Index of /public/ftp/pub/linux/X11/devel

What you'll find here: libraries and tools for writing X apps

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GUI builder tools for X
libs for X11
Docs on various supervga cards
assembler-level VGA interface kit
XVM.tar.gz (LSM entry) 1999-06-03
Simple virtual mashine with no limit number of registers (269162 bytes)
build-0.1.1.tgz (LSM entry) (LSM entry) 1998-07-15
GUI builder tools for X (400687 bytes)
build-0.2.tar.gz (LSM entry) (LSM entry) 1998-09-16
GUI builder tools for X (97467 bytes)
easygtk-1.1.6.tar (LSM entry) 2000-01-12
A wrapper library to make GTK programming easier and faster (153600 bytes)
kle-0.1.3-alpha.tgz (LSM entry) 1998-11-23
Layout Engine for GUIs. To fast create good looking GUI's (370628 bytes)
str2xbm-0.01.01.tar.gz (LSM entry) 2004-04-10
convert string to X11 bitmap (xbm) (12259 bytes)
widtools-2p0b.tgz (LSM entry) 1997-04-13
widgets tools for shell scripts, needs xform (10665 bytes)
winterp-2.10.tar.gz (LSM entry) 1998-04-27
?? (2538353 bytes)

Last updated by using keeper 1.55 on 2004-04-12 16:54:24 UCT