
Re: Question from a green apple :-)

> From: "Joel M. Damaso" <jmdamaso@bhpi.com.ph>
> Subject: Question from a green apple :-)
> I downloaded this oskit and I unzip it in my linux system. btw my oskit
> is version 0.97. When I do a "make" there was an error of right or
> something that happned in the entering leaving the directory named
> "flask" or something. Can anyone help me with this? Is my linux version
> old that this problem happened or I missed something that needs to be
> fixed first. Thank you in advance to anyone who can give me a hand with
> this.

Hi. A small problem snuck into the 0.97 release, which resulted in the
execute bit being left off some shell scripts. Try this:

	cd oskit-0.97/flask
	chmod +x *.sh


Leigh B. Stoller                        University of Utah
stoller@cs.utah.edu                     Computer Science Department
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