
Re: Just passed my mind....

> From: "Joel M. Damaso" <jmdamaso@bhpi.com.ph>
> Subject: Just passed my mind....
> Help Please me.
> During the launching of a new thread. Does like in the http_proxy
> example. Does the cpu actually is doing a multitasking here? What kind
> of swtiching does it does? Is there a preserving of TSS here that
> happens. Is this TSS is built in in the oskit infrastructure? Can anyone
> explain to me how oskit handle paralellism here. Coz if oskit handles
> paralellism here, Id like my kernel to have its primitives run like a
> thread instead Does oskit do a sort of process-priority switching
> here?.

The threads package included with the OSKit is a mostly POSIX
compliant thread implementation. I suggest you pick up the POSIX
1003.1 documentation for a thorough treatment of that.

The OSKit threads implementation does not use the builtin task switch
features of the x86 processor (TSS). Since there is no process model
in the base environment, and obviously no per-process context, it is
more efficient to hand-roll a simple context routine that handles
switching the registers plus a few other odds and ends. If you are
interested in actual details, then please take a look at the file


Leigh B. Stoller                     Computer Science - Flux Research Group
stoller@cs.utah.edu                  University of Utah
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~stoller      Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Voice: (813) 899-9296                FAX: (801) 585-3743
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