
Re: How to write a Kernel

Hello All,
		I have been going through the source code for l4
microkernel.It doesn't have any of the basic features which are supposed
to be present in the microkernel architecture. No scheduler and interrupt
handlers ,also no irq initializations.
		Is the l4 implementation complete.I mean is the full
system present or is it under development still.

On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Jay Lepreau wrote:

> Fluke is a microkernel and uses the OSKit.  There are others too,
> like Michael Hohmuth's reimplemention of the L4 microkernel.
> Our plan is to release the Fluke kernel source this week,
> so you could look at that.  However, Fluke is rather more complex than
> the OSKit, 
	I fluke kernel is far more complex than oskit itself.Do you
suggest any other alternatives ? 

> so I think you should stick with the examples while
> you're learning.
I am learning from the examples.

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