
Re: kaffe on oskit

 Hi Geert,

> I've got the kaffe on oskit succesfully running, but I wonder what you guys needed to change in Kaffe in order to make it run on the oskit. Is it just the libraries you link it with or did you change also certain parts of the source code ?

The short answer would be: do a diff and you see what we changed.

The long answer is that yet, we link kaffe with the oskit libraries.
See config/i386/oskit/config.frag for the exact link-line.
Plus, we rely on the gcc driver installed by the oskit, so that Kaffe's
configure process works (minus some variables we set explicitly
in the config.frag file).

In addition, we added an implementation of Kaffe's jthread threading
interface that is based on the OSKit's version of pthreads.
See kaffe/kaffevm/systems/oskit-pthreads.  This is mostly pthreads with
OSKit-specific extensions.

	- Godmar

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