
Re: How to write a Kernel Q2

On Mon, 01 Mar 1999, Leigh Stoller wrote:
>> From: "Joel M. Damaso" <jmdamaso@bhpi.com.ph>
>> Subject: Re: How to write a Kernel Q2
>> >  main()
>> >      {
>> >           printf("Hello World");
>> >      }
>> >
>> Questions:
>> 1. So the program above during its execution is already in protected
>>    mode?
>Remembering that we are talking about the x86 architecture, yes. By
>the time you get to the main program, the processor has been properly
>initialized, and is running in protected, flat, 32bit mode. 

Where can I see what exactly has been called prior to entering main() and how
things were initialized so that I can reproduce it myself without all of it
being hidden.


Andrej Presern, andrejp@luz.fe.uni-lj.si 
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