
Re: Can netboot boot non-multiboot OSs?

Lo and Behold, Naomaru Itoi said:
> I am modifying netboot to do smartcard code signing.  I found that
> netboot can only boot multiboot compliant kernels.  (1) Is there a way
> to convert ordinally kernels, e.g., Linux and *BSD, to multiboot
> compliant?  (2) Is it possible to modify netboot to boot non-multiboot
> compliant kernels? 

  Netboot used to boot BSD kernels, and is derived from FreeBSD
netboot sources to do exactly that;  see the netboot directory in the
FreeBSD source distribution.

  There's another netboot project out there, called Etherboot, which
tftps kernels instead of NFS'ing them like our netboot does, and you
can find information about it from http://www.slug.org.au/etherboot/

  I don't think we have any plans to port our netboot back to BSD
kernels, because the migration from BSD to multiboot helped out both
our flexibility in passing command lines in, and in simplifying our
netboot code.  However, if you develop patches which enable booting
either/or, I'll happy look at stuffing them in our netboot so we can
be compatible. :)

  As to (1), er, not at the moment.  That's another of those "We'd
like to see eventually" things.


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