
Re: booting kernels made with mklinuximage

Mike Ashley <jashley@eecs.ukans.edu> wrote:

> The linuxboot.bin image at
> ftp://flux.cs.utah.edu/flux/... *does* work.  So if you are having
> trouble go grab that and give it a whirl.

Pardon my failure, but I can't find any linuxboot.bin image at that
site, except the one inside the oskit distribution.  There used to be
one out by itself (at least according to the README in the old
location), but it's now just part of the distribution.

If you know of a usable one that is still available, could you please
tell me exactly where it is?  I really don't want to change SCSI
adaptors in order to install FreeBSD in order to build something I
can boot...

