Cyrillic fonts that support LaTeX standard encodings
texlive-lh-doc -
Documentation for lh
texlive-lhcyr -
A non-standard Cyrillic input scheme
texlive-lhelp -
Miscellaneous helper packages
texlive-lhelp-doc -
Documentation for lhelp
texlive-libertine -
Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
texlive-libertine-doc -
Documentation for libertine
texlive-libgreek -
Use Libertine or Biolinum Greek glyphs in mathematics
texlive-libgreek-doc -
Documentation for libgreek
texlive-librarian -
Tools to create bibliographies in TeX
texlive-librarian-doc -
Documentation for librarian
texlive-librebaskerville -
LaTeX support for the Libre Baskerville family of fonts
texlive-librebaskerville-doc -
Documentation for librebaskerville
texlive-librecaslon -
Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
texlive-librecaslon-doc -
Documentation for librecaslon
texlive-libris -
Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
texlive-libris-doc -
Documentation for libris
texlive-lilyglyphs -
Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in LaTeX
texlive-lilyglyphs-bin -
Binaries for lilyglyphs
texlive-lilyglyphs-doc -
Documentation for lilyglyphs
texlive-limap -
Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping method
texlive-lineara -
Linear A script fonts
texlive-lineara-doc -
Documentation for lineara
texlive-linegoal -
A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line
texlive-linegoal-doc -
Documentation for linegoal
texlive-lineno -
Line numbers on paragraphs
texlive-lineno-doc -
Documentation for lineno
texlive-linguex -
Format linguists' examples
texlive-linguex-doc -
Documentation for linguex
texlive-lipsum -
Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum dummy text
texlive-lipsum-doc -
Documentation for lipsum
texlive-lisp-on-tex -
Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document
texlive-lisp-on-tex-doc -
Documentation for lisp-on-tex
texlive-listbib -
Lists contents of BibTeX files
texlive-listbib-bin -
Binaries for listbib
texlive-listbib-doc -
Documentation for listbib
texlive-listing -
Produce formatted program listings
texlive-listing-doc -
Documentation for listing
texlive-listings -
Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
texlive-listings-doc -
Documentation for listings
texlive-listings-ext -
Automated input of source
texlive-listings-ext-bin -
Binaries for listings-ext
texlive-listings-ext-doc -
Documentation for listings-ext
texlive-listliketab -
Typeset lists as tables
texlive-listliketab-doc -
Documentation for listliketab
texlive-listofsymbols -
Create and manipulate lists of symbols
texlive-listofsymbols-doc -
Documentation for listofsymbols
texlive-lithuanian -
Lithuanian language support
texlive-lithuanian-doc -
Documentation for lithuanian
texlive-liturg -
Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts
texlive-liturg-doc -
Documentation for liturg
texlive-lkproof -
LK Proof figure macros
texlive-lkproof-doc -
Documentation for lkproof
texlive-lm -
Latin modern fonts in outline formats
texlive-lm-doc -
Documentation for lm
texlive-lm-math -
OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern
texlive-lm-math-doc -
Documentation for lm-math
texlive-lmake -
Process lists to do repetitive actions
texlive-lmake-doc -
Documentation for lmake
texlive-lobster2 -
Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
texlive-lobster2-doc -
Documentation for lobster2
texlive-locality -
Various macros for keeping things local
texlive-locality-doc -
Documentation for locality
texlive-localloc -
Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
texlive-localloc-doc -
Documentation for localloc
texlive-logbox -
e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes
texlive-logbox-doc -
Documentation for logbox
texlive-logical-markup-utils -
Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes
texlive-logical-markup-utils-doc -
Documentation for logical-markup-utils
texlive-logicproof -
logicproof package
texlive-logicproof-doc -
Documentation for logicproof
texlive-logicpuzzle -
Typeset (grid-based) logic puzzles
texlive-logicpuzzle-doc -
Documentation for logicpuzzle
texlive-logpap -
Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX
texlive-logpap-doc -
Documentation for logpap
texlive-logreq -
Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow
texlive-logreq-doc -
Documentation for logreq
texlive-longnamefilelist -
Tidy \listfiles with long file names
texlive-longnamefilelist-doc -
Documentation for longnamefilelist
texlive-loops -
General looping macros for use with LaTeX
texlive-loops-doc -
Documentation for loops
texlive-lpic -
Put LaTeX material over included graphics
texlive-lpic-doc -
Documentation for lpic
texlive-lplfitch -
Fitch-style natural deduction proofs
texlive-lplfitch-doc -
Documentation for lplfitch
texlive-lps -
Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science"
texlive-lps-doc -
Documentation for lps
texlive-lsc -
Typesetting Live Sequence Charts
texlive-lsc-doc -
Documentation for lsc
texlive-lshort-bulgarian-doc -
Documentation for lshort-bulgarian
texlive-lshort-chinese-doc -
Documentation for lshort-chinese
texlive-lshort-czech-doc -
Documentation for lshort-czech
texlive-lshort-dutch-doc -
Documentation for lshort-dutch
texlive-lshort-english-doc -
Documentation for lshort-english
texlive-lshort-finnish-doc -
Documentation for lshort-finnish
texlive-lshort-french-doc -
Documentation for lshort-french
texlive-lshort-german-doc -
Documentation for lshort-german
texlive-lshort-italian-doc -
Documentation for lshort-italian
texlive-lshort-japanese-doc -
Documentation for lshort-japanese
texlive-lshort-korean-doc -
Documentation for lshort-korean
texlive-lshort-mongol-doc -
Documentation for lshort-mongol
texlive-lshort-persian-doc -
Documentation for lshort-persian
texlive-lshort-polish-doc -
Documentation for lshort-polish
texlive-lshort-portuguese-doc -
Documentation for lshort-portuguese
texlive-lshort-russian-doc -
Documentation for lshort-russian
texlive-lshort-slovak-doc -
Documentation for lshort-slovak
texlive-lshort-slovenian-doc -
Documentation for lshort-slovenian
texlive-lshort-spanish-doc -
Documentation for lshort-spanish
texlive-lshort-thai-doc -
Documentation for lshort-thai
texlive-lshort-turkish-doc -
Documentation for lshort-turkish
texlive-lshort-ukr-doc -
Documentation for lshort-ukr
texlive-lshort-vietnamese-doc -
Documentation for lshort-vietnamese
texlive-lstaddons -
Add-on packagvess for listings: autogobble and line background
texlive-lstaddons-doc -
Documentation for lstaddons
texlive-lt3graph -
Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3
texlive-lt3graph-doc -
Documentation for lt3graph
texlive-ltablex -
Table package extensions
texlive-ltablex-doc -
Documentation for ltablex
texlive-ltabptch -
Bug fix for longtable
texlive-ltabptch-doc -
Documentation for ltabptch
texlive-ltxdockit -
Documentation support
texlive-ltxdockit-doc -
Documentation for ltxdockit
texlive-ltxfileinfo -
Print version info for latex class or style file
texlive-ltxfileinfo-bin -
Binaries for ltxfileinfo
texlive-ltxfileinfo-doc -
Documentation for ltxfileinfo
texlive-ltximg -
Split LaTeX files to sanitise a conversion process
texlive-ltximg-bin -
Binaries for ltximg
texlive-ltximg-doc -
Documentation for ltximg
texlive-ltxindex -
A LaTeX package to typeset indices with GNU's Texindex
texlive-ltxindex-doc -
Documentation for ltxindex
texlive-ltxkeys -
A robust key parser for LaTeX
texlive-ltxkeys-doc -
Documentation for ltxkeys
texlive-ltxmisc -
Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc
texlive-ltxnew -
A simple means of creating commands
texlive-ltxnew-doc -
Documentation for ltxnew
texlive-ltxtools -
A collection of LaTeX API macros
texlive-ltxtools-doc -
Documentation for ltxtools
texlive-lua-alt-getopt -
Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long
texlive-lua-alt-getopt-doc -
Documentation for lua-alt-getopt
texlive-lua-check-hyphen -
Mark hyphenations in a document, for checking
texlive-lua-check-hyphen-doc -
Documentation for lua-check-hyphen
texlive-lua-visual-debug -
Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
texlive-lua-visual-debug-doc -
Documentation for lua-visual-debug
texlive-lua2dox -
Auto-documentation of lua code
texlive-lua2dox-bin -
Binaries for lua2dox
texlive-lua2dox-doc -
Documentation for lua2dox
texlive-luabibentry -
Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body
texlive-luabibentry-doc -
Documentation for luabibentry
texlive-luabidi -
luabidi package
texlive-luabidi-doc -
Documentation for luabidi
texlive-luacode -
Helper for executing lua code from within TeX
texlive-luacode-doc -
Documentation for luacode
texlive-luaindex -
Create index using lualatex
texlive-luaindex-doc -
Documentation for luaindex
texlive-luainputenc -
Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX
texlive-luainputenc-doc -
Documentation for luainputenc
texlive-luaintro-doc -
Documentation for luaintro
texlive-lualatex-doc-de-doc -
Documentation for lualatex-doc-de
texlive-lualatex-doc-doc -
Documentation for lualatex-doc
texlive-lualatex-math -
Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
texlive-lualatex-math-doc -
Documentation for lualatex-math
texlive-lualibs -
Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
texlive-lualibs-doc -
Documentation for lualibs
texlive-luamplib -
Use LuaTeX's built-in MetaPost interpreter
texlive-luamplib-doc -
Documentation for luamplib
texlive-luaotfload -
OpenType 'loader' for Plain TeX and LaTeX
texlive-luaotfload-bin -
Binaries for luaotfload
texlive-luaotfload-doc -
Documentation for luaotfload
texlive-luasseq -
Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
texlive-luasseq-doc -
Documentation for luasseq
texlive-luatex -
The LuaTeX engine
texlive-luatex-bin -
Binaries for luatex
texlive-luatex-doc -
Documentation for luatex
texlive-luatexbase -
Basic resource management for LuaTeX code
texlive-luatexbase-doc -
Documentation for luatexbase
texlive-luatexja -
Typeset Japanese with lua(la)tex
texlive-luatexja-doc -
Documentation for luatexja
texlive-luatexko -
Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX
texlive-luatexko-doc -
Documentation for luatexko
texlive-luatextra -
Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX
texlive-luatextra-doc -
Documentation for luatextra
texlive-luaxml -
Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
texlive-luaxml-doc -
Documentation for luaxml
texlive-lxfonts -
Set of slide fonts based on CM
texlive-lxfonts-doc -
Documentation for lxfonts
texlive-ly1 -
Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding
texlive-ly1-doc -
Documentation for ly1
texlive-m-tx -
A preprocessor for pmx
texlive-m-tx-bin -
Binaries for m-tx
texlive-m-tx-doc -
Documentation for m-tx
texlive-macros2e-doc -
Documentation for macros2e
texlive-macroswap -
Swap the definitions of two LaTeX macros
texlive-macroswap-doc -
Documentation for macroswap
texlive-mafr -
Mathematics in accord with French usage
texlive-mafr-doc -
Documentation for mafr
texlive-magaz -
Magazine layout
texlive-magaz-doc -
Documentation for magaz
texlive-mailing -
Macros for mail merging
texlive-mailing-doc -
Documentation for mailing
texlive-mailmerge -
Repeating text field substitution
texlive-mailmerge-doc -
Documentation for mailmerge
texlive-makebarcode -
Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes
texlive-makebarcode-doc -
Documentation for makebarcode
texlive-makebox -
Defines a \makebox* command
texlive-makebox-doc -
Documentation for makebox
texlive-makecell -
Tabular column heads and multilined cells
texlive-makecell-doc -
Documentation for makecell
texlive-makecirc -
A MetaPost library for drawing electrical circuit diagrams
texlive-makecirc-doc -
Documentation for makecirc
texlive-makecmds -
The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command
texlive-makecmds-doc -
Documentation for makecmds
texlive-makedtx -
Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
texlive-makedtx-doc -
Documentation for makedtx
texlive-makeglos -
Include a glossary into a document
texlive-makeglos-doc -
Documentation for makeglos
texlive-makeindex -
Process index output to produce typesettable code
texlive-makeindex-bin -
Binaries for makeindex
texlive-makeindex-doc -
Documentation for makeindex
texlive-makeplot -
Easy plots from Matlab in LaTeX
texlive-makeplot-doc -
Documentation for makeplot
texlive-makeshape -
Declare new PGF shapes
texlive-makeshape-doc -
Documentation for makeshape
texlive-mandi -
Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
texlive-mandi-doc -
Documentation for mandi
texlive-manfnt -
LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols
texlive-manuscript -
Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter
texlive-manuscript-doc -
Documentation for manuscript
texlive-margbib -
Display bibitem tags in the margins
texlive-margbib-doc -
Documentation for margbib
texlive-marginfix -
Patch \marginpar to avoid overfull margins
texlive-marginfix-doc -
Documentation for marginfix
texlive-marginnote -
Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
texlive-marginnote-doc -
Documentation for marginnote
texlive-marvosym -
Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font
texlive-marvosym-doc -
Documentation for marvosym
texlive-matc3 -
Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks
texlive-matc3-doc -
Documentation for matc3
texlive-matc3mem -
Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks
texlive-matc3mem-doc -
Documentation for matc3mem
texlive-match_parens -
Easily detect mismatched parens
texlive-match_parens-bin -
Binaries for match_parens
texlive-match_parens-doc -
Documentation for match_parens
texlive-math-e-doc -
Documentation for math-e
texlive-mathabx -
Three series of mathematical symbols
texlive-mathabx-doc -
Documentation for mathabx
texlive-mathabx-type1 -
Outline version of the mathabx fonts
texlive-mathabx-type1-doc -
Documentation for mathabx-type1
texlive-mathalfa -
General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
texlive-mathalfa-doc -
Documentation for mathalfa
texlive-mathastext -
Use the text font in maths mode
texlive-mathastext-doc -
Documentation for mathastext
texlive-mathcomp -
Text symbols in maths mode
texlive-mathcomp-doc -
Documentation for mathcomp
texlive-mathdesign -
Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts
texlive-mathdesign-doc -
Documentation for mathdesign
texlive-mathdots -
Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size
texlive-mathdots-doc -
Documentation for mathdots
texlive-mathexam -
Package for typesetting exams
texlive-mathexam-doc -
Documentation for mathexam
texlive-mathpazo -
Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino
texlive-mathpazo-doc -
Documentation for mathpazo
texlive-mathspec -
Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
texlive-mathspec-doc -
Documentation for mathspec
texlive-mathspic -
A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX
texlive-mathspic-bin -
Binaries for mathspic
texlive-mathspic-doc -
Documentation for mathspic
texlive-mattens -
Matrices/tensor typesetting
texlive-mattens-doc -
Documentation for mattens
texlive-maybemath -
Make math bold or italic according to context
texlive-maybemath-doc -
Documentation for maybemath
texlive-mbenotes -
Notes in tables or images
texlive-mbenotes-doc -
Documentation for mbenotes
texlive-mcaption -
Put captions in the margin
texlive-mcaption-doc -
Documentation for mcaption
texlive-mceinleger -
Creating covers for music cassettes
texlive-mceinleger-doc -
Documentation for mceinleger
texlive-mcite -
Multiple items in a single citation
texlive-mcite-doc -
Documentation for mcite
texlive-mciteplus -
Enhanced multiple citations
texlive-mciteplus-doc -
Documentation for mciteplus
texlive-mdframed -
Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
texlive-mdframed-doc -
Documentation for mdframed
texlive-mdputu -
Upright digits in Adobe Utopia Italic
texlive-mdputu-doc -
Documentation for mdputu
texlive-mdsymbol -
Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
texlive-mdsymbol-doc -
Documentation for mdsymbol
texlive-mdwtools -
Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding
texlive-mdwtools-doc -
Documentation for mdwtools
texlive-media9 -
Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
texlive-media9-doc -
Documentation for media9
texlive-meetingmins -
Format written minutes of meetings
texlive-meetingmins-doc -
Documentation for meetingmins
texlive-memdesign-doc -
Documentation for memdesign
texlive-memexsupp -
Experimental memoir support
texlive-memexsupp-doc -
Documentation for memexsupp
texlive-memoir -
Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
texlive-memoir-doc -
Documentation for memoir
texlive-memory -
Containers for data in LaTeX
texlive-memory-doc -
Documentation for memory
texlive-mentis -
A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers
texlive-mentis-doc -
Documentation for mentis
texlive-menu -
Typesetting menus
texlive-menu-doc -
Documentation for menu
texlive-menukeys -
Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
texlive-menukeys-doc -
Documentation for menukeys
texlive-merriweather -
Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
texlive-merriweather-doc -
Documentation for merriweather
texlive-metafont -
A system for specifying fonts
texlive-metafont-beginners-doc -
Documentation for metafont-beginners
texlive-metafont-bin -
Binaries for metafont
texlive-metafont-for-beginners-doc -
Documentation for metafont-for-beginners
texlive-metago -
MetaPost output of Go positions
texlive-metago-doc -
Documentation for metago
texlive-metalogo -
Extended TeX logo macros
texlive-metalogo-doc -
Documentation for metalogo
texlive-metaobj -
MetaPost package providing high-level objects
texlive-metaobj-doc -
Documentation for metaobj
texlive-metaplot -
Plot-manipulation macros for use in Metapost
texlive-metaplot-doc -
Documentation for metaplot
texlive-metapost -
A development of Metafont for creating graphics
texlive-metapost-bin -
Binaries for metapost
texlive-metapost-doc -
Documentation for metapost
texlive-metapost-examples-doc -
Documentation for metapost-examples
texlive-metatex -
Incorporate MetaFont pictures in TeX source
texlive-metatex-doc -
Documentation for metatex
texlive-metauml -
MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
texlive-metauml-doc -
Documentation for metauml
texlive-method -
Typeset method and variable declarations
texlive-method-doc -
Documentation for method
texlive-metre -
Support for the work of classicists
texlive-metre-doc -
Documentation for metre
texlive-metrix -
Typeset metric marks for Latin text
texlive-metrix-doc -
Documentation for metrix
texlive-mex -
Polish formats for TeX
texlive-mex-bin -
Binaries for mex
texlive-mex-doc -
Documentation for mex
texlive-mf2pt1 -
Produce PostScript Type 1 fonts from Metafont source
texlive-mf2pt1-bin -
Binaries for mf2pt1
texlive-mf2pt1-doc -
Documentation for mf2pt1
texlive-mflogo -
LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts
texlive-mflogo-doc -
Documentation for mflogo
texlive-mfnfss -
Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX
texlive-mfnfss-doc -
Documentation for mfnfss
texlive-mfpic -
Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands
texlive-mfpic-doc -
Documentation for mfpic
texlive-mfpic4ode -
Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs
texlive-mfpic4ode-doc -
Documentation for mfpic4ode
texlive-mftinc -
Pretty-print Metafont source
texlive-mftinc-doc -
Documentation for mftinc
texlive-mfware -
Supporting tools for use with Metafont
texlive-mfware-bin -
Binaries for mfware
texlive-mh -
The MH bundle
texlive-mh-doc -
Documentation for mh
texlive-mhchem -
Typeset chemical formulae/equations and Risk and Safety phrases
texlive-mhchem-doc -
Documentation for mhchem
texlive-mhequ -
Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
texlive-mhequ-doc -
Documentation for mhequ
texlive-microtype -
Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
texlive-microtype-de-doc -
Documentation for microtype-de
texlive-microtype-doc -
Documentation for microtype
texlive-midnight -
A set of useful macro tools
texlive-midnight-doc -
Documentation for midnight
texlive-midpage -
Environment for vertical centring
texlive-midpage-doc -
Documentation for midpage
texlive-mil3-doc -
Documentation for mil3
texlive-miller -
Typeset miller indices
texlive-miller-doc -
Documentation for miller
texlive-minibox -
A simple type of box for LaTeX
texlive-minibox-doc -
Documentation for minibox
texlive-minifp -
Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals
texlive-minifp-doc -
Documentation for minifp
texlive-minipage-marginpar -
Minipages with marginal notes
texlive-minipage-marginpar-doc -
Documentation for minipage-marginpar
texlive-miniplot -
A package for easy figure arrangement
texlive-miniplot-doc -
Documentation for miniplot
texlive-minitoc -
Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section
texlive-minitoc-doc -
Documentation for minitoc
texlive-minorrevision -
Quote and refer to a manuscript for minor revisions
texlive-minorrevision-doc -
Documentation for minorrevision
texlive-minted -
Highlighted source code for LaTeX
texlive-minted-doc -
Documentation for minted
texlive-mintspirit -
LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
texlive-mintspirit-doc -
Documentation for mintspirit
texlive-minutes -
Typeset the minutes of meetings
texlive-minutes-doc -
Documentation for minutes
texlive-mkgrkindex -
Makeindex working with Greek
texlive-mkgrkindex-bin -
Binaries for mkgrkindex
texlive-mkgrkindex-doc -
Documentation for mkgrkindex
texlive-mkjobtexmf -
Generate a texmf tree for a particular job
texlive-mkjobtexmf-bin -
Binaries for mkjobtexmf
texlive-mkjobtexmf-doc -
Documentation for mkjobtexmf
texlive-mkpattern -
A utility for making hyphenation patterns
texlive-mkpattern-doc -
Documentation for mkpattern
texlive-mla-paper -
Proper MLA formatting
texlive-mla-paper-doc -
Documentation for mla-paper
texlive-mlist -
Logical markup for lists
texlive-mlist-doc -
Documentation for mlist
texlive-mltex -
The MLTeX system
texlive-mltex-bin -
Binaries for mltex
texlive-mltex-doc -
Documentation for mltex
texlive-mmap -
Include CMap resources in PDF files from PDFTeX
texlive-mmap-doc -
Documentation for mmap
texlive-mnotes -
Margin annotation for collaborative writing
texlive-mnotes-doc -
Documentation for mnotes
texlive-mnsymbol -
Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
texlive-mnsymbol-doc -
Documentation for mnsymbol
texlive-moderncv -
A modern curriculum vitae class
texlive-moderncv-doc -
Documentation for moderncv
texlive-moderntimeline -
Timelines for use with moderncv
texlive-moderntimeline-doc -
Documentation for moderntimeline
texlive-modiagram -
Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
texlive-modiagram-doc -
Documentation for modiagram
texlive-modref -
Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX
texlive-modref-doc -
Documentation for modref
texlive-modroman -
Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
texlive-modroman-doc -
Documentation for modroman
texlive-mongolian-babel -
A language definition file for Mongolian in Babel
texlive-mongolian-babel-doc -
Documentation for mongolian-babel
texlive-monofill -
Alignment of plain text
texlive-monofill-doc -
Documentation for monofill
texlive-montex -
Mongolian LaTeX
texlive-montex-doc -
Documentation for montex
texlive-moreenum -
More enumeration options
texlive-moreenum-doc -
Documentation for moreenum
texlive-morefloats -
Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
texlive-morefloats-doc -
Documentation for morefloats
texlive-morehype -
Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX
texlive-morehype-doc -
Documentation for morehype
texlive-moresize -
Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt
texlive-moresize-doc -
Documentation for moresize
texlive-moreverb -
Extended verbatim
texlive-moreverb-doc -
Documentation for moreverb
texlive-morewrites -
Always room for a new write stream
texlive-morewrites-doc -
Documentation for morewrites
texlive-movie15 -
Multimedia inclusion package
texlive-movie15-doc -
Documentation for movie15
texlive-mp3d -
3D animations
texlive-mp3d-doc -
Documentation for mp3d
texlive-mparhack -
A workaround for a LaTeX bug in marginpars
texlive-mparhack-doc -
Documentation for mparhack
texlive-mpattern -
Patterns in MetaPost
texlive-mpattern-doc -
Documentation for mpattern
texlive-mpcolornames -
texlive-mpcolornames-doc -
Documentation for mpcolornames
texlive-mpgraphics -
Process and display MetaPost figures inline
texlive-mpgraphics-doc -
Documentation for mpgraphics
texlive-mpman-ru-doc -
Documentation for mpman-ru
texlive-mptopdf -
mpost to PDF, native MetaPost graphics inclusion
texlive-mptopdf-bin -
Binaries for mptopdf
texlive-mptopdf-doc -
Documentation for mptopdf
texlive-ms -
Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder
texlive-ms-doc -
Documentation for ms
texlive-msc -
Draw MSC diagrams
texlive-msc-doc -
Documentation for msc
texlive-msg -
A package for LaTeX localisation
texlive-msg-doc -
Documentation for msg
texlive-mslapa -
Michael Landy's APA citation style
texlive-mslapa-doc -
Documentation for mslapa
texlive-msu-thesis -
Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses
texlive-msu-thesis-doc -
Documentation for msu-thesis
texlive-mtgreek -
Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime
texlive-mtgreek-doc -
Documentation for mtgreek
texlive-multenum -
Multi-column enumerated lists
texlive-multenum-doc -
Documentation for multenum
texlive-multibbl -
Multiple bibliographies
texlive-multibbl-doc -
Documentation for multibbl
texlive-multibib -
Multiple bibliographies within one document
texlive-multibib-doc -
Documentation for multibib
texlive-multibibliography -
Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
texlive-multibibliography-bin -
Binaries for multibibliography
texlive-multibibliography-doc -
Documentation for multibibliography
texlive-multicap -
Format captions inside multicols
texlive-multicap-doc -
Documentation for multicap
texlive-multido -
A loop facility for Generic TeX
texlive-multido-doc -
Documentation for multido
texlive-multienv -
multienv package
texlive-multienv-doc -
Documentation for multienv
texlive-multiexpand -
Variations on the primitive command \expandafter
texlive-multiexpand-doc -
Documentation for multiexpand
texlive-multiobjective -
Symbols for multibojective optimisation etc
texlive-multiobjective-doc -
Documentation for multiobjective
texlive-multirow -
Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
texlive-multirow-doc -
Documentation for multirow
texlive-munich -
An alternative authordate bibliography style
texlive-munich-doc -
Documentation for munich
texlive-musixguit -
Easy notation for guitar music, in MusixTeX
texlive-musixguit-doc -
Documentation for musixguit
texlive-musixtex -
Sophisticated music typesetting
texlive-musixtex-bin -
Binaries for musixtex
texlive-musixtex-doc -
Documentation for musixtex
texlive-musixtex-fnts -
Fonts used by MusixTeX
texlive-musixtex-fnts-doc -
Documentation for musixtex-fnts
texlive-musuos -
Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck
texlive-musuos-doc -
Documentation for musuos
texlive-muthesis -
Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science
texlive-muthesis-doc -
Documentation for muthesis
texlive-mversion -
Keeping track of document versions
texlive-mversion-doc -
Documentation for mversion
texlive-mwcls -
Polish-oriented document classes
texlive-mwcls-doc -
Documentation for mwcls
texlive-mwe -
Packages and image files for MWEs
texlive-mwe-doc -
Documentation for mwe
texlive-mweights -
Support for multiple-weight font packages
texlive-mweights-doc -
Documentation for mweights
texlive-mxedruli -
A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets
texlive-mxedruli-doc -
Documentation for mxedruli
texlive-mychemistry -
Create reaction schemes with LaTeX and ChemFig
texlive-mychemistry-doc -
Documentation for mychemistry
texlive-mycv -
A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations
texlive-mycv-doc -
Documentation for mycv
texlive-mylatexformat -
Build a format based on the preamble of a LaTeX file
texlive-mylatexformat-doc -
Documentation for mylatexformat
texlive-nag -
Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
texlive-nag-doc -
Documentation for nag
texlive-nameauth -
Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
texlive-nameauth-doc -
Documentation for nameauth
texlive-namespc -
Rudimentary c++-like namespaces in LaTeX
texlive-namespc-doc -
Documentation for namespc
texlive-nanumtype1 -
Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts
texlive-nanumtype1-doc -
Documentation for nanumtype1
texlive-natbib -
Flexible bibliography support
texlive-natbib-doc -
Documentation for natbib
texlive-natded -
Typeset natural deduction proofs
texlive-natded-doc -
Documentation for natded
texlive-nath -
Natural mathematics notation
texlive-nath-doc -
Documentation for nath
texlive-navigator -
PDF features across formats and engines
texlive-navigator-doc -
Documentation for navigator
texlive-ncclatex -
An extended general-purpose class
texlive-ncclatex-doc -
Documentation for ncclatex
texlive-ncctools -
A collection of general packages for LaTeX
texlive-ncctools-doc -
Documentation for ncctools
texlive-ncntrsbk -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-nddiss -
Notre Dame Dissertation format class
texlive-nddiss-doc -
Documentation for nddiss
texlive-needspace -
Insert pagebreak if not enough space
texlive-needspace-doc -
Documentation for needspace
texlive-nestquot -
Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting
texlive-neuralnetwork -
Graph-drawing for neural networks
texlive-neuralnetwork-doc -
Documentation for neuralnetwork
texlive-newcommand-doc -
Documentation for newcommand
texlive-newenviron -
Processing an environment's body
texlive-newenviron-doc -
Documentation for newenviron
texlive-newfile -
User level management of LaTeX input and output
texlive-newfile-doc -
Documentation for newfile
texlive-newlfm -
Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
texlive-newlfm-doc -
Documentation for newlfm
texlive-newpx -
Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
texlive-newpx-doc -
Documentation for newpx
texlive-newsletr -
Macros for making newsletters with Plain TeX
texlive-newsletr-doc -
Documentation for newsletr
texlive-newspaper -
Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers
texlive-newspaper-doc -
Documentation for newspaper
texlive-newtx -
Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
texlive-newtx-doc -
Documentation for newtx
texlive-newunicodechar -
Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
texlive-newunicodechar-doc -
Documentation for newunicodechar
texlive-newvbtm -
Define your own verbatim-like environment
texlive-newvbtm-doc -
Documentation for newvbtm
texlive-newverbs -
Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
texlive-newverbs-doc -
Documentation for newverbs
texlive-nextpage -
Generalisations of the page advance commands
texlive-nfssext-cfr -
Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
texlive-nfssext-cfr-doc -
Documentation for nfssext-cfr
texlive-nicefilelist -
Provide \listfiles alignment
texlive-nicefilelist-doc -
Documentation for nicefilelist
texlive-niceframe -
Support for fancy frames
texlive-niceframe-doc -
Documentation for niceframe
texlive-nicetext -
Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation
texlive-nicetext-doc -
Documentation for nicetext
texlive-nih -
A class for NIH grant applications
texlive-nih-doc -
Documentation for nih
texlive-nkarta -
A "new" version of the karta cartographic fonts
texlive-nkarta-doc -
Documentation for nkarta
texlive-nlctdoc -
Package documentation class
texlive-nlctdoc-doc -
Documentation for nlctdoc
texlive-noconflict -
Resolve macro name conflict between packages
texlive-noconflict-doc -
Documentation for noconflict
texlive-noindentafter -
noindentafter package
texlive-noindentafter-doc -
Documentation for noindentafter
texlive-noitcrul -
Improved underlines in mathematics
texlive-noitcrul-doc -
Documentation for noitcrul
texlive-nolbreaks -
No line breaks in text
texlive-nolbreaks-doc -
Documentation for nolbreaks
texlive-nomencl -
Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
texlive-nomencl-doc -
Documentation for nomencl
texlive-nomentbl -
Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
texlive-nomentbl-doc -
Documentation for nomentbl
texlive-nonfloat -
Non-floating table and figure captions
texlive-nonfloat-doc -
Documentation for nonfloat
texlive-nonumonpart -
Prevent page numbers on part pages
texlive-nonumonpart-doc -
Documentation for nonumonpart
texlive-nopageno -
No page numbers in LaTeX documents
texlive-nopageno-doc -
Documentation for nopageno
texlive-norasi-c90 -
TeX support (from CJK) for the norasi font
texlive-nostarch -
LaTeX class for No Starch Press
texlive-nostarch-doc -
Documentation for nostarch
texlive-notes -
Mark sections of a document
texlive-notes-doc -
Documentation for notes
texlive-notes2bib -
Integrating notes into the bibliography
texlive-notes2bib-doc -
Documentation for notes2bib
texlive-notoccite -
Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc
texlive-notoccite-doc -
Documentation for notoccite
texlive-nowidow -
Avoid widows
texlive-nowidow-doc -
Documentation for nowidow
texlive-nox -
Adaptable tables
texlive-nox-doc -
Documentation for nox
texlive-nrc -
Class for the NRC technical journals
texlive-nrc-doc -
Documentation for nrc
texlive-ntgclass -
"European" versions of standard classes
texlive-ntgclass-doc -
Documentation for ntgclass
texlive-ntheorem -
Enhanced theorem environment
texlive-ntheorem-doc -
Documentation for ntheorem
texlive-ntheorem-vn-doc -
Documentation for ntheorem-vn
texlive-nuc -
Notation for nuclear isotopes
texlive-nuc-doc -
Documentation for nuc
texlive-numberedblock -
Print a block of code, with unique index number
texlive-numberedblock-doc -
Documentation for numberedblock
texlive-numericplots -
Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks
texlive-numericplots-doc -
Documentation for numericplots
texlive-numname -
Convert a number to its English expression
texlive-numname-doc -
Documentation for numname
texlive-numprint -
Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
texlive-numprint-doc -
Documentation for numprint
texlive-oberdiek -
A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
texlive-oberdiek-doc -
Documentation for oberdiek
texlive-objectz -
Macros for typesetting Object Z
texlive-objectz-doc -
Documentation for objectz
texlive-obnov -
Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts
texlive-obnov-doc -
Documentation for obnov
texlive-ocg-p -
PDF OCG support in LaTeX
texlive-ocg-p-doc -
Documentation for ocg-p
texlive-ocgx -
Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript
texlive-ocgx-doc -
Documentation for ocgx
texlive-ocherokee -
LaTeX Support for the Cherokee language
texlive-ocherokee-doc -
Documentation for ocherokee
texlive-ocr-b -
Fonts for OCR-B
texlive-ocr-b-doc -
Documentation for ocr-b
texlive-ocr-b-outline -
OCR-B fonts in Type 1 and OpenType
texlive-ocr-b-outline-doc -
Documentation for ocr-b-outline
texlive-ocr-latex -
LaTeX support for ocr fonts
texlive-ocr-latex-doc -
Documentation for ocr-latex
texlive-octavo -
Typeset books following classical design and layout
texlive-octavo-doc -
Documentation for octavo
texlive-odsfile -
Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
texlive-odsfile-doc -
Documentation for odsfile
texlive-ofs -
Macros for managing large font collections
texlive-ofs-doc -
Documentation for ofs
texlive-ogham -
Fonts for typesetting Ogham script
texlive-ogham-doc -
Documentation for ogham
texlive-oinuit -
LaTeX Support for the Inuktitut Language
texlive-oinuit-doc -
Documentation for oinuit
texlive-oldlatin -
Compute Modern like font with long s
texlive-oldlatin-doc -
Documentation for oldlatin
texlive-oldstandard -
Old Standard: A Unicode Font for Classical and Medieval Studies
texlive-oldstandard-doc -
Documentation for oldstandard
texlive-oldstyle -
Old style numbers in OT1 encoding
texlive-oldstyle-doc -
Documentation for oldstyle
texlive-omega -
A wide-character-set extension of TeX
texlive-omega-doc -
Documentation for omega
texlive-omegaware -
omegaware package
texlive-omegaware-bin -
Binaries for omegaware
texlive-onlyamsmath -
Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath
texlive-onlyamsmath-doc -
Documentation for onlyamsmath
texlive-onrannual -
Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report
texlive-onrannual-doc -
Documentation for onrannual
texlive-opcit -
Footnote-style bibliographical references
texlive-opcit-doc -
Documentation for opcit
texlive-opensans -
The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
texlive-opensans-doc -
Documentation for opensans
texlive-opteng -
SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template
texlive-opteng-doc -
Documentation for opteng
texlive-optional -
Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document
texlive-optional-doc -
Documentation for optional
texlive-ordinalpt -
Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
texlive-ordinalpt-doc -
Documentation for ordinalpt
texlive-orkhun -
A font for orkhun script
texlive-orkhun-doc -
Documentation for orkhun
texlive-oscola -
BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities
texlive-oscola-doc -
Documentation for oscola
texlive-ot-tableau -
Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
texlive-ot-tableau-doc -
Documentation for ot-tableau
texlive-othello -
Create othello boards in LaTeX
texlive-othello-doc -
Documentation for othello
texlive-othelloboard -
Typeset Othello (Reversi) diagrams of any size, with annotations
texlive-othelloboard-doc -
Documentation for othelloboard
texlive-otibet -
otibet package
texlive-otibet-doc -
Documentation for otibet
texlive-outline -
List environment for making outlines
texlive-outline-doc -
Documentation for outline
texlive-outliner -
Change section levels easily
texlive-outliner-doc -
Documentation for outliner
texlive-overpic -
Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
texlive-overpic-doc -
Documentation for overpic
texlive-pacioli -
Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497
texlive-pacioli-doc -
Documentation for pacioli
texlive-pagecolor -
Interrogate page colour
texlive-pagecolor-doc -
Documentation for pagecolor
texlive-pagecont -
Page numbering that continues between documents
texlive-pagecont-doc -
Documentation for pagecont
texlive-pagenote -
Notes at end of document
texlive-pagenote-doc -
Documentation for pagenote
texlive-pagerange -
Flexible and configurable page range typesetting
texlive-pagerange-doc -
Documentation for pagerange
texlive-pageslts -
Variants of last page labels
texlive-pageslts-doc -
Documentation for pageslts
texlive-palatino -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-paper -
Versions of article class, tuned for scholarly publications
texlive-paper-doc -
Documentation for paper
texlive-papercdcase -
Origami-style folding paper CD case
texlive-papercdcase-doc -
Documentation for papercdcase
texlive-papermas -
Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
texlive-papermas-doc -
Documentation for papermas
texlive-papertex -
Class for newspapers, etc
texlive-papertex-doc -
Documentation for papertex
texlive-paracol -
Multiple columns with texts "in parallel"
texlive-paracol-doc -
Documentation for paracol
texlive-paralist -
Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
texlive-paralist-doc -
Documentation for paralist
texlive-parallel -
Typeset parallel texts
texlive-parallel-doc -
Documentation for parallel
texlive-paratype -
LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
texlive-paratype-doc -
Documentation for paratype
texlive-paresse -
Define simple macros for greek letters
texlive-paresse-doc -
Documentation for paresse
texlive-parnotes -
Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
texlive-parnotes-doc -
Documentation for parnotes
texlive-parrun -
Typesets (two) streams of text running parallel
texlive-parrun-doc -
Documentation for parrun
texlive-parselines -
Apply a macro to each line of an environment
texlive-parselines-doc -
Documentation for parselines
texlive-parskip -
Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
texlive-parskip-doc -
Documentation for parskip
texlive-pas-cours -
Macros useful in preparing teaching material
texlive-pas-cours-doc -
Documentation for pas-cours
texlive-pas-crosswords -
Creating crossword grids, using TikZ
texlive-pas-crosswords-doc -
Documentation for pas-crosswords
texlive-pas-cv -
Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae
texlive-pas-cv-doc -
Documentation for pas-cv
texlive-pas-tableur -
Create a spreadsheet layout
texlive-pas-tableur-doc -
Documentation for pas-tableur
texlive-passivetex -
Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
texlive-patchcmd -
Change the definition of an existing command
texlive-patchcmd-doc -
Documentation for patchcmd
texlive-patgen -
Generate hyphenation patterns
texlive-patgen-bin -
Binaries for patgen
texlive-patgen2-tutorial-doc -
Documentation for patgen2-tutorial
texlive-path -
Typeset paths, making them breakable
texlive-path-doc -
Documentation for path
texlive-pauldoc -
German LaTeX package documentation
texlive-pauldoc-doc -
Documentation for pauldoc
texlive-pawpict -
Using graphics from PAW
texlive-pawpict-doc -
Documentation for pawpict
texlive-pax -
Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX
texlive-pax-bin -
Binaries for pax
texlive-pax-doc -
Documentation for pax
texlive-pb-diagram -
A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
texlive-pb-diagram-doc -
Documentation for pb-diagram
texlive-pbox -
A variable-width \parbox command
texlive-pbox-doc -
Documentation for pbox
texlive-pbsheet -
Problem sheet class
texlive-pbsheet-doc -
Documentation for pbsheet
texlive-pdf-trans -
A set of macros for various transformations of TeX boxes
texlive-pdf-trans-doc -
Documentation for pdf-trans
texlive-pdf14 -
Restore PDF 1.4 to a TeX live 2010 format
texlive-pdf14-doc -
Documentation for pdf14
texlive-pdfcomment -
A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations
texlive-pdfcomment-doc -
Documentation for pdfcomment
texlive-pdfcprot -
Activating and setting of character protruding using pdflatex
texlive-pdfcprot-doc -
Documentation for pdfcprot
texlive-pdfcrop -
Crop PDF graphics
texlive-pdfcrop-bin -
Binaries for pdfcrop
texlive-pdfcrop-doc -
Documentation for pdfcrop
texlive-pdfjam -
Shell scripts interfacing to pdfpages
texlive-pdfjam-bin -
Binaries for pdfjam
texlive-pdfjam-doc -
Documentation for pdfjam
texlive-pdfmarginpar -
Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations
texlive-pdfmarginpar-doc -
Documentation for pdfmarginpar
texlive-pdfpages -
Include PDF documents in LaTeX
texlive-pdfpages-doc -
Documentation for pdfpages
texlive-pdfscreen -
Support screen-based document design
texlive-pdfscreen-doc -
Documentation for pdfscreen
texlive-pdfslide -
Presentation slides using pdftex
texlive-pdfslide-doc -
Documentation for pdfslide
texlive-pdfsync -
Provide links between source and PDF
texlive-pdfsync-doc -
Documentation for pdfsync
texlive-pdftex -
A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
texlive-pdftex-bin -
Binaries for pdftex
texlive-pdftex-def -
Colour and Graphics support for PDFTeX
texlive-pdftex-doc -
Documentation for pdftex
texlive-pdftools -
PDF-related utilities, including PostScript-to-PDF conversion
texlive-pdftools-bin -
Binaries for pdftools
texlive-pdftricks -
Support for pstricks in pdfTeX
texlive-pdftricks-doc -
Documentation for pdftricks
texlive-pdftricks2 -
Use pstricks in pdfTeX
texlive-pdftricks2-doc -
Documentation for pdftricks2
texlive-pdfwin -
pdfwin package
texlive-pdfwin-doc -
Documentation for pdfwin
texlive-pdfx -
PDF/X-1a and PDF/A-1b support for pdfTeX
texlive-pdfx-doc -
Documentation for pdfx
texlive-pecha -
Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style
texlive-pecha-doc -
Documentation for pecha
texlive-pedigree-perl -
Generate TeX pedigree files from CSV files
texlive-pedigree-perl-bin -
Binaries for pedigree-perl
texlive-pedigree-perl-doc -
Documentation for pedigree-perl
texlive-perception -
BibTeX style for the journal Perception
texlive-perception-doc -
Documentation for perception
texlive-perfectcut -
Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting
texlive-perfectcut-doc -
Documentation for perfectcut
texlive-perltex -
Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
texlive-perltex-bin -
Binaries for perltex
texlive-perltex-doc -
Documentation for perltex
texlive-permute -
Support for symmetric groups
texlive-permute-doc -
Documentation for permute
texlive-persian-bib -
Persian translations of classic BibTeX styles
texlive-persian-bib-doc -
Documentation for persian-bib
texlive-persian-modern -
The "Persian Modern" family of fonts
texlive-persian-modern-doc -
Documentation for persian-modern
texlive-petiteannonce -
A class for small advertisements
texlive-petiteannonce-doc -
Documentation for petiteannonce
texlive-petri-nets -
A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
texlive-petri-nets-doc -
Documentation for petri-nets
texlive-pfarrei -
LaTeX support of pastors' and priests' work
texlive-pfarrei-bin -
Binaries for pfarrei
texlive-pfarrei-doc -
Documentation for pfarrei
texlive-pgf -
Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
texlive-pgf-blur -
PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows
texlive-pgf-blur-doc -
Documentation for pgf-blur
texlive-pgf-doc -
Documentation for pgf
texlive-pgf-soroban -
Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF
texlive-pgf-soroban-doc -
Documentation for pgf-soroban
texlive-pgf-umlcd -
Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
texlive-pgf-umlcd-doc -
Documentation for pgf-umlcd
texlive-pgf-umlsd -
Draw UML Sequence Diagrams
texlive-pgf-umlsd-doc -
Documentation for pgf-umlsd
texlive-pgfgantt -
Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
texlive-pgfgantt-doc -
Documentation for pgfgantt
texlive-pgfkeyx -
Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys
texlive-pgfkeyx-doc -
Documentation for pgfkeyx
texlive-pgfmolbio -
Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
texlive-pgfmolbio-doc -
Documentation for pgfmolbio
texlive-pgfopts -
LaTeX package options with pgfkeys
texlive-pgfopts-doc -
Documentation for pgfopts
texlive-pgfplots -
Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
texlive-pgfplots-doc -
Documentation for pgfplots
texlive-phaistos -
Disk of Phaistos font
texlive-phaistos-doc -
Documentation for phaistos
texlive-philex -
Cross references for named and numbered environments
texlive-philex-doc -
Documentation for philex
texlive-philokalia -
A font to typeset the Philokalia Books
texlive-philokalia-doc -
Documentation for philokalia
texlive-philosophersimprint -
Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint"
texlive-philosophersimprint-doc -
Documentation for philosophersimprint
texlive-phonetic -
MetaFont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern
texlive-phonetic-doc -
Documentation for phonetic
texlive-phonrule -
Typeset linear phonological rules
texlive-phonrule-doc -
Documentation for phonrule
texlive-photo -
A float environment for photographs
texlive-photo-doc -
Documentation for photo
texlive-physics -
Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
texlive-physics-doc -
Documentation for physics
texlive-physymb -
Assorted macros for Physicists
texlive-physymb-doc -
Documentation for physymb
texlive-piano -
Typeset a basic 2-octave piano diagram
texlive-piano-doc -
Documentation for piano
texlive-picinpar -
Insert pictures into paragraphs
texlive-picinpar-doc -
Documentation for picinpar
texlive-pict2e -
New implementation of picture commands
texlive-pict2e-doc -
Documentation for pict2e
texlive-pictex -
Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
texlive-pictex-doc -
Documentation for pictex
texlive-pictex2 -
Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command
texlive-pictexsum-doc -
Documentation for pictexsum
texlive-piechartmp -
Draw pie-charts using MetaPost
texlive-piechartmp-doc -
Documentation for piechartmp
texlive-piff -
Macro tools by Mike Piff
texlive-piff-doc -
Documentation for piff
texlive-pigpen -
A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
texlive-pigpen-doc -
Documentation for pigpen
texlive-pinlabel -
A TeX labelling package
texlive-pinlabel-doc -
Documentation for pinlabel
texlive-pitex -
Documentation macros
texlive-pitex-doc -
Documentation for pitex
texlive-pittetd -
Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt
texlive-pittetd-doc -
Documentation for pittetd
texlive-pkfix -
Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts
texlive-pkfix-bin -
Binaries for pkfix
texlive-pkfix-doc -
Documentation for pkfix
texlive-pkfix-helper -
Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix
texlive-pkfix-helper-bin -
Binaries for pkfix-helper
texlive-pkfix-helper-doc -
Documentation for pkfix-helper
texlive-pkgloader -
Managing the options and loading order of other packages
texlive-pkgloader-doc -
Documentation for pkgloader
texlive-pkuthss -
LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University
texlive-pkuthss-doc -
Documentation for pkuthss
texlive-pl -
Polish extension of CM fonts in Type 1 format
texlive-pl-doc -
Documentation for pl
texlive-placeat -
placeat package
texlive-placeat-doc -
Documentation for placeat
texlive-placeins -
Control float placement
texlive-placeins-doc -
Documentation for placeins
texlive-placeins-plain -
Insertions that keep their place
texlive-plain -
plain package
texlive-plain-doc-doc -
Documentation for plain-doc
texlive-plainpkg -
plainpkg package
texlive-plainpkg-doc -
Documentation for plainpkg
texlive-plantslabels -
Write labels for plants
texlive-plantslabels-doc -
Documentation for plantslabels
texlive-plari -
Typesetting stageplay scripts
texlive-plari-doc -
Documentation for plari
texlive-plates -
Arrange for "plates" sections of documents
texlive-plates-doc -
Documentation for plates
texlive-play -
Typeset drama using LaTeX
texlive-play-doc -
Documentation for play
texlive-playfair -
Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
texlive-playfair-doc -
Documentation for playfair
texlive-plipsum -
'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers
texlive-plipsum-doc -
Documentation for plipsum
texlive-plnfss -
Font selection for Plain TeX
texlive-plnfss-doc -
Documentation for plnfss
texlive-plstmary -
St. Mary's Road font support for plain TeX
texlive-plstmary-doc -
Documentation for plstmary
texlive-plweb -
Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX
texlive-plweb-doc -
Documentation for plweb
texlive-pmgraph -
"Poor man's" graphics
texlive-pmgraph-doc -
Documentation for pmgraph
texlive-pmx -
Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
texlive-pmx-bin -
Binaries for pmx
texlive-pmx-doc -
Documentation for pmx
texlive-pmxchords -
Produce chord information to go with pmx output
texlive-pmxchords-bin -
Binaries for pmxchords
texlive-pmxchords-doc -
Documentation for pmxchords
texlive-pnas2009 -
Bibtex style for PNAS
texlive-poemscol -
Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry
texlive-poemscol-doc -
Documentation for poemscol
texlive-poetrytex -
Typeset anthologies of poetry
texlive-poetrytex-doc -
Documentation for poetrytex
texlive-polski -
Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
texlive-polski-doc -
Documentation for polski
texlive-poltawski -
Antykwa Poltawskiego Family of Fonts
texlive-poltawski-doc -
Documentation for poltawski
texlive-polyglossia -
Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX
texlive-polyglossia-doc -
Documentation for polyglossia
texlive-polynom -
Macros for manipulating polynomials
texlive-polynom-doc -
Documentation for polynom
texlive-polynomial -
Typeset (univariate) polynomials
texlive-polynomial-doc -
Documentation for polynomial
texlive-polytable -
Tabular-like environments with named columns
texlive-polytable-doc -
Documentation for polytable
texlive-postcards -
Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail)
texlive-postcards-doc -
Documentation for postcards
texlive-poster-mac -
Make posters and banners with TeX
texlive-poster-mac-doc -
Documentation for poster-mac
texlive-powerdot -
A presentation class
texlive-powerdot-FUBerlin -
Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin
texlive-powerdot-FUBerlin-doc -
Documentation for powerdot-FUBerlin
texlive-powerdot-doc -
Documentation for powerdot
texlive-ppr-prv -
Prosper preview
texlive-ppr-prv-doc -
Documentation for ppr-prv
texlive-pracjourn -
Typeset articles for PracTeX
texlive-pracjourn-doc -
Documentation for pracjourn
texlive-preprint -
A bundle of packages provided "as is"
texlive-preprint-doc -
Documentation for preprint
texlive-prerex -
Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts
texlive-prerex-doc -
Documentation for prerex
texlive-present -
Presentations with Plain TeX
texlive-present-doc -
Documentation for present
texlive-presentations-doc -
Documentation for presentations
texlive-presentations-en-doc -
Documentation for presentations-en
texlive-prettyref -
Make label references "self-identify"
texlive-prettyref-doc -
Documentation for prettyref
texlive-printlen -
Print lengths using specified units
texlive-printlen-doc -
Documentation for printlen
texlive-proba -
Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts
texlive-proba-doc -
Documentation for proba
texlive-probsoln -
Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
texlive-probsoln-doc -
Documentation for probsoln
texlive-procIAGssymp -
Macros for IAG symposium papers
texlive-procIAGssymp-doc -
Documentation for procIAGssymp
texlive-prodint -
A font that provides the product integral symbol
texlive-prodint-doc -
Documentation for prodint
texlive-productbox -
Typeset a three-dimensional product box
texlive-productbox-doc -
Documentation for productbox
texlive-program -
Typesetting programs and algorithms
texlive-program-doc -
Documentation for program
texlive-progress -
Creates an overview of a document's state
texlive-progress-doc -
Documentation for progress
texlive-progressbar -
Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar
texlive-progressbar-doc -
Documentation for progressbar
texlive-properties -
Load properties from a file
texlive-properties-doc -
Documentation for properties
texlive-proposal -
A class for preparing proposals
texlive-proposal-doc -
Documentation for proposal
texlive-prosper -
LaTeX class for high quality slides
texlive-prosper-doc -
Documentation for prosper
texlive-protex -
Literate programming package
texlive-protex-doc -
Documentation for protex
texlive-protocol -
A class for minutes of meetings
texlive-protocol-doc -
Documentation for protocol
texlive-przechlewski-book -
Examples from Przechlewski's LaTeX book
texlive-przechlewski-book-doc -
Documentation for przechlewski-book
texlive-ps2pkm -
Generate a PK font from an Adobe Type 1 font
texlive-ps2pkm-bin -
Binaries for ps2pkm
texlive-psbao -
Draw Bao diagrams
texlive-psbao-doc -
Documentation for psbao
texlive-pseudocode -
LaTeX environment for specifying algorithms in a natural way
texlive-pseudocode-doc -
Documentation for pseudocode
texlive-psfrag -
Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
texlive-psfrag-doc -
Documentation for psfrag
texlive-psfrag-italian-doc -
Documentation for psfrag-italian
texlive-psfragx -
A psfrag eXtension
texlive-psfragx-doc -
Documentation for psfragx
texlive-psgo -
Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks
texlive-psgo-doc -
Documentation for psgo
texlive-psizzl -
A TeX format for physics papers
texlive-psizzl-doc -
Documentation for psizzl
texlive-pslatex -
Use PostScript fonts by default
texlive-psnfss -
Font support for common PostScript fonts
texlive-psnfss-doc -
Documentation for psnfss
texlive-pspicture -
PostScript picture support
texlive-pspicture-doc -
Documentation for pspicture
texlive-pst-2dplot -
A PSTricks package for drawing 2D curves
texlive-pst-2dplot-doc -
Documentation for pst-2dplot
texlive-pst-3d -
A PSTricks package for tilting and other pseudo-3D tricks
texlive-pst-3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-3d
texlive-pst-3dplot -
Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
texlive-pst-3dplot-doc -
Documentation for pst-3dplot
texlive-pst-abspos -
Put objects at an absolute position
texlive-pst-abspos-doc -
Documentation for pst-abspos
texlive-pst-am -
Simulation of modulation and demodulation
texlive-pst-am-doc -
Documentation for pst-am
texlive-pst-asr -
Typeset autosegmental representations for linguists
texlive-pst-asr-doc -
Documentation for pst-asr
texlive-pst-bar -
Produces bar charts using pstricks
texlive-pst-bar-doc -
Documentation for pst-bar
texlive-pst-barcode -
Print barcodes using PostScript
texlive-pst-barcode-doc -
Documentation for pst-barcode
texlive-pst-bezier -
Draw Bezier curves
texlive-pst-bezier-doc -
Documentation for pst-bezier
texlive-pst-blur -
PSTricks package for "blurred" shadows
texlive-pst-blur-doc -
Documentation for pst-blur
texlive-pst-bspline -
Draw cubic Bspline curves and interpolations
texlive-pst-bspline-doc -
Documentation for pst-bspline
texlive-pst-calendar -
Plot calendars in "fancy" ways
texlive-pst-calendar-doc -
Documentation for pst-calendar
texlive-pst-circ -
PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits
texlive-pst-circ-doc -
Documentation for pst-circ
texlive-pst-coil -
A PSTricks package for coils, etc
texlive-pst-coil-doc -
Documentation for pst-coil
texlive-pst-cox -
Drawing regular complex polytopes with PSTricks
texlive-pst-cox-doc -
Documentation for pst-cox
texlive-pst-dbicons -
Support for drawing ER diagrams
texlive-pst-dbicons-doc -
Documentation for pst-dbicons
texlive-pst-diffraction -
Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
texlive-pst-diffraction-doc -
Documentation for pst-diffraction
texlive-pst-electricfield -
Draw electric field and equipotential lines with PStricks
texlive-pst-electricfield-doc -
Documentation for pst-electricfield
texlive-pst-eps -
Create EPS files from PSTricks figures
texlive-pst-eps-doc -
Documentation for pst-eps
texlive-pst-eucl -
Euclidian geometry with pstricks
texlive-pst-eucl-doc -
Documentation for pst-eucl
texlive-pst-eucl-translation-bg-doc -
Documentation for pst-eucl-translation-bg
texlive-pst-exa -
Typeset PSTricks examples, with code
texlive-pst-exa-doc -
Documentation for pst-exa
texlive-pst-fill -
Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
texlive-pst-fill-doc -
Documentation for pst-fill
texlive-pst-fit -
Macros for curve fitting
texlive-pst-fit-doc -
Documentation for pst-fit
texlive-pst-fr3d -
Draw 3-dimensional framed boxes using PSTricks
texlive-pst-fr3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-fr3d
texlive-pst-fractal -
Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
texlive-pst-fractal-doc -
Documentation for pst-fractal
texlive-pst-fun -
Draw "funny" objects with PSTricks
texlive-pst-fun-doc -
Documentation for pst-fun
texlive-pst-func -
PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
texlive-pst-func-doc -
Documentation for pst-func
texlive-pst-gantt -
Draw GANTT charts with pstricks
texlive-pst-gantt-doc -
Documentation for pst-gantt
texlive-pst-geo -
Geographical Projections
texlive-pst-geo-doc -
Documentation for pst-geo
texlive-pst-ghsb -
pst-ghsb package
texlive-pst-ghsb-doc -
Documentation for pst-ghsb
texlive-pst-gr3d -
Three dimensional grids with PSTricks
texlive-pst-gr3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-gr3d
texlive-pst-grad -
Filling with colour gradients, using PStricks
texlive-pst-grad-doc -
Documentation for pst-grad
texlive-pst-graphicx -
A pstricks-compatible graphicx for use with Plain TeX
texlive-pst-graphicx-doc -
Documentation for pst-graphicx
texlive-pst-infixplot -
Using pstricks plotting capacities with infix expressions rather than RPN
texlive-pst-infixplot-doc -
Documentation for pst-infixplot
texlive-pst-intersect -
Compute intersections of arbitrary curves
texlive-pst-intersect-doc -
Documentation for pst-intersect
texlive-pst-jtree -
Typeset complex trees for linguists
texlive-pst-jtree-doc -
Documentation for pst-jtree
texlive-pst-knot -
PSTricks package for displaying knots
texlive-pst-knot-doc -
Documentation for pst-knot
texlive-pst-labo -
Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
texlive-pst-labo-doc -
Documentation for pst-labo
texlive-pst-layout -
Page layout macros based on PStricks packages
texlive-pst-layout-doc -
Documentation for pst-layout
texlive-pst-lens -
Lenses with PSTricks
texlive-pst-lens-doc -
Documentation for pst-lens
texlive-pst-light3d -
3D lighting effects for pstricks
texlive-pst-light3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-light3d
texlive-pst-magneticfield -
Plotting a magnetic field with PSTricks
texlive-pst-magneticfield-doc -
Documentation for pst-magneticfield
texlive-pst-math -
Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with pstricks
texlive-pst-math-doc -
Documentation for pst-math
texlive-pst-mirror -
Images on a spherical mirror
texlive-pst-mirror-doc -
Documentation for pst-mirror
texlive-pst-node -
Nodes and node connections in pstricks
texlive-pst-node-doc -
Documentation for pst-node
texlive-pst-ob3d -
Three dimensional objects using PSTricks
texlive-pst-ob3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-ob3d
texlive-pst-ode -
Solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations
texlive-pst-ode-doc -
Documentation for pst-ode
texlive-pst-optexp -
Drawing optical experimental setups
texlive-pst-optexp-doc -
Documentation for pst-optexp
texlive-pst-optic -
Drawing optics diagrams
texlive-pst-optic-doc -
Documentation for pst-optic
texlive-pst-osci -
Oscgons with PSTricks
texlive-pst-osci-doc -
Documentation for pst-osci
texlive-pst-ovl -
Create and manage graphical overlays
texlive-pst-ovl-doc -
Documentation for pst-ovl
texlive-pst-pad -
Draw simple attachment systems with PSTricks
texlive-pst-pad-doc -
Documentation for pst-pad
texlive-pst-pdf -
Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
texlive-pst-pdf-bin -
Binaries for pst-pdf
texlive-pst-pdf-doc -
Documentation for pst-pdf
texlive-pst-pdgr -
Draw medical pedigrees using pstricks
texlive-pst-pdgr-doc -
Documentation for pst-pdgr
texlive-pst-perspective -
Draw perspective views using pstricks
texlive-pst-perspective-doc -
Documentation for pst-perspective
texlive-pst-platon -
Platonic solids in PSTricks
texlive-pst-platon-doc -
Documentation for pst-platon
texlive-pst-plot -
Plot data using PSTricks
texlive-pst-plot-doc -
Documentation for pst-plot
texlive-pst-poly -
Polygons with PSTricks
texlive-pst-poly-doc -
Documentation for pst-poly
texlive-pst-pulley -
Plot pulleys, using pstricks
texlive-pst-pulley-doc -
Documentation for pst-pulley
texlive-pst-qtree -
Simple syntax for trees
texlive-pst-qtree-doc -
Documentation for pst-qtree
texlive-pst-rubans -
Draw three-dimensional ribbons
texlive-pst-rubans-doc -
Documentation for pst-rubans
texlive-pst-sigsys -
Support of signal processing-related disciplines
texlive-pst-sigsys-doc -
Documentation for pst-sigsys
texlive-pst-slpe -
Sophisticated colour gradients
texlive-pst-slpe-doc -
Documentation for pst-slpe
texlive-pst-solarsystem -
Plot the solar system for a specific date
texlive-pst-solarsystem-doc -
Documentation for pst-solarsystem
texlive-pst-solides3d -
Draw perspective views of 3D solids
texlive-pst-solides3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-solides3d
texlive-pst-soroban -
Draw a Soroban using PSTricks
texlive-pst-soroban-doc -
Documentation for pst-soroban
texlive-pst-spectra -
Draw continuum, emission and absorption spectra with PSTricks
texlive-pst-spectra-doc -
Documentation for pst-spectra
texlive-pst-stru -
Civil engineering diagrams, using pstricks
texlive-pst-stru-doc -
Documentation for pst-stru
texlive-pst-support-doc -
Documentation for pst-support
texlive-pst-text -
Text and character manipulation in PSTricks
texlive-pst-text-doc -
Documentation for pst-text
texlive-pst-thick -
Drawing very thick lines and curves
texlive-pst-thick-doc -
Documentation for pst-thick
texlive-pst-tools -
PStricks support functions
texlive-pst-tools-doc -
Documentation for pst-tools
texlive-pst-tree -
Trees, using pstricks
texlive-pst-tree-doc -
Documentation for pst-tree
texlive-pst-tvz -
Draw trees with more than on root node, using PSTricks
texlive-pst-tvz-doc -
Documentation for pst-tvz
texlive-pst-uml -
UML diagrams with PSTricks
texlive-pst-uml-doc -
Documentation for pst-uml
texlive-pst-vectorian -
Printing ornaments
texlive-pst-vectorian-doc -
Documentation for pst-vectorian
texlive-pst-vowel -
Enable arrows showing diphthongs on vowel charts
texlive-pst-vowel-doc -
Documentation for pst-vowel
texlive-pst-vue3d -
Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects
texlive-pst-vue3d-doc -
Documentation for pst-vue3d
texlive-pst2pdf -
A script to compile pstricks documents via pdftex
texlive-pst2pdf-bin -
Binaries for pst2pdf
texlive-pst2pdf-doc -
Documentation for pst2pdf
texlive-pstool -
Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX
texlive-pstool-doc -
Documentation for pstool
texlive-pstools -
Produce Encapsulated PostScript from PostScript
texlive-pstools-bin -
Binaries for pstools
texlive-pstricks -
PostScript macros for TeX
texlive-pstricks-add -
A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
texlive-pstricks-add-doc -
Documentation for pstricks-add
texlive-pstricks-doc -
Documentation for pstricks
texlive-pstricks-examples-doc -
Documentation for pstricks-examples
texlive-pstricks-examples-en-doc -
Documentation for pstricks-examples-en
texlive-pstricks_calcnotes-doc -
Documentation for pstricks_calcnotes
texlive-psu-thesis -
Package for writing a thesis at Penn State University
texlive-psu-thesis-doc -
Documentation for psu-thesis
texlive-ptex -
A TeX system for publishing in Japanese
texlive-ptex-bin -
Binaries for ptex
texlive-ptex-doc -
Documentation for ptex
texlive-ptex2pdf -
Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
texlive-ptex2pdf-bin -
Binaries for ptex2pdf
texlive-ptex2pdf-doc -
Documentation for ptex2pdf
texlive-ptext -
A 'lipsum' for Persian
texlive-ptext-doc -
Documentation for ptext
texlive-ptptex -
Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'
texlive-ptptex-doc -
Documentation for ptptex
texlive-punk -
Donald Knuth's punk font
texlive-punk-doc -
Documentation for punk
texlive-punk-latex -
LaTeX support for punk fonts
texlive-punk-latex-doc -
Documentation for punk-latex
texlive-punknova -
OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font
texlive-punknova-doc -
Documentation for punknova
texlive-purifyeps -
Make EPS work with both LaTeX/dvips and pdfLaTeX
texlive-purifyeps-bin -
Binaries for purifyeps
texlive-purifyeps-doc -
Documentation for purifyeps
texlive-pxbase -
Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
texlive-pxbase-doc -
Documentation for pxbase
texlive-pxchfon -
Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
texlive-pxchfon-doc -
Documentation for pxchfon
texlive-pxcjkcat -
pxcjkcat package
texlive-pxcjkcat-doc -
Documentation for pxcjkcat
texlive-pxfonts -
Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics
texlive-pxfonts-doc -
Documentation for pxfonts
texlive-pxgreeks -
Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters
texlive-pxgreeks-doc -
Documentation for pxgreeks
texlive-pxpgfmark -
e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections
texlive-pxpgfmark-doc -
Documentation for pxpgfmark
texlive-pxrubrica -
pxrubrica package
texlive-pxrubrica-doc -
Documentation for pxrubrica
texlive-pxtxalfa -
Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
texlive-pxtxalfa-doc -
Documentation for pxtxalfa
texlive-python -
Embed Python code in LaTeX
texlive-python-doc -
Documentation for python
texlive-pythontex -
Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
texlive-pythontex-bin -
Binaries for pythontex
texlive-pythontex-doc -
Documentation for pythontex
texlive-qcm -
A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires
texlive-qcm-doc -
Documentation for qcm
texlive-qobitree -
LaTeX macros for typesetting trees
texlive-qobitree-doc -
Documentation for qobitree
texlive-qpxqtx -
qpxqtx package
texlive-qpxqtx-doc -
Documentation for qpxqtx
texlive-qstest -
Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching
texlive-qstest-doc -
Documentation for qstest
texlive-qsymbols -
Maths symbol abbreviations
texlive-qsymbols-doc -
Documentation for qsymbols
texlive-qtree -
Draw tree structures
texlive-qtree-doc -
Documentation for qtree
texlive-quattrocento -
LaTeX support for Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts
texlive-quattrocento-doc -
Documentation for quattrocento
texlive-quotchap -
Decorative chapter headings
texlive-quotchap-doc -
Documentation for quotchap
texlive-quoting -
Consolidated environment for displayed text
texlive-quoting-doc -
Documentation for quoting
texlive-quotmark -
Consistent quote marks
texlive-quotmark-doc -
Documentation for quotmark
texlive-r_und_s -
Chemical hazard codes
texlive-r_und_s-doc -
Documentation for r_und_s
texlive-raleway -
Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems
texlive-raleway-doc -
Documentation for raleway
texlive-ran_toks -
ran_toks package
texlive-ran_toks-doc -
Documentation for ran_toks
texlive-randbild -
Marginal pictures
texlive-randbild-doc -
Documentation for randbild
texlive-randomwalk -
Random walks using TikZ
texlive-randomwalk-doc -
Documentation for randomwalk
texlive-randtext -
Randomise the order of characters in strings
texlive-randtext-doc -
Documentation for randtext
texlive-rccol -
Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular
texlive-rccol-doc -
Documentation for rccol
texlive-rcs -
Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents
texlive-rcs-doc -
Documentation for rcs
texlive-rcs-multi -
Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents
texlive-rcs-multi-doc -
Documentation for rcs-multi
texlive-rcsinfo -
Support for the revision control system
texlive-rcsinfo-doc -
Documentation for rcsinfo
texlive-readarray -
Read, store and recall array-formatted data
texlive-readarray-doc -
Documentation for readarray
texlive-realboxes -
Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument
texlive-realboxes-doc -
Documentation for realboxes
texlive-realscripts -
Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs
texlive-realscripts-doc -
Documentation for realscripts
texlive-rec-thy -
Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
texlive-rec-thy-doc -
Documentation for rec-thy
texlive-recipe -
A LaTeX class to typeset recipes
texlive-recipe-doc -
Documentation for recipe
texlive-recipecard -
Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes
texlive-recipecard-doc -
Documentation for recipecard
texlive-rectopma -
Recycle top matter
texlive-rectopma-doc -
Documentation for rectopma
texlive-recycle -
A font providing the "recyclable" logo
texlive-recycle-doc -
Documentation for recycle
texlive-refcheck -
Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc)
texlive-refcheck-doc -
Documentation for refcheck
texlive-refenums -
Define reference labels items with names of their own
texlive-refenums-doc -
Documentation for refenums
texlive-reflectgraphics -
Techniques for reflecting graphics
texlive-reflectgraphics-doc -
Documentation for reflectgraphics
texlive-refman -
Format technical reference manuals
texlive-refman-doc -
Documentation for refman
texlive-refstyle -
Advanced formatting of cross references
texlive-refstyle-doc -
Documentation for refstyle
texlive-regcount -
Display the allocation status of the TeX registers
texlive-regcount-doc -
Documentation for regcount
texlive-regexpatch -
High level patching of commands
texlive-regexpatch-doc -
Documentation for regexpatch
texlive-register -
Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
texlive-register-doc -
Documentation for register
texlive-regstats -
Information about register use
texlive-regstats-doc -
Documentation for regstats
texlive-relenc -
A "relaxed" font encoding
texlive-relenc-doc -
Documentation for relenc
texlive-relsize -
Set the font size relative to the current font size
texlive-relsize-doc -
Documentation for relsize
texlive-reotex -
Draw Reo Channels and Circuits
texlive-reotex-doc -
Documentation for reotex
texlive-repeatindex -
Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
texlive-repeatindex-doc -
Documentation for repeatindex
texlive-repere -
repere package
texlive-repere-doc -
Documentation for repere
texlive-repltext -
Control how text gets copied from a PDF file
texlive-repltext-doc -
Documentation for repltext
texlive-resphilosophica -
Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica
texlive-resphilosophica-doc -
Documentation for resphilosophica
texlive-resumecls -
Typeset a resumee in both Chinese and English
texlive-resumecls-doc -
Documentation for resumecls
texlive-resumemac -
Plain TeX macros for resumes
texlive-resumemac-doc -
Documentation for resumemac
texlive-reverxii-doc -
Documentation for reverxii
texlive-revtex -
Styles for various Physics Journals
texlive-revtex-doc -
Documentation for revtex
texlive-revtex4 -
revtex4 package
texlive-revtex4-doc -
Documentation for revtex4
texlive-ribbonproofs -
Drawing ribbon proofs
texlive-ribbonproofs-doc -
Documentation for ribbonproofs
texlive-rjlparshap -
rjlparshap package
texlive-rjlparshap-doc -
Documentation for rjlparshap
texlive-rlepsf -
Rewrite labels in EPS graphics
texlive-rlepsf-doc -
Documentation for rlepsf
texlive-rmpage -
A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX
texlive-rmpage-doc -
Documentation for rmpage
texlive-robustcommand -
Declare robust command, with \newcommand checks
texlive-robustcommand-doc -
Documentation for robustcommand
texlive-robustindex -
Create index with pagerefs
texlive-robustindex-doc -
Documentation for robustindex
texlive-roex -
roex package
texlive-romanbar -
Write roman number with "bars"
texlive-romanbar-doc -
Documentation for romanbar
texlive-romande -
Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support
texlive-romande-doc -
Documentation for romande
texlive-romanneg -
Roman page numbers negative
texlive-romanneg-doc -
Documentation for romanneg
texlive-romannum -
Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
texlive-romannum-doc -
Documentation for romannum
texlive-rotating -
Rotation tools, including rotated full-page floats
texlive-rotating-doc -
Documentation for rotating
texlive-rotfloat -
Rotate floats
texlive-rotfloat-doc -
Documentation for rotfloat
texlive-rotpages -
Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards
texlive-rotpages-doc -
Documentation for rotpages
texlive-roundbox -
Round boxes in LaTeX
texlive-roundbox-doc -
Documentation for roundbox
texlive-rrgtrees -
Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with LaTeX
texlive-rrgtrees-doc -
Documentation for rrgtrees
texlive-rsc -
BibTeX style for use with RSC journals
texlive-rsc-doc -
Documentation for rsc
texlive-rsfs -
Ralph Smith's Formal Script font
texlive-rsfs-doc -
Documentation for rsfs
texlive-rsfso -
A mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs
texlive-rsfso-doc -
Documentation for rsfso
texlive-rterface -
Access to R analysis from within a document
texlive-rterface-doc -
Documentation for rterface
texlive-rtkinenc -
Input encoding with fallback procedures
texlive-rtkinenc-doc -
Documentation for rtkinenc
texlive-rtklage -
A package for German lawyers
texlive-rtklage-doc -
Documentation for rtklage
texlive-rubik -
Document Rubik cube configurations and rotation sequences
texlive-rubik-bin -
Binaries for rubik
texlive-rubik-doc -
Documentation for rubik
texlive-ruhyphen -
Russian hyphenation
texlive-rulercompass -
A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams
texlive-rulercompass-doc -
Documentation for rulercompass
texlive-rviewport -
Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion
texlive-rviewport-doc -
Documentation for rviewport
texlive-rvwrite -
Increase the number of available output streams in LaTeX
texlive-rvwrite-doc -
Documentation for rvwrite
texlive-ryethesis -
Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements
texlive-ryethesis-doc -
Documentation for ryethesis
texlive-sa-tikz -
TikZ library to draw switching architectures
texlive-sa-tikz-doc -
Documentation for sa-tikz
texlive-sageep -
Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS
texlive-sageep-doc -
Documentation for sageep
texlive-sanskrit -
Sanskrit support
texlive-sanskrit-doc -
Documentation for sanskrit
texlive-sansmath -
Maths in a sans font
texlive-sansmath-doc -
Documentation for sansmath
texlive-sansmathaccent -
Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths
texlive-sansmathaccent-doc -
Documentation for sansmathaccent
texlive-sansmathfonts -
Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths
texlive-sansmathfonts-doc -
Documentation for sansmathfonts
texlive-sapthesis -
Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome
texlive-sapthesis-doc -
Documentation for sapthesis
texlive-sasnrdisplay -
Typeset SAS or R code or output
texlive-sasnrdisplay-doc -
Documentation for sasnrdisplay
texlive-sauerj -
A bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer
texlive-sauerj-doc -
Documentation for sauerj
texlive-sauter -
Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts
texlive-sauterfonts -
Use sauter fonts in LaTeX
texlive-sauterfonts-doc -
Documentation for sauterfonts
texlive-savefnmark -
Save name of the footnote mark for reuse
texlive-savefnmark-doc -
Documentation for savefnmark
texlive-savesym -
Redefine symbols where names conflict
texlive-savetrees -
Pack as much as possible onto each page of a LaTeX document
texlive-savetrees-doc -
Documentation for savetrees
texlive-scale -
Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2)
texlive-scale-doc -
Documentation for scale
texlive-scalebar -
Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos
texlive-scalebar-doc -
Documentation for scalebar
texlive-scalerel -
Constrained scaling and stretching of objects
texlive-scalerel-doc -
Documentation for scalerel
texlive-scanpages -
Support importing and embellishing scanned documents
texlive-scanpages-doc -
Documentation for scanpages
texlive-schemabloc -
Draw block diagrams, using Tikz
texlive-schemabloc-doc -
Documentation for schemabloc
texlive-schemata -
Print topical diagrams
texlive-schemata-doc -
Documentation for schemata
texlive-scheme-basic -
basic scheme (plain and latex)
texlive-scheme-context -
ConTeXt scheme
texlive-scheme-full -
full scheme (everything)
texlive-scheme-gust -
GUST TeX Live scheme
texlive-scheme-medium -
medium scheme (small + more packages and languages)
texlive-scheme-minimal -
minimal scheme (plain only)
texlive-scheme-small -
small scheme (basic + xetex, metapost, a few languages)
texlive-scheme-tetex -
teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full)
texlive-scheme-xml -
XML scheme
texlive-schulschriften -
German "school scripts" from Suetterlin to the present day
texlive-schulschriften-doc -
Documentation for schulschriften
texlive-schwalbe-chess -
Typeset the German chess magazine "Die Schwalbe"
texlive-schwalbe-chess-doc -
Documentation for schwalbe-chess
texlive-sciposter -
Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger
texlive-sciposter-doc -
Documentation for sciposter
texlive-screenplay -
A class file to typeset screenplays
texlive-screenplay-doc -
Documentation for screenplay
texlive-scrjrnl -
Typeset diaries or journals
texlive-scrjrnl-doc -
Documentation for scrjrnl
texlive-sdrt -
Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory
texlive-sdrt-doc -
Documentation for sdrt
texlive-secdot -
Section numbers with trailing dots
texlive-secdot-doc -
Documentation for secdot
texlive-section -
Modifying section commands in LaTeX
texlive-section-doc -
Documentation for section
texlive-sectionbox -
Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections
texlive-sectionbox-doc -
Documentation for sectionbox
texlive-sectsty -
Control sectional headers
texlive-sectsty-doc -
Documentation for sectsty
texlive-seealso -
Improve the performance of \see macros with makeindex
texlive-seealso-doc -
Documentation for seealso
texlive-seetexk -
Utilities for manipulating DVI files
texlive-seetexk-bin -
Binaries for seetexk
texlive-selectp -
Select pages to be output
texlive-selectp-doc -
Documentation for selectp
texlive-selnolig -
Selectively disable typographic ligatures
texlive-selnolig-doc -
Documentation for selnolig
texlive-semantic -
Help for writing programming language semantics
texlive-semantic-doc -
Documentation for semantic
texlive-semaphor -
Semaphore alphabet font
texlive-semaphor-doc -
Documentation for semaphor
texlive-seminar -
Make overhead slides
texlive-seminar-doc -
Documentation for seminar
texlive-semioneside -
Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout
texlive-semioneside-doc -
Documentation for semioneside
texlive-sepfootnotes -
Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files
texlive-sepfootnotes-doc -
Documentation for sepfootnotes
texlive-sepnum -
Print numbers in a "friendly" format
texlive-sepnum-doc -
Documentation for sepnum
texlive-seqsplit -
Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way
texlive-seqsplit-doc -
Documentation for seqsplit
texlive-serbian-apostrophe -
Commands for Serbian words with apostrophes
texlive-serbian-apostrophe-doc -
Documentation for serbian-apostrophe
texlive-serbian-date-lat -
Updated date typesetting for Serbian
texlive-serbian-date-lat-doc -
Documentation for serbian-date-lat
texlive-serbian-def-cyr -
serbian-def-cyr package
texlive-serbian-def-cyr-doc -
Documentation for serbian-def-cyr
texlive-serbian-lig -
Control ligatures in Serbian
texlive-serbian-lig-doc -
Documentation for serbian-lig
texlive-setdeck -
Typeset cards for Set
texlive-setdeck-doc -
Documentation for setdeck
texlive-setspace -
Set space between lines
texlive-setspace-doc -
Documentation for setspace
texlive-seuthesis -
LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University
texlive-seuthesis-doc -
Documentation for seuthesis
texlive-sf298 -
Standard form 298
texlive-sf298-doc -
Documentation for sf298
texlive-sffms -
Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts
texlive-sffms-doc -
Documentation for sffms
texlive-sfg -
Draw signal flow graphs
texlive-sfg-doc -
Documentation for sfg
texlive-sfmath -
Sans-serif mathematics
texlive-sgame -
LaTeX style for typesetting strategic games
texlive-sgame-doc -
Documentation for sgame
texlive-shade -
Shade pieces of text
texlive-shade-doc -
Documentation for shade
texlive-shadethm -
Theorem environments that are shaded
texlive-shadethm-doc -
Documentation for shadethm
texlive-shadow -
Shadow boxes
texlive-shadow-doc -
Documentation for shadow
texlive-shadowtext -
texlive-shadowtext-doc -
Documentation for shadowtext
texlive-shapepar -
A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes
texlive-shapepar-doc -
Documentation for shapepar
texlive-shipunov -
A collection of LaTeX packages and classes
texlive-shipunov-doc -
Documentation for shipunov
texlive-shorttoc -
Table of contents with different depths
texlive-shorttoc-doc -
Documentation for shorttoc
texlive-show2e -
Variants of \show for LaTeX2e
texlive-show2e-doc -
Documentation for show2e
texlive-showcharinbox -
Show characters inside a box
texlive-showcharinbox-doc -
Documentation for showcharinbox
texlive-showdim -
Variants on printing dimensions
texlive-showdim-doc -
Documentation for showdim
texlive-showexpl -
Typesetting LaTeX source code
texlive-showexpl-doc -
Documentation for showexpl
texlive-showhyphens -
Show all possible hyphenations in LuaLaTeX
texlive-showhyphens-doc -
Documentation for showhyphens
texlive-showlabels -
Show label commands in the margin
texlive-showlabels-doc -
Documentation for showlabels
texlive-showtags -
Print the tags of bibliography entries
texlive-showtags-doc -
Documentation for showtags
texlive-shuffle -
A symbol for the shuffle product
texlive-shuffle-doc -
Documentation for shuffle
texlive-sidecap -
Typeset captions sideways
texlive-sidecap-doc -
Documentation for sidecap
texlive-sidenotes -
Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin
texlive-sidenotes-doc -
Documentation for sidenotes
texlive-sides -
A LaTeX class for typesetting stage plays
texlive-sides-doc -
Documentation for sides
texlive-silence -
Selective filtering of error messages and warnings
texlive-silence-doc -
Documentation for silence
texlive-simplecd -
Simple CD, DVD covers for printing
texlive-simplecd-doc -
Documentation for simplecd
texlive-simplecv -
A simple class for writing curricula vitae
texlive-simplecv-doc -
Documentation for simplecv
texlive-simplewick -
Simple Wick contractions
texlive-simplewick-doc -
Documentation for simplewick
texlive-simplified-latex-doc -
Documentation for simplified-latex
texlive-simurgh -
Typeset Parsi in LuaLaTeX
texlive-simurgh-doc -
Documentation for simurgh
texlive-sitem -
Save the optional argument of \item
texlive-sitem-doc -
Documentation for sitem
texlive-siunitx -
A comprehensive (SI) units package
texlive-siunitx-doc -
Documentation for siunitx
texlive-skak -
Fonts and macros for typesetting chess games
texlive-skak-doc -
Documentation for skak
texlive-skaknew -
The skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1
texlive-skaknew-doc -
Documentation for skaknew
texlive-skb -
Tools for a repository of long-living documents
texlive-skb-doc -
Documentation for skb
texlive-skdoc -
Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes
texlive-skdoc-doc -
Documentation for skdoc
texlive-skeycommand -
Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel
texlive-skeycommand-doc -
Documentation for skeycommand
texlive-skeyval -
Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys
texlive-skeyval-doc -
Documentation for skeyval
texlive-skmath -
Extensions to the maths command repertoir
texlive-skmath-doc -
Documentation for skmath
texlive-skrapport -
'Simple' class for reports, etc
texlive-skrapport-doc -
Documentation for skrapport
texlive-skull -
A font to draw a skull
texlive-slantsc -
Access different-shaped small-caps fonts
texlive-slantsc-doc -
Documentation for slantsc
texlive-slideshow -
Generate slideshow with MetaPost
texlive-slideshow-doc -
Documentation for slideshow
texlive-smalltableof -
Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter
texlive-smalltableof-doc -
Documentation for smalltableof
texlive-smartdiagram -
Generate diagrams from lists
texlive-smartdiagram-doc -
Documentation for smartdiagram
texlive-smartref -
Extend LaTeX's \ref capability
texlive-smartref-doc -
Documentation for smartref
texlive-snapshot -
List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document
texlive-snapshot-doc -
Documentation for snapshot
texlive-snotez -
Typeset notes, in the margin
texlive-snotez-doc -
Documentation for snotez
texlive-songbook -
Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books
texlive-songbook-doc -
Documentation for songbook
texlive-songs -
Produce song books for church or fellowship
texlive-songs-doc -
Documentation for songs
texlive-sort-by-letters -
Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting
texlive-sort-by-letters-doc -
Documentation for sort-by-letters
texlive-soton -
University of Southampton-compliant slides
texlive-soton-doc -
Documentation for soton
texlive-soul -
Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more
texlive-soul-doc -
Documentation for soul
texlive-sourcecodepro -
Use SourceCodePro with TeX(-alike) systems
texlive-sourcecodepro-doc -
Documentation for sourcecodepro
texlive-sourcesanspro -
Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems
texlive-sourcesanspro-doc -
Documentation for sourcesanspro
texlive-spanglish -
Simplified Spanish support for Babel
texlive-spanglish-doc -
Documentation for spanglish
texlive-spanish-mx -
Typeset Spanish as in Mexico
texlive-spanish-mx-doc -
Documentation for spanish-mx
texlive-sparklines -
Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics
texlive-sparklines-doc -
Documentation for sparklines
texlive-spath3 -
Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF
texlive-spath3-doc -
Documentation for spath3
texlive-spelling -
Support for spell-checking of LuaTeX documents
texlive-spelling-doc -
Documentation for spelling
texlive-spie -
Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts
texlive-spie-doc -
Documentation for spie
texlive-splines -
MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants
texlive-splines-doc -
Documentation for splines
texlive-splitbib -
Split and reorder your bibliography
texlive-splitbib-doc -
Documentation for splitbib
texlive-splitindex -
Unlimited number of indexes
texlive-splitindex-bin -
Binaries for splitindex
texlive-splitindex-doc -
Documentation for splitindex
texlive-spot -
Spotlight highlighting for Beamer
texlive-spot-doc -
Documentation for spot
texlive-spotcolor -
Spot colours for pdfLaTeX
texlive-spotcolor-doc -
Documentation for spotcolor
texlive-spreadtab -
Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments
texlive-spreadtab-doc -
Documentation for spreadtab
texlive-spverbatim -
Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output
texlive-spverbatim-doc -
Documentation for spverbatim
texlive-sr-vorl -
Class for Springer books
texlive-sr-vorl-doc -
Documentation for sr-vorl
texlive-srbook-mem -
srbook-mem package
texlive-srbook-mem-doc -
Documentation for srbook-mem
texlive-srcltx -
Jump between DVI and TeX files
texlive-srcltx-doc -
Documentation for srcltx
texlive-sseq -
Typesetting spectral sequence charts
texlive-sseq-doc -
Documentation for sseq
texlive-sslides -
Slides with headers and footers
texlive-sslides-doc -
Documentation for sslides
texlive-stack -
Tools to define and use stacks
texlive-stackengine -
Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc
texlive-stackengine-doc -
Documentation for stackengine
texlive-stage -
A LaTeX class for stage plays
texlive-stage-doc -
Documentation for stage
texlive-standalone -
Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document
texlive-standalone-doc -
Documentation for standalone
texlive-starfont -
The StarFont Sans astrological font
texlive-starfont-doc -
Documentation for starfont
texlive-startex -
An XML-inspired format for student use
texlive-startex-doc -
Documentation for startex
texlive-statex -
Statistics style
texlive-statex-doc -
Documentation for statex
texlive-statex2 -
Statistics style
texlive-statex2-doc -
Documentation for statex2
texlive-statistik -
Store statistics of a document
texlive-statistik-doc -
Documentation for statistik
texlive-staves -
Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters.
texlive-staves-doc -
Documentation for staves
texlive-stdclsdv -
Provide sectioning information for package writers
texlive-stdclsdv-doc -
Documentation for stdclsdv
texlive-stdpage -
Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each
texlive-stdpage-doc -
Documentation for stdpage
texlive-steinmetz -
Print Steinmetz notation
texlive-steinmetz-doc -
Documentation for steinmetz
texlive-stellenbosch -
Stellenbosch thesis bundle
texlive-stellenbosch-doc -
Documentation for stellenbosch
texlive-stex -
An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents
texlive-stex-doc -
Documentation for stex
texlive-stix -
OpenType Unicode maths fonts
texlive-stix-doc -
Documentation for stix
texlive-stmaryrd -
St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
texlive-stmaryrd-doc -
Documentation for stmaryrd
texlive-storebox -
Storing information for reuse
texlive-storebox-doc -
Documentation for storebox
texlive-storecmd -
Store the name of a defined command in a container
texlive-storecmd-doc -
Documentation for storecmd
texlive-stringstrings -
String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application
texlive-stringstrings-doc -
Documentation for stringstrings
texlive-struktex -
Draw Nassi-Schneidermann charts
texlive-struktex-doc -
Documentation for struktex
texlive-sttools -
Various macros
texlive-sttools-doc -
Documentation for sttools
texlive-stubs -
Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page
texlive-stubs-doc -
Documentation for stubs
texlive-sty2dtx -
Create a .dtx file from a .sty file
texlive-sty2dtx-bin -
Binaries for sty2dtx
texlive-sty2dtx-doc -
Documentation for sty2dtx
texlive-suanpan -
MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
texlive-suanpan-doc -
Documentation for suanpan
texlive-subdepth -
Unify maths subscript height
texlive-subdepth-doc -
Documentation for subdepth
texlive-subeqn -
Package for subequation numbering
texlive-subeqn-doc -
Documentation for subeqn
texlive-subeqnarray -
Equation array with sub numbering
texlive-subeqnarray-doc -
Documentation for subeqnarray
texlive-subfig -
Figures broken into subfigures
texlive-subfig-doc -
Documentation for subfig
texlive-subfigmat -
Automates layout when using the subfigure package
texlive-subfigmat-doc -
Documentation for subfigmat
texlive-subfigure -
Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures
texlive-subfigure-doc -
Documentation for subfigure
texlive-subfiles -
subfiles package
texlive-subfiles-doc -
Documentation for subfiles
texlive-subfloat -
Sub-numbering for figures and tables
texlive-subfloat-doc -
Documentation for subfloat
texlive-substances -
A database of chemicals
texlive-substances-doc -
Documentation for substances
texlive-substitutefont -
Easy font substitution
texlive-substitutefont-doc -
Documentation for substitutefont
texlive-substr -
Deal with substrings in strings
texlive-substr-doc -
Documentation for substr
texlive-sudoku -
Create sudoku grids
texlive-sudoku-doc -
Documentation for sudoku
texlive-sudokubundle -
A set of sudoku-related packages
texlive-sudokubundle-doc -
Documentation for sudokubundle
texlive-suftesi -
A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles
texlive-suftesi-doc -
Documentation for suftesi
texlive-sugconf -
SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class
texlive-sugconf-doc -
Documentation for sugconf
texlive-superiors -
Attach superior figures to a font family
texlive-superiors-doc -
Documentation for superiors
texlive-supertabular -
A multi-page tables package
texlive-supertabular-doc -
Documentation for supertabular
texlive-susy -
Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work
texlive-susy-doc -
Documentation for susy
texlive-svg -
Include and extract SVG pictures using Inkscape
texlive-svg-doc -
Documentation for svg
texlive-svg-inkscape-doc -
Documentation for svg-inkscape
texlive-svgcolor -
Define SVG named colours
texlive-svgcolor-doc -
Documentation for svgcolor
texlive-svn -
Typeset Subversion keywords
texlive-svn-doc -
Documentation for svn
texlive-svn-multi -
Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents
texlive-svn-multi-bin -
Binaries for svn-multi
texlive-svn-multi-doc -
Documentation for svn-multi
texlive-svn-prov -
Subversion variants of \Provides... macros
texlive-svn-prov-doc -
Documentation for svn-prov
texlive-svninfo -
Typeset Subversion keywords
texlive-svninfo-doc -
Documentation for svninfo
texlive-swebib -
Swedish bibliography styles
texlive-swebib-doc -
Documentation for swebib
texlive-swimgraf -
Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
texlive-swimgraf-doc -
Documentation for swimgraf
texlive-syllogism -
Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX
texlive-syllogism-doc -
Documentation for syllogism
texlive-symbol -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-synctex -
synctex package
texlive-synctex-bin -
Binaries for synctex
texlive-synproof -
Easy drawing of syntactic proofs
texlive-synproof-doc -
Documentation for synproof
texlive-syntax -
Creation of syntax diagrams
texlive-syntax-doc -
Documentation for syntax
texlive-syntrace -
Labels for tracing in a syntax tree
texlive-syntrace-doc -
Documentation for syntrace
texlive-synttree -
Typeset syntactic trees
texlive-synttree-doc -
Documentation for synttree
texlive-systeme -
Format systems of equations
texlive-systeme-doc -
Documentation for systeme
texlive-t-angles -
Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures
texlive-t-angles-doc -
Documentation for t-angles
texlive-t2 -
Support for using T2 encoding
texlive-t2-doc -
Documentation for t2
texlive-tabfigures -
Maintain vertical alignment of figures
texlive-tabfigures-doc -
Documentation for tabfigures
texlive-tableaux -
Construct tables of signs and variations
texlive-tableaux-doc -
Documentation for tableaux
texlive-tablefootnote -
Permit footnotes in tables
texlive-tablefootnote-doc -
Documentation for tablefootnote
texlive-tableof -
Tagging tables of contents
texlive-tableof-doc -
Documentation for tableof
texlive-tablists -
Tabulated lists of short items
texlive-tablists-doc -
Documentation for tablists
texlive-tablor -
Create tables of signs and of variations
texlive-tablor-doc -
Documentation for tablor
texlive-tabls -
Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays
texlive-tabls-doc -
Documentation for tabls
texlive-tabriz-thesis -
A template for the University of Tabriz
texlive-tabriz-thesis-doc -
Documentation for tabriz-thesis
texlive-tabstackengine -
"Tabbing" front-end to stackengine
texlive-tabstackengine-doc -
Documentation for tabstackengine
texlive-tabto-generic -
"Tab" to a measured position in the line
texlive-tabto-ltx -
"Tab" to a measured position in the line
texlive-tabto-ltx-doc -
Documentation for tabto-ltx
texlive-tabu -
Flexible LaTeX tabulars
texlive-tabu-doc -
Documentation for tabu
texlive-tabularborder -
Correct index entries for chemical compounds
texlive-tabularborder-doc -
Documentation for tabularborder
texlive-tabularcalc -
Calculate formulas in a tabular environment
texlive-tabularcalc-doc -
Documentation for tabularcalc
texlive-tabularew -
A variation on the tabular environment
texlive-tabularew-doc -
Documentation for tabularew
texlive-tabulars-e-doc -
Documentation for tabulars-e
texlive-tabulary -
Tabular with variable width columns balanced
texlive-tabulary-doc -
Documentation for tabulary
texlive-tabvar -
Typesetting tables showing variations of functions
texlive-tabvar-doc -
Documentation for tabvar
texlive-tagging -
Document configuration with tags
texlive-tagging-doc -
Documentation for tagging
texlive-talk -
A LaTeX class for presentations
texlive-talk-doc -
Documentation for talk
texlive-tamefloats -
Experimentally use \holdinginserts with LaTeX floats
texlive-tamefloats-doc -
Documentation for tamefloats
texlive-tamethebeast-doc -
Documentation for tamethebeast
texlive-tap -
TeX macros for typesetting complex tables
texlive-tap-doc -
Documentation for tap
texlive-tapir -
A simple geometrical font
texlive-tapir-doc -
Documentation for tapir
texlive-tcldoc -
Doc/docstrip for tcl
texlive-tcldoc-doc -
Documentation for tcldoc
texlive-tcolorbox -
Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
texlive-tcolorbox-doc -
Documentation for tcolorbox
texlive-tdclock -
A ticking digital clock package for PDF output
texlive-tdclock-doc -
Documentation for tdclock
texlive-tds-doc -
Documentation for tds
texlive-tdsfrmath -
Macros for French teachers of mathematics
texlive-tdsfrmath-doc -
Documentation for tdsfrmath
texlive-technics -
A package to format technical documents
texlive-technics-doc -
Documentation for technics
texlive-ted -
A (primitive) token list editor
texlive-ted-doc -
Documentation for ted
texlive-templates-fenn-doc -
Documentation for templates-fenn
texlive-templates-sommer-doc -
Documentation for templates-sommer
texlive-tengwarscript -
LaTeX support for using Tengwar fonts
texlive-tengwarscript-doc -
Documentation for tengwarscript
texlive-tensor -
Typeset tensors
texlive-tensor-doc -
Documentation for tensor
texlive-termcal -
Print a class calendar
texlive-termcal-doc -
Documentation for termcal
texlive-termlist -
Label any kind of term with a continuous counter
texlive-termlist-doc -
Documentation for termlist
texlive-tetex -
scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
texlive-tetex-bin -
Binaries for tetex
texlive-tetex-doc -
Documentation for tetex
texlive-teubner -
Philological typesetting of classical Greek
texlive-teubner-doc -
Documentation for teubner
texlive-tex -
A sophisticated typesetting engine
texlive-tex-bin -
Binaries for tex
texlive-tex-ewd -
Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style
texlive-tex-ewd-doc -
Documentation for tex-ewd
texlive-tex-font-errors-cheatsheet-doc -
Documentation for tex-font-errors-cheatsheet
texlive-tex-gyre -
TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts
texlive-tex-gyre-doc -
Documentation for tex-gyre
texlive-tex-gyre-math -
Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts
texlive-tex-gyre-math-doc -
Documentation for tex-gyre-math
texlive-tex-label -
Place a classification on each page of a document
texlive-tex-label-doc -
Documentation for tex-label
texlive-tex-overview-doc -
Documentation for tex-overview
texlive-tex-ps -
TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
texlive-tex-ps-doc -
Documentation for tex-ps
texlive-tex-refs-doc -
Documentation for tex-refs
texlive-tex-virtual-academy-pl-doc -
Documentation for tex-virtual-academy-pl
texlive-tex4ht -
Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML
texlive-tex4ht-bin -
Binaries for tex4ht
texlive-tex4ht-doc -
Documentation for tex4ht
texlive-texapi -
Macros to write format-independent packages
texlive-texapi-doc -
Documentation for texapi
texlive-texbytopic-doc -
Documentation for texbytopic
texlive-texconfig -
texconfig package
texlive-texconfig-bin -
Binaries for texconfig
texlive-texcount -
Count words in a LaTeX document
texlive-texcount-bin -
Binaries for texcount
texlive-texcount-doc -
Documentation for texcount
texlive-texdef -
Display the definitions of TeX commands
texlive-texdef-bin -
Binaries for texdef
texlive-texdef-doc -
Documentation for texdef
texlive-texdirflatten -
Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory
texlive-texdirflatten-bin -
Binaries for texdirflatten
texlive-texdoc -
Documentation access for TeX distributions
texlive-texdoc-bin -
Binaries for texdoc
texlive-texdoc-doc -
Documentation for texdoc
texlive-texdraw -
Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript
texlive-texdraw-doc -
Documentation for texdraw
texlive-texfot -
Filter clutter from the output of a TeX run
texlive-texfot-bin -
Binaries for texfot
texlive-texfot-doc -
Documentation for texfot
texlive-texilikechaps -
Format chapters with a texi-like format
texlive-texilikecover -
A cover-page package, like TeXinfo
texlive-texinfo -
Texinfo documentation system
texlive-texlive-common-doc -
Documentation for texlive-common
texlive-texlive-cz-doc -
Documentation for texlive-cz
texlive-texlive-de-doc -
Documentation for texlive-de
texlive-texlive-docindex -
top-level TeX Live doc.html, etc
texlive-texlive-docindex-doc -
Documentation for texlive-docindex
texlive-texlive-en-doc -
Documentation for texlive-en
texlive-texlive-fr-doc -
Documentation for texlive-fr
texlive-texlive-it-doc -
Documentation for texlive-it
texlive-texlive-msg-translations -
translations of the TeX Live installer and TeX Live Manager
texlive-texlive-pl-doc -
Documentation for texlive-pl
texlive-texlive-ru-doc -
Documentation for texlive-ru
texlive-texlive-scripts -
TeX Live infrastructure programs
texlive-texlive-scripts-bin -
Binaries for texlive-scripts
texlive-texlive-sr-doc -
Documentation for texlive-sr
texlive-texlive-zh-cn-doc -
Documentation for texlive-zh-cn
texlive-texlive.infra -
basic TeX Live infrastructure
texlive-texlive.infra-bin -
Binaries for texlive.infra
texlive-texlive.infra-doc -
Documentation for texlive.infra
texlive-texliveonfly -
On-the-fly download of missing TeX live packages
texlive-texliveonfly-bin -
Binaries for texliveonfly
texlive-texliveonfly-doc -
Documentation for texliveonfly
texlive-texloganalyser -
Analyse TeX logs
texlive-texloganalyser-bin -
Binaries for texloganalyser
texlive-texloganalyser-doc -
Documentation for texloganalyser
texlive-texlogos -
Ready-to-use LaTeX logos
texlive-texmate -
Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX
texlive-texmate-doc -
Documentation for texmate
texlive-texments -
Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX
texlive-texments-doc -
Documentation for texments
texlive-texpower -
Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
texlive-texpower-doc -
Documentation for texpower
texlive-texshade -
Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments
texlive-texshade-doc -
Documentation for texshade
texlive-texsis -
Plain TeX macros for Physicists
texlive-texsis-bin -
Binaries for texsis
texlive-texsis-doc -
Documentation for texsis
texlive-textcase -
Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
texlive-textcase-doc -
Documentation for textcase
texlive-textfit -
Fit text to a desired size
texlive-textfit-doc -
Documentation for textfit
texlive-textglos -
textglos package
texlive-textglos-doc -
Documentation for textglos
texlive-textgreek -
Upright greek letters in text
texlive-textgreek-doc -
Documentation for textgreek
texlive-textmerg -
Merge text in TeX and LaTeX
texlive-textmerg-doc -
Documentation for textmerg
texlive-textopo -
Annotated membrane protein topology plots
texlive-textopo-doc -
Documentation for textopo
texlive-textpath -
Setting text along a path with MetaPost
texlive-textpath-doc -
Documentation for textpath
texlive-textpos -
Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page
texlive-textpos-doc -
Documentation for textpos
texlive-texware -
Utility programs for use with TeX
texlive-texware-bin -
Binaries for texware
texlive-tfrupee -
A font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol
texlive-tfrupee-doc -
Documentation for tfrupee
texlive-thalie -
Typeset drama plays
texlive-thalie-doc -
Documentation for thalie
texlive-theoremref -
References with automatic theorem names
texlive-theoremref-doc -
Documentation for theoremref
texlive-thesis-titlepage-fhac -
Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
texlive-thesis-titlepage-fhac-doc -
Documentation for thesis-titlepage-fhac
texlive-thinsp -
A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX
texlive-thinsp-doc -
Documentation for thinsp
texlive-thmbox -
Decorate theorem statements
texlive-thmbox-doc -
Documentation for thmbox
texlive-thmtools -
Extensions to theorem environments
texlive-thmtools-doc -
Documentation for thmtools
texlive-threadcol -
Organize document columns into PDF "article thread"
texlive-threadcol-doc -
Documentation for threadcol
texlive-threeddice -
Create images of dice with one, two, or three faces showing, using MetaPost
texlive-threeddice-doc -
Documentation for threeddice
texlive-threeparttable -
Tables with captions and notes all the same width
texlive-threeparttable-doc -
Documentation for threeparttable
texlive-threeparttablex -
Notes in longtables
texlive-threeparttablex-doc -
Documentation for threeparttablex
texlive-thumb -
Thumb marks in documents
texlive-thumb-doc -
Documentation for thumb
texlive-thumbpdf -
Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf
texlive-thumbpdf-bin -
Binaries for thumbpdf
texlive-thumbpdf-doc -
Documentation for thumbpdf
texlive-thumbs -
Create thumb indexes
texlive-thumbs-doc -
Documentation for thumbs
texlive-thumby -
Create thumb indexes for printed books
texlive-thumby-doc -
Documentation for thumby
texlive-thuthesis -
Thesis template for Tsinghua University
texlive-thuthesis-doc -
Documentation for thuthesis
texlive-ticket -
Make labels, visting-cards, pins with LaTeX
texlive-ticket-doc -
Documentation for ticket
texlive-tie -
Allow multiple web change files
texlive-tie-bin -
Binaries for tie
texlive-tikz-3dplot -
Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
texlive-tikz-3dplot-doc -
Documentation for tikz-3dplot
texlive-tikz-bayesnet-doc -
Documentation for tikz-bayesnet
texlive-tikz-cd -
Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
texlive-tikz-cd-doc -
Documentation for tikz-cd
texlive-tikz-dependency -
A library for drawing dependency graphs
texlive-tikz-dependency-doc -
Documentation for tikz-dependency
texlive-tikz-inet -
Draw interaction nets with TikZ
texlive-tikz-inet-doc -
Documentation for tikz-inet
texlive-tikz-opm -
Typeset OPM diagrams
texlive-tikz-opm-doc -
Documentation for tikz-opm
texlive-tikz-qtree -
Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ
texlive-tikz-qtree-doc -
Documentation for tikz-qtree
texlive-tikz-timing -
Easy generation of timing diagrams as tikz pictures
texlive-tikz-timing-doc -
Documentation for tikz-timing
texlive-tikzinclude -
Import TikZ images from colletions
texlive-tikzinclude-doc -
Documentation for tikzinclude
texlive-tikzmark -
Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
texlive-tikzmark-doc -
Documentation for tikzmark
texlive-tikzorbital -
Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ
texlive-tikzorbital-doc -
Documentation for tikzorbital
texlive-tikzpagenodes -
Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
texlive-tikzpagenodes-doc -
Documentation for tikzpagenodes
texlive-tikzpfeile -
Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
texlive-tikzpfeile-doc -
Documentation for tikzpfeile
texlive-tikzposter -
Create scientific posters using TikZ
texlive-tikzposter-doc -
Documentation for tikzposter
texlive-tikzscale -
Resize pictures while respecting text size
texlive-tikzscale-doc -
Documentation for tikzscale
texlive-tikzsymbols -
Some symbols created using TikZ
texlive-tikzsymbols-doc -
Documentation for tikzsymbols
texlive-times -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-timetable -
Generate timetables
texlive-timing-diagrams -
Draw timing diagrams
texlive-timing-diagrams-doc -
Documentation for timing-diagrams
texlive-tipa -
Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters
texlive-tipa-de-doc -
Documentation for tipa-de
texlive-tipa-doc -
Documentation for tipa
texlive-titlecaps -
Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps
texlive-titlecaps-doc -
Documentation for titlecaps
texlive-titlefoot -
Add special material to footer of title page
texlive-titlepages-doc -
Documentation for titlepages
texlive-titlepic -
Add picture to title page of a document
texlive-titlepic-doc -
Documentation for titlepic
texlive-titleref -
A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles
texlive-titleref-doc -
Documentation for titleref
texlive-titlesec -
Select alternative section titles
texlive-titlesec-doc -
Documentation for titlesec
texlive-titling -
Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command
texlive-titling-doc -
Documentation for titling
texlive-tkz-base -
Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
texlive-tkz-base-doc -
Documentation for tkz-base
texlive-tkz-berge -
Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory
texlive-tkz-berge-doc -
Documentation for tkz-berge
texlive-tkz-doc -
Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
texlive-tkz-doc-doc -
Documentation for tkz-doc
texlive-tkz-euclide -
Tools for drawing euclidean geometry
texlive-tkz-euclide-doc -
Documentation for tkz-euclide
texlive-tkz-fct -
Tools for drawing graphs of functions
texlive-tkz-fct-doc -
Documentation for tkz-fct
texlive-tkz-graph -
Draw graph-theory graphs
texlive-tkz-graph-doc -
Documentation for tkz-graph
texlive-tkz-kiviat -
Draw Kiviat graphs
texlive-tkz-kiviat-doc -
Documentation for tkz-kiviat
texlive-tkz-linknodes -
Link nodes in mathematical environments
texlive-tkz-linknodes-doc -
Documentation for tkz-linknodes
texlive-tkz-orm -
Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams,
texlive-tkz-orm-doc -
Documentation for tkz-orm
texlive-tkz-tab -
Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ
texlive-tkz-tab-doc -
Documentation for tkz-tab
texlive-tlc2-doc -
Documentation for tlc2
texlive-tocbibind -
Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents
texlive-tocbibind-doc -
Documentation for tocbibind
texlive-tocloft -
Control table of contents, figures, etc
texlive-tocloft-doc -
Documentation for tocloft
texlive-tocvsec2 -
Section numbering and table of contents control
texlive-tocvsec2-doc -
Documentation for tocvsec2
texlive-todo -
Make a to-do list for a document
texlive-todo-doc -
Documentation for todo
texlive-todonotes -
Marking things to do in a LaTeX document
texlive-todonotes-doc -
Documentation for todonotes
texlive-tokenizer -
A tokenizer
texlive-tokenizer-doc -
Documentation for tokenizer
texlive-toolbox -
Tool macros
texlive-toolbox-doc -
Documentation for toolbox
texlive-tools -
The LaTeX standard tools bundle
texlive-tools-doc -
Documentation for tools
texlive-topfloat -
Move floats to the top of the page
texlive-topfloat-doc -
Documentation for topfloat
texlive-toptesi -
Bundle of files for typsetting theses
texlive-toptesi-doc -
Documentation for toptesi
texlive-totcount -
Find the last value of a counter
texlive-totcount-doc -
Documentation for totcount
texlive-totpages -
Count pages in a document, and report last page number
texlive-totpages-doc -
Documentation for totpages
texlive-tpic2pdftex -
Use tpic commands in PDFTeX
texlive-tpic2pdftex-bin -
Binaries for tpic2pdftex
texlive-tpic2pdftex-doc -
Documentation for tpic2pdftex
texlive-tpslifonts -
A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts
texlive-tpslifonts-doc -
Documentation for tpslifonts
texlive-tqft -
Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF
texlive-tqft-doc -
Documentation for tqft
texlive-trajan -
Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome
texlive-trajan-doc -
Documentation for trajan
texlive-tram -
Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX
texlive-tram-doc -
Documentation for tram
texlive-translation-array-fr-doc -
Documentation for translation-array-fr
texlive-translation-arsclassica-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-arsclassica-de
texlive-translation-biblatex-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-biblatex-de
texlive-translation-chemsym-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-chemsym-de
texlive-translation-dcolumn-fr-doc -
Documentation for translation-dcolumn-fr
texlive-translation-ecv-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-ecv-de
texlive-translation-enumitem-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-enumitem-de
texlive-translation-europecv-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-europecv-de
texlive-translation-filecontents-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-filecontents-de
texlive-translation-moreverb-de-doc -
Documentation for translation-moreverb-de
texlive-translation-natbib-fr-doc -
Documentation for translation-natbib-fr
texlive-translation-tabbing-fr-doc -
Documentation for translation-tabbing-fr
texlive-translations -
Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages
texlive-translations-doc -
Documentation for translations
texlive-tree-dvips -
Trees and other linguists' macros
texlive-tree-dvips-doc -
Documentation for tree-dvips
texlive-treetex -
Draw trees
texlive-treetex-doc -
Documentation for treetex
texlive-trfsigns -
Typeset transform signs
texlive-trfsigns-doc -
Documentation for trfsigns
texlive-trimspaces -
Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro
texlive-trimspaces-doc -
Documentation for trimspaces
texlive-trivfloat -
Quick float definitions in LaTeX
texlive-trivfloat-doc -
Documentation for trivfloat
texlive-trsym -
Symbols for transformations
texlive-trsym-doc -
Documentation for trsym
texlive-truncate -
Truncate text to a specified width
texlive-truncate-doc -
Documentation for truncate
texlive-tsemlines -
Support for the ancient \emline macro
texlive-ttfutils -
ttfutils package
texlive-ttfutils-bin -
Binaries for ttfutils
texlive-ttfutils-doc -
Documentation for ttfutils
texlive-tucv -
Support for typesetting a CV or resumee
texlive-tucv-doc -
Documentation for tucv
texlive-tufte-latex -
Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte
texlive-tufte-latex-doc -
Documentation for tufte-latex
texlive-tugboat -
LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles
texlive-tugboat-doc -
Documentation for tugboat
texlive-tugboat-plain -
Plain TeX macros for TUGboat
texlive-tugboat-plain-doc -
Documentation for tugboat-plain
texlive-tui -
Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia
texlive-tui-doc -
Documentation for tui
texlive-turkmen -
Babel support for Turkmen
texlive-turkmen-doc -
Documentation for turkmen
texlive-turnstile -
Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation
texlive-turnstile-doc -
Documentation for turnstile
texlive-turnthepage -
Provide "turn page" instructions
texlive-turnthepage-doc -
Documentation for turnthepage
texlive-twoinone -
Print two pages on a single page
texlive-twoinone-doc -
Documentation for twoinone
texlive-twoup -
Print two virtual pages on each physical page
texlive-twoup-doc -
Documentation for twoup
texlive-txfonts -
Times-like fonts in support of mathematics
texlive-txfonts-doc -
Documentation for txfonts
texlive-txfontsb -
Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont
texlive-txfontsb-doc -
Documentation for txfontsb
texlive-txgreeks -
Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters
texlive-txgreeks-doc -
Documentation for txgreeks
texlive-type1cm -
Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX
texlive-type1cm-doc -
Documentation for type1cm
texlive-typeface -
Select a balanced set of fonts
texlive-typeface-doc -
Documentation for typeface
texlive-typehtml -
Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX
texlive-typehtml-doc -
Documentation for typehtml
texlive-typeoutfileinfo -
Display class/package/file information
texlive-typeoutfileinfo-bin -
Binaries for typeoutfileinfo
texlive-typeoutfileinfo-doc -
Documentation for typeoutfileinfo
texlive-typogrid -
Print a typographic grid
texlive-typogrid-doc -
Documentation for typogrid
texlive-uaclasses -
University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format
texlive-uaclasses-doc -
Documentation for uaclasses
texlive-uadocs -
Course texts and masters theses in University of Antwerp style
texlive-uadocs-doc -
Documentation for uadocs
texlive-uafthesis -
Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks
texlive-uafthesis-doc -
Documentation for uafthesis
texlive-ucbthesis -
ucbthesis package
texlive-ucbthesis-doc -
Documentation for ucbthesis
texlive-ucdavisthesis -
A thesis/dissertation class for University of California Davis
texlive-ucdavisthesis-doc -
Documentation for ucdavisthesis
texlive-ucharclasses -
Switch fonts in XeTeX according to what is being processed
texlive-ucharclasses-doc -
Documentation for ucharclasses
texlive-ucs -
Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX
texlive-ucs-doc -
Documentation for ucs
texlive-ucthesis -
University of California thesis format
texlive-ucthesis-doc -
Documentation for ucthesis
texlive-udesoftec -
Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen
texlive-udesoftec-doc -
Documentation for udesoftec
texlive-uebungsblatt -
A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets
texlive-uebungsblatt-doc -
Documentation for uebungsblatt
texlive-uestcthesis -
Thesis class for UESTC
texlive-uestcthesis-doc -
Documentation for uestcthesis
texlive-uhc -
Fonts for the Korean language
texlive-uhc-doc -
Documentation for uhc
texlive-uiucredborder -
Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms
texlive-uiucredborder-doc -
Documentation for uiucredborder
texlive-uiucthesis -
UIUC thesis class
texlive-uiucthesis-doc -
Documentation for uiucthesis
texlive-ukrhyph -
Hyphenation Patterns for Ukrainian
texlive-ukrhyph-doc -
Documentation for ukrhyph
texlive-ulem -
Package for underlining
texlive-ulem-doc -
Documentation for ulem
texlive-ulqda -
Support of Qualitative Data Analysis
texlive-ulqda-bin -
Binaries for ulqda
texlive-ulqda-doc -
Documentation for ulqda
texlive-ulthese -
Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval
texlive-ulthese-doc -
Documentation for ulthese
texlive-umich-thesis -
University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class
texlive-umich-thesis-doc -
Documentation for umich-thesis
texlive-uml -
UML diagrams in LaTeX
texlive-uml-doc -
Documentation for uml
texlive-umlaute -
German input encodings in LaTeX
texlive-umlaute-doc -
Documentation for umlaute
texlive-umoline -
Underline text allowing line breaking
texlive-umoline-doc -
Documentation for umoline
texlive-umthesis -
Dissertations at the University of Michigan
texlive-umthesis-doc -
Documentation for umthesis
texlive-umtypewriter -
Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package
texlive-unamthesis -
Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses
texlive-unamthesis-doc -
Documentation for unamthesis
texlive-underlin -
Underlined running heads
texlive-underlin-doc -
Documentation for underlin
texlive-underoverlap -
Position decorations over and under expressions
texlive-underoverlap-doc -
Documentation for underoverlap
texlive-underscore -
Control the behaviour of "_" in text
texlive-underscore-doc -
Documentation for underscore
texlive-undolabl -
Override existing labels
texlive-undolabl-doc -
Documentation for undolabl
texlive-uni-wtal-ger -
Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal
texlive-uni-wtal-ger-doc -
Documentation for uni-wtal-ger
texlive-uni-wtal-lin -
Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal
texlive-uni-wtal-lin-doc -
Documentation for uni-wtal-lin
texlive-unicode-math -
Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
texlive-unicode-math-doc -
Documentation for unicode-math
texlive-unisugar -
Define syntactic sugar for Unicode LaTeX
texlive-unisugar-doc -
Documentation for unisugar
texlive-units -
Typeset units
texlive-units-doc -
Documentation for units
texlive-unitsdef -
Typesetting units in LaTeX
texlive-unitsdef-doc -
Documentation for unitsdef
texlive-universa -
Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font
texlive-universa-doc -
Documentation for universa
texlive-unravel -
unravel package
texlive-unravel-doc -
Documentation for unravel
texlive-uothesis -
Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon
texlive-uothesis-doc -
Documentation for uothesis
texlive-uowthesis -
Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
texlive-uowthesis-doc -
Documentation for uowthesis
texlive-uowthesistitlepage -
Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
texlive-uowthesistitlepage-doc -
Documentation for uowthesistitlepage
texlive-upca -
upca package
texlive-upca-doc -
Documentation for upca
texlive-upmethodology -
Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies
texlive-upmethodology-doc -
Documentation for upmethodology
texlive-upquote -
Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim
texlive-upquote-doc -
Documentation for upquote
texlive-uptex -
Unicode version of pTeX
texlive-uptex-bin -
Binaries for uptex
texlive-uptex-doc -
Documentation for uptex
texlive-uri -
uri package
texlive-uri-doc -
Documentation for uri
texlive-url -
Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
texlive-url-doc -
Documentation for url
texlive-urlbst -
Web support for BibTeX
texlive-urlbst-bin -
Binaries for urlbst
texlive-urlbst-doc -
Documentation for urlbst
texlive-urwchancal -
Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet
texlive-urwchancal-doc -
Documentation for urwchancal
texlive-usebib -
A simple bibloography processor
texlive-usebib-doc -
Documentation for usebib
texlive-ushort -
Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars
texlive-ushort-doc -
Documentation for ushort
texlive-uspatent -
U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX
texlive-uspatent-doc -
Documentation for uspatent
texlive-ut-thesis -
University of Toronto thesis style
texlive-ut-thesis-doc -
Documentation for ut-thesis
texlive-utf8mex -
utf8mex package
texlive-utf8mex-doc -
Documentation for utf8mex
texlive-utopia -
Adobe Utopia fonts
texlive-utopia-doc -
Documentation for utopia
texlive-uwthesis -
University of Washington thesis class
texlive-uwthesis-doc -
Documentation for uwthesis
texlive-vak -
BibTeX style for Russian Theses, books, etc
texlive-vak-doc -
Documentation for vak
texlive-vancouver -
Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals
texlive-vancouver-doc -
Documentation for vancouver
texlive-variations -
Typeset tables of variations of functions
texlive-variations-doc -
Documentation for variations
texlive-varindex -
Luxury frontend to the \index command
texlive-varindex-doc -
Documentation for varindex
texlive-varisize -
Change font size in Plain TeX
texlive-varisize-doc -
Documentation for varisize
texlive-varsfromjobname -
Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file
texlive-varsfromjobname-doc -
Documentation for varsfromjobname
texlive-varwidth -
A variable-width minipage
texlive-varwidth-doc -
Documentation for varwidth
texlive-vaucanson-g -
PSTricks macros for drawing automata
texlive-vaucanson-g-doc -
Documentation for vaucanson-g
texlive-vdmlisting -
Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax
texlive-vdmlisting-doc -
Documentation for vdmlisting
texlive-velthuis -
Typeset Devanagari
texlive-velthuis-doc -
Documentation for velthuis
texlive-venn -
Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost
texlive-venn-doc -
Documentation for venn
texlive-venndiagram -
Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
texlive-venndiagram-doc -
Documentation for venndiagram
texlive-venturisadf -
Venturis ADF fonts collection
texlive-venturisadf-doc -
Documentation for venturisadf
texlive-verbasef -
VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files
texlive-verbasef-doc -
Documentation for verbasef
texlive-verbatimbox -
Deposit verbatim text in a box
texlive-verbatimbox-doc -
Documentation for verbatimbox
texlive-verbatimcopy -
Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX
texlive-verbatimcopy-doc -
Documentation for verbatimcopy
texlive-verbdef -
Define commands which expand to verbatim text
texlive-verbdef-doc -
Documentation for verbdef
texlive-verbments -
Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents
texlive-verbments-doc -
Documentation for verbments
texlive-verse -
Aids for typesetting simple verse
texlive-verse-doc -
Documentation for verse
texlive-version -
Conditionally include text
texlive-version-doc -
Documentation for version
texlive-versions -
Optionally omit pieces of text
texlive-versions-doc -
Documentation for versions
texlive-vertbars -
Mark vertical rules in margin of text
texlive-vertbars-doc -
Documentation for vertbars
texlive-vgrid -
Overlay a grid on the printed page
texlive-vgrid-doc -
Documentation for vgrid
texlive-vhistory -
Support for creating a change log
texlive-vhistory-doc -
Documentation for vhistory
texlive-visualfaq-doc -
Documentation for visualfaq
texlive-vlna -
vlna package
texlive-vlna-bin -
Binaries for vlna
texlive-vlna-doc -
Documentation for vlna
texlive-vmargin -
Set various page dimensions
texlive-vmargin-doc -
Documentation for vmargin
texlive-vntex -
Support for Vietnamese
texlive-vntex-doc -
Documentation for vntex
texlive-vocaltract -
Visualise the vocal tract using LaTeX and PStricks
texlive-vocaltract-doc -
Documentation for vocaltract
texlive-volumes -
Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc
texlive-volumes-doc -
Documentation for volumes
texlive-voss-mathmode-doc -
Documentation for voss-mathmode
texlive-vpe -
Source specials for PDF output
texlive-vpe-bin -
Binaries for vpe
texlive-vpe-doc -
Documentation for vpe
texlive-vruler -
Numbering text
texlive-vruler-doc -
Documentation for vruler
texlive-vwcol -
Variable-width multiple text columns
texlive-vwcol-doc -
Documentation for vwcol
texlive-wadalab -
Wadalab (Japanese) font packages
texlive-wadalab-doc -
Documentation for wadalab
texlive-wallpaper -
Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling
texlive-wallpaper-doc -
Documentation for wallpaper
texlive-warning -
Global warnings at the end of the logfile
texlive-warning-doc -
Documentation for warning
texlive-warpcol -
Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars
texlive-warpcol-doc -
Documentation for warpcol
texlive-was -
A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt
texlive-was-doc -
Documentation for was
texlive-wasy -
The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts)
texlive-wasy-doc -
Documentation for wasy
texlive-wasysym -
LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts
texlive-wasysym-doc -
Documentation for wasysym
texlive-web -
original web programs tangle and weave
texlive-web-bin -
Binaries for web
texlive-webguide-doc -
Documentation for webguide
texlive-widetable -
An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
texlive-widetable-doc -
Documentation for widetable
texlive-williams -
Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams
texlive-williams-doc -
Documentation for williams
texlive-withargs -
withargs package
texlive-withargs-doc -
Documentation for withargs
texlive-wnri -
Ridgeway's fonts
texlive-wnri-doc -
Documentation for wnri
texlive-wnri-latex -
LaTeX support for wnri fonts
texlive-wnri-latex-doc -
Documentation for wnri-latex
texlive-wordlike -
Simulating word processor layout
texlive-wordlike-doc -
Documentation for wordlike
texlive-wrapfig -
Produces figures which text can flow around
texlive-wrapfig-doc -
Documentation for wrapfig
texlive-wsemclassic -
LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers
texlive-wsemclassic-doc -
Documentation for wsemclassic
texlive-wsuipa -
International Phonetic Alphabet fonts
texlive-wsuipa-doc -
Documentation for wsuipa
texlive-xargs -
Define commands with many optional arguments
texlive-xargs-doc -
Documentation for xargs
texlive-xcharter -
Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts
texlive-xcharter-doc -
Documentation for xcharter
texlive-xcite -
Use citation keys from a different document
texlive-xcite-doc -
Documentation for xcite
texlive-xcjk2uni -
Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdfTeX
texlive-xcjk2uni-doc -
Documentation for xcjk2uni
texlive-xcolor -
Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
texlive-xcolor-doc -
Documentation for xcolor
texlive-xcomment -
Allows selected environments to be included/excluded
texlive-xcomment-doc -
Documentation for xcomment
texlive-xcookybooky -
Typeset (potentially long) recipes
texlive-xcookybooky-doc -
Documentation for xcookybooky
texlive-xdoc -
Extending the LaTeX doc system
texlive-xdoc-doc -
Documentation for xdoc
texlive-xdvi -
A DVI previewer for the X Window System
texlive-xdvi-bin -
Binaries for xdvi
texlive-xecjk -
Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
texlive-xecjk-doc -
Documentation for xecjk
texlive-xecolor -
Support for color in XeLaTeX
texlive-xecolor-doc -
Documentation for xecolor
texlive-xecyr -
Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX
texlive-xecyr-doc -
Documentation for xecyr
texlive-xeindex -
Automatic index generation for XeLaTeX
texlive-xeindex-doc -
Documentation for xeindex
texlive-xepersian -
Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX
texlive-xepersian-doc -
Documentation for xepersian
texlive-xesearch -
A string finder for XeTeX
texlive-xesearch-doc -
Documentation for xesearch
texlive-xetex -
Unicode and OpenType-enabled TeX engine
texlive-xetex-bin -
Binaries for xetex
texlive-xetex-def -
Colour and graphics support for XeTeX
texlive-xetex-devanagari -
XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari
texlive-xetex-devanagari-doc -
Documentation for xetex-devanagari
texlive-xetex-doc -
Documentation for xetex
texlive-xetex-itrans -
Itrans input maps for use with XeLaTeX
texlive-xetex-itrans-doc -
Documentation for xetex-itrans
texlive-xetex-pstricks -
Running PStricks under XeTeX
texlive-xetex-pstricks-doc -
Documentation for xetex-pstricks
texlive-xetex-tibetan -
XeTeX input maps for Unicode Tibetan
texlive-xetex-tibetan-doc -
Documentation for xetex-tibetan
texlive-xetexconfig -
Configuration files for XeTeX
texlive-xetexfontinfo -
Report font features in XeTeX
texlive-xetexfontinfo-doc -
Documentation for xetexfontinfo
texlive-xetexko -
Typeset Korean with Xe(La)TeX
texlive-xetexko-doc -
Documentation for xetexko
texlive-xetexref-doc -
Documentation for xetexref
texlive-xevlna -
Insert non-breakable spaces using XeTeX
texlive-xevlna-doc -
Documentation for xevlna
texlive-xfor -
A reimplimentation of the LaTeX for-loop macro
texlive-xfor-doc -
Documentation for xfor
texlive-xgreek -
XeLaTeX package for typesetting Greek language documents (beta release)
texlive-xgreek-doc -
Documentation for xgreek
texlive-xhfill -
Extending \hrulefill
texlive-xhfill-doc -
Documentation for xhfill
texlive-xifthen -
Extended conditional commands
texlive-xifthen-doc -
Documentation for xifthen
texlive-xii-doc -
Documentation for xii
texlive-xint -
Expandable operations on long numbers
texlive-xint-doc -
Documentation for xint
texlive-xits -
A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting
texlive-xits-doc -
Documentation for xits
texlive-xkeyval -
Extension of the keyval package
texlive-xkeyval-doc -
Documentation for xkeyval
texlive-xlop -
Calculates and displays arithmetic operations
texlive-xlop-doc -
Documentation for xlop
texlive-xltxtra -
"Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX
texlive-xltxtra-doc -
Documentation for xltxtra
texlive-xmltex -
Support for parsing XML documents
texlive-xmltex-bin -
Binaries for xmltex
texlive-xmltex-doc -
Documentation for xmltex
texlive-xmpincl -
Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in PDFLaTeX
texlive-xmpincl-doc -
Documentation for xmpincl
texlive-xnewcommand -
Define \global and \protected commands with \newcommand
texlive-xnewcommand-doc -
Documentation for xnewcommand
texlive-xoptarg -
Expandable macros that take an optional argument
texlive-xoptarg-doc -
Documentation for xoptarg
texlive-xpatch -
Extending etoolbox patching commands
texlive-xpatch-doc -
Documentation for xpatch
texlive-xpeek -
Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream
texlive-xpeek-doc -
Documentation for xpeek
texlive-xpicture -
Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing
texlive-xpicture-doc -
Documentation for xpicture
texlive-xpinyin -
Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
texlive-xpinyin-doc -
Documentation for xpinyin
texlive-xpunctuate -
xpunctuate package
texlive-xpunctuate-doc -
Documentation for xpunctuate
texlive-xq -
Support for writing about xiangqi
texlive-xq-doc -
Documentation for xq
texlive-xskak -
An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
texlive-xskak-doc -
Documentation for xskak
texlive-xstring -
String manipulation for (La)TeX
texlive-xstring-doc -
Documentation for xstring
texlive-xtab -
Break tables across pages
texlive-xtab-doc -
Documentation for xtab
texlive-xunicode -
Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs
texlive-xunicode-doc -
Documentation for xunicode
texlive-xwatermark -
Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages
texlive-xwatermark-doc -
Documentation for xwatermark
texlive-xyling -
Draw syntactic trees, etc., for linguistics literature, using xy-pic
texlive-xyling-doc -
Documentation for xyling
texlive-xymtex -
Typesetting chemical structures
texlive-xymtex-doc -
Documentation for xymtex
texlive-xypic -
Flexible diagramming macros
texlive-xypic-doc -
Documentation for xypic
texlive-xypic-tut-pt-doc -
Documentation for xypic-tut-pt
texlive-xytree -
Tree macros using XY-Pic
texlive-xytree-doc -
Documentation for xytree
texlive-yafoot -
A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages
texlive-yafoot-doc -
Documentation for yafoot
texlive-yagusylo -
A symbol loader
texlive-yagusylo-doc -
Documentation for yagusylo
texlive-yannisgr -
Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous
texlive-yannisgr-doc -
Documentation for yannisgr
texlive-yax -
Yet Another Key System
texlive-yax-doc -
Documentation for yax
texlive-ydoc -
Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
texlive-ydoc-doc -
Documentation for ydoc
texlive-yfonts -
Support for old German fonts
texlive-yfonts-doc -
Documentation for yfonts
texlive-yhmath -
Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
texlive-yhmath-doc -
Documentation for yhmath
texlive-york-thesis -
A thesis class file for York University, Toronto
texlive-york-thesis-doc -
Documentation for york-thesis
texlive-youngtab -
Typeset Young-Tableaux
texlive-youngtab-doc -
Documentation for youngtab
texlive-yplan -
Daily planner type calendar
texlive-yplan-doc -
Documentation for yplan
texlive-ytableau -
Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams
texlive-ytableau-doc -
Documentation for ytableau
texlive-zapfchan -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-zapfding -
URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
texlive-zed-csp -
Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications
texlive-zed-csp-doc -
Documentation for zed-csp
texlive-zhmetrics -
TFM subfont files for using Chinese fonts in 8-bit TeX
texlive-zhmetrics-doc -
Documentation for zhmetrics
texlive-zhnumber -
Typeset Chinese representations of numbers
texlive-zhnumber-doc -
Documentation for zhnumber
texlive-zhspacing -
Spacing for mixed CJK-English documents in XeTeX
texlive-zhspacing-doc -
Documentation for zhspacing
texlive-ziffer -
Conversion of punctuation in maths mode
texlive-ziffer-doc -
Documentation for ziffer
texlive-zlmtt -
Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts
texlive-zlmtt-doc -
Documentation for zlmtt
texlive-zwgetfdate -
Get package or file date
texlive-zwgetfdate-doc -
Documentation for zwgetfdate
texlive-zwpagelayout -
Page layout and crop-marks
texlive-zwpagelayout-doc -
Documentation for zwpagelayout
texlive-zxjafbfont -
zxjafbfont package
texlive-zxjafbfont-doc -
Documentation for zxjafbfont
texlive-zxjafont -
Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
texlive-zxjafont-doc -
Documentation for zxjafont
texlive-zxjatype -
Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
texlive-zxjatype-doc -
Documentation for zxjatype