
Re: Problems with linux

charles verge wrote:
> Would it be the glibc ? on rh and debian ?

No, it builds fine under RH 5.2 and grub loads and runs it fine.  I made
certain that I had the correct linuxboot.bin but still had the same
booting results.

At this point in time, I feel that this isn't a show-stopper.  RH 5.2
tools build the hello kernel properly, grub loads it fine, and it
runs.   I'll continue to try the sample kernels to make sure everything
works, but I can work with grub and convert linux over when I need to. 
For now, I just use a boot floppy as a temporary measure.  After all,
the target is my kernel and it can be a grub compliant kernel.  I get to
make that choice ;-)

The OS-KIT is great and thanks to the development team for it.

