
Re: How to Create TSS?

Lo and Behold, A.Supreeth Reddy said:
> Hello All,
> 		I want to know,which oskit built-in function can help
> me to fill the x86_tss struct. Also the in examples/x86/threads 

   See the documentation, section 10.3.12:

    tss.h:  Processor task save state structure definition

   Section 10.7.6 and friends

     base_tss, base_tss_init(), etc., etc.

> inherit_test1.c has 4-5 undefined functions such as
> pthread_attr_setscheduler(). 
> 		How do I set the scheduler using oskit....?

   See Section 19, "Posix Threads"

   See the comment at the top of inherit_test1.c regarding the defines 
you need to set when building the threads package to use CPU
Inheritance Scheduling:

 * A very simple CPU Inheritance Scheduler demonstration example.
 * To build this example, the threads directory will need to be
 * compiled with CPU_INHERIT defined. See the GNUmakerules in that
 * directory.

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