
Re: best platform...

We develop it primarily under FreeBSD.  FreeBSD works extremely well for
oskit work, but (in theory) any platform should do. :>  (The unix-level
stuff gets worked-out on on a regular basis under FreeBSD, and much less
frequently elsewhere, and the same goes for the various makefiles and


Lo and behold, Marc A. Boschma once said:
> I've just started to explore the current release and I've been wondering
> which is the best OS (stable, used most at Utah, etc. Linux or FreeBSD)
> to work with the code. I usually run NetBSD, but I'm thinking of putting
> together another box to work with OSKit.

work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
      University of Utah                            http://www.angio.net/
      Department of Computer Science

Follow-Ups: References: