
Re: xwindow in oskit

I wrote:
> The console wrappers are pretty simple:
>   oskit/kern/x86/pc/{gdb,direct}_console.c
> All these do is wrap a COM layer around some plain old C code.

I just made them even simpler by factoring them into two parts:
1) A bunch of COM wrapper functions (COM_foo*)
   These are the same for any implementation of a given set of
   interfaces and are contained in a header file to be #included into
   the other part.
2) A bunch of worker functions (foo*) which do the actual work.

The code isn't that much shorter - the gain is that the normal C
hacker doesn't have to get bogged down in COMification and gets to
share some of the more mind-numbing bits of code.

The code is in 


Let me know if you find this useful and I'll do some more of these COM
wrappers (suggestions for which ones to do welcome).


ps I haven't actually tested this code (I'm working remotely at the
moment) but I did diff the generated assembly code and it looks the
same modulo renamings and the way the gdb and com versions access the
per-stream state in read/write (a few instructions more but they're
outside the main loop).

pps Thanks for the offer to write a floppy driver.  Contributions are
very welcome and we certainly don't want the oskit to be a utah-only

Follow-Ups: References: