
Why why?.....


1. I installed oskit on a separate directory and I manage to make my own
make file. I just used oskit samples and I compile them well. np. But
everytime I run the os I got a backtrace error. Sometimes I got a
osenv_release bla bla bla error. But I compiled everything without
error. What do you think is the problem? Btw Im using the pthread_lock()
and pthread_unlock() with it but I think there should be no error coz I
followed exactly the requirements on thread programming.

2. Why is it that sometimes I can compile my source. I have to do a
re-arrangement in the makefile libs to make it work right. Wouldn't it
be fine just to include only the needed libs without having to
re-aarange them? I know some objects like the multiboot.o needs to be
always where it is and the ctrn.o thing at the last but what about the
oskit_kern, oskit_xxxx_xxx etc. Do I have to do some arrangement also?
Does anyone have a copy on this sort of arrangement? Is the gcc compiler
a one pass compiler?

3. I compiled the tty.c in my own directory and compiled it percfectly
but when I run it, a backtrace error appears while the one compiled by
the oskit installation does fine. Can anyone explain to me why? Can
anyone send me a sample Makefile for the tty.c that is being compiled in
a user define directory where tty.c and the Makefile only is there. I
would apppreciate some response. I really feel comfortable with the kit.
I have lots of things to do with it but for the meantime I have to know
some of its technical. Please don't bring me to the world of ASM. I just
like it in a plane C/C++ format. btw, if anyone is kind enough for the
Makefile, can you also explain to me some stuff in it. Thanks in

4. Some of the commands in the example is self explanatory but
sometimes, I need some technical docs of it for security, not just
merely assumptions, when do you thinks the next updates of these
manuals? Anyway, I know guys who developed these kit are also busy with
other stuffs. Well just asking.. :-) thanks anyway. :-)

5. If I not mistaken threads are running concurrently and it should.
What governs the swicthing of the CPU in the oskit compiled os? Does
everytime I launch a thread automatically it is multi-task by the CPU?
what scheme? round-robin, FIFO, user define? I mean the default?

6. Dumb Question:  what is the diff. between the parameter OSKIT_UNIX or
what do you mean by OSKIT_UNIX? Coz I always see it in the example. i
know its a compiler directive but I don't seem understand.

7. When is te time anyone is kind enough to give an example of a
microkernel made on oskit with having to tweak the assmbly part of the
kit. Coz everytime I compiled the examples that comes with the kit, I
got a 50+ kb kernel already with simple example and if I include the
probe without specifying the exact device I got 1 MB ++ kernel. I know
this is part of the oskit trade offs for easy programming but Im just
asking if there is a way. If there is none. Well np. Anyway, im
satisfied also of the current oskit capabilities.

8. I would like to make a simple netware clone. Of course not exactly
like theirs. Just a simple login. access to the server resources like
the linux netware emulator mars_nwe. This will be built using the oskit
alone and its thread support. Of cource, glue and ported device drivers
are necessary too. I want to challenge the kit. the challenge is to make
it without having to tweak anything in the oksit source and just plain
C/C++. I think its also a very good experience for us newbies. Any
violent reactions from anyone? Anyway, everything would be welcomed. I
would like also its interface to utilize the wimpi support. btw, in the
examples in the kit there is no wimpi compiled example. There is a wimpi
source but I can't have it run. Anyone who is kind enought to consider
sending me a makefile for the wimpi source? Everything is appreciated.

Sorry for the lots of questions. Well Im the newbie and im speaking also
I guess to many newbies that likes this kit. Thanks.


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