
Re: Can netboot boot non-multiboot OSs?

>         It is possible to convert ordinary kernels to multiboot by 
> using mkmbimage or mklinuximage.

OSKit examples and kernels are multiboot.

mkmbimage takes a multiboot kernel and some boot modules and
puts them into a new multiboot image.  mklinuximage converts
a multiboot image (and some files) into a form loadable by the
Linux loader (assuming that it is small enough for LILO).
mkbsdimage is the same, except it wraps kernels for loading
by the BSD bootblocks.

As Dave said, there is no way (currently) to convert a BSD or
Linux kernel into a Multiboot format.  Back when our netboot
was booting BSD kernels, we used mkbsdimage and booted kernels
using the BSD bootloader or netboot; now we boot multiboot
kernels directly with netboot (but we can't boot FreeBSD
kernels with netboot anymore).

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