
Re: linux_fs + freebsd_c

On 1999-1-11 Bart Robinson <lomew@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
 > 	assert(fs_linux_mount(part, 0, &fs) == 0);
 > 	assert(oskit_filesystem_getroot(fs, &root) == 0);
 > 	...use them...
 > 	assert(oskit_directory_release(root) == 0);
 > 	assert(oskit_filesystem_sync(fs) == 0);
 > 	assert(oskit_filesystem_release(fs) == 0);

This was just an illustration, of course the code should look
more like

	err = oskit_directory_release(root);

to avoid being compiled out if NDEBUG is defined.  But that is
harder to type :-)  (thanks Roland)

-- bart
