
Re: om: the return

Lo and behold, Alan Grimes once said:
> I am looking to use oskit for rapid prototype development... For that I will be
> using LIShP... =\ the documentation that I will reed in its entirety mentions
> lishp. I will be asking your help in the coming weeks (months) as I become more
> familiar with the piece of software. 

   Er, okay.. I assume you mean the OSKit by "the piece of software."

> Ps: I really love how it generates library files that hide themselves among your
> already foobar linux libraries. The most perfect example of why anyone would
> create a new OS I could immagine. Thanks for the inspiration! =)

   If you specify a prefix when you configure the oskit, it'll install all
of its files under that prefix.  It's standard configure semantics:

   /path/to/configure --prefix=/usr/local/oskit

  (which will then install its files as /usr/local/oskit/bin,
/usr/local/oskit/lib, etc).

   If you run configure --help, it'll spit out the list of things you can
choose when configuring your oskit build tree.


work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
      University of Utah CS Department         http://www.angio.net/
      "What's footnote five?"
