
Re: ethernet driver problem

On 1999-7-17 David G Andersen <danderse@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
 > I'm pretty sure this is correct.  (At least, our tulips fail to
 > autodetect).  The change, however, is a simple one, included below.  The
 > tulip driver *does* support autodetection, but I haven't tried it out.
 > (Anyone?  Anyone?).  If you're interested, instead of changing the
 > TULIP_PORT to TULIP_100TP_PORT, try changing it to TULIP_AUTO_PORT in the
 > patch below.  Otherwise, this patch to oskit.../linux/src/drivers/net/tulip.c
 > will lock the port at 100Mb.

There is some magic in the driver to switch to the different
speed when a transmit times out or otherwise fails (see
tulip_start_xmit around line 14 where it does a port_select).  I
remember that I always left my TULIP_PORT to 10TP and it would
switch for me appropriately when the bootp_get was sent out from
netboot.  Something like that.

-- bart

Follow-Ups: References: