
Still having problems with remote debugging

Hi and thanx for previous advice allthough problem was elsewhere. 

Now I am able to debug those toy kernels but I have problem with KaffeOS.
I can put breakpoints directly to source using gdb_breakpoint(); but when
I try to use for example step command from gdb it gives:

(gdb) file Kaffe
Reading symbols from Kaffe...done.
(gdb) target remote /dev/ttyS0
oskit_kaffe_cleancmdline (pargc=0x195fc4, pargv=0x195fc8) at md.c:103
(gdb) step
Cannot insert breakpoint -1:
Temporarily disabling shared library breakpoints:
Cannot insert breakpoint 0:
Temporarily disabling shared library breakpoints:

I added --with-staticlib to config-oskit.sh file. It did not make any

Pentti Peisa,

Helsinki University of Technology
