
Re: How to write a Kernel Q2

Leigh Stoller wrote:
> > From: Andrej Presern <andrejp@luz.fe.uni-lj.si>
> > Subject: Re: How to write a Kernel Q2
> >
> > Where can I see what exactly has been called prior to entering
> > main() and how things were initialized so that I can reproduce it
> > myself without all of it being hidden.
> Look at multiboot_main() in kern/x86/pc/base_multiboot_main.c.
> I find the easiest way to navigate around the source code is to
> glimpsify it:

soory for the question: what's glimpse?

thanx in advance

|  Lorenzo Bettini    ICQ# lbetto, 16080134           |
|  Dr. in Informatica (Computer Science)	      |
|  Florence - Italy                                   |
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