
Re: xwindow in oskit

Alastair Reid wrote:
> [Just so everyone knows what we've been up to (and can correct me if
> I'm wrong).]
> Hi [again] Ramon,
> The blkio wrapper code I mentioned last night is in:
>   http://www2.cs.utah.edu/~reid/berlin19990817b.tgz

Cool :)

> Once you have a working blkio implementation for floppies, you can use it
> to mount a filesystem using code like this:

I'll have a go at that sometime in the near future.

> I'm hoping that it will be obvious enough how you use the osenv
> interfaces to implement the driver.  eg You realise you need an
> interrupt or you need to allocate a range of IO addresses or whatever,
> you look it up in the index and it's tolerably obvious what you have
> to do. 

osenv is okay.  It's the COM stuff that beats me :)

