Hi, at http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/specials/ mode-modecon-04feb2004.zip you can now find a version of my new MODE with support for: - DISPLAY codepage operations for CON - the usual non-resident LPTn / COMn configuration things - the usual screen mode selection things, including "just change the font" - typematic rate setting - keyboard caps/scroll/num lock setting - switchar setting - printer redirection <= NEEDS TO BE TESTED - retry=p mode for infinite printer retry if busy <= NEEDS TO BE TESTED - status display with printer / serial port status and screen setup info, as well as switchar and keyboard lock info (no serial port configuration status, no redirect / retry status, no printer configuration status, keyboard typematic rate status only if supported by BIOS) If the tests are okay, this mode can do "all" things which the classic FreeDOS MODE could do (except 14400/28800 baud setting and resident old style harddisk parking feature and typematic rate locking feature) *plus* support for more screen things (including mono switching for dual monitor systems) and CODEPAGE support *and* it has the "correct" syntax for every- thing (while classic MODE has limited / special syntax). Happy testing! Eric. C:\HOME\RAMDISK\SOURCE\MODE>mode /? New FreeDOS MODE by Eric Auer 2003-2004, with support for DISPLAY codepages. MODE [device] [/STA[TUS]] (show status of one or all devices) MODE LPTn[:] cols[,[lines][,retry]] (80/132 cols, 6/8 lpi) MODE LPTn[:] [COLS=...] [LINES=...] [RETRY=...] Retry can be b/e/r return busy/error/ready if busy, p/n infinite/no retry. MODE LPTn[:]=COMn[:] (redirect printer data to serial port) MODE COMn[:] baud,parity,data,stop,retry (empty values allowed) MODE COMn[:] [BAUD=...] [PARITY=...] [DATA=...] [STOP=...] [RETRY=...] Baud can be abbreviated to unique prefix, parity can be o/e/n/s/m, the latter 2 mean space/mark, data can be 5..8, stop 1..2. Retry is IGNORED! MODE CON [CP|CODEPAGE] REFRESH MODE CON [CP|CODEPAGE] SELECT=number MODE CON [CP|CODEPAGE] PREPARE=((...) filename) '...' can be one or more comma separated items: numbers or empty strings. MODE [BW40|BW80|CO40|CO80|MONO][,rows] (rows can be 25, 28, 43 or 50) Use 8, 14 or 16 as 'rows' value if you only want to change the font. MODE CON[:] [COLS=...] [LINES=...] (cols can be 40 or 80) MODE CON[:] [RATE=...] [DELAY=...] (default rate 20, default delay 1) Rate can be 1..32 for 2..30 char/sec, delay can be 1..4 for 1/4..4/4 sec. MODE CON[:] [NUMLOCK|CAPSLOCK|SCROLLLOCK|SWITCHAR]=value Value can be: + or - for the locks or a character for switchar. CGA L/R shift not yet supported! Only limited RETRY support in this version! (limited RETRY means: No serial port retry handlers and parallel port only supports "infinite" and "normal" retry handling, just like with classic MODE.)