
Re: The EBX register with using PIC!

Alex Verstak wrote:

Alex! Long time no hear! :) Glad to see you are still around, Howzit goin? Man I
wish I had a better OS on my machine.. I lost 200 megs of movies due to
HDfrag... :(((

> GOT is a section in the executable.  Get the ELF specification
> from somewhere.  http://www.wotsit.org/ has a link to intel's
> one.  (Intel's PostScript will annoy you, but that's a different
> question.)

Info on file formatz is absolutly WORTHLESS to me 'cuz I don't have a linker to
use it with. :( Anybody wanna help me hack a linker? I'm too lame to do it

Any given XT PC is in one of 2^8,388,608 possible states.

