
Help with GRUB

OK I got my OSKit to compile and install. Now I want to run the example
kernels using GRUB.
I've got a bootable floppy with the GRUB image on it. I've read the
documentation but I'm still not sure what's next (duh :). So...

I take it that I can copy a kernel image onto a floopy, I'm using FreeBSD
as a development platform.What is the right way to get the image onto the
What else should go on the floppy? 
Is the file system on the floppy a FAT or some other format?

Do I need to put some part of GRUB (stage 2) on the kernel floppy?
What would the stand alone command be to boot the kernel image off of a
Is there a way I can boot the kernel image straight from the FreeBSD
I,m using system commander to do multibooting on that machine now, will
this get in the way?

I can take any of these answers off line or you can post them to the list,
I've searched the entire list and can not find any concrete examples of this.


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