
Re: fsread

Thanks for the help stephen, but it still doesn't work (Im getting closer)
When it boots ,after the oskit_linux_block_open, it says "Unknown error" and
stops the execution. What it can be?
Thanks for all again...

Facundo Arena

stephen clawson wrote:

> Facundo Arena has been quoted as saying:
> > I've got another problem, when I try to boot the fsread example kernel,
> > it doesn't detect my partition, I've read on the mailing list history
> > that's because fsread takes the disk/partition names in freebsd format
> > or something like that. I'm using linux on /dev/hda2 how I put that on
> > Thanks for all guys...
>      /dev/hda2 is /dev/hd1s2.  BSD uses numbers instead of letters for
> drives, so hda -> hd1.  The DOS partition number comes next.  It gets
> prefixed with an `s'(*), so 2 -> s2.
> steve
> * The s is for `slice'.  BSD already had partitions, so they picked a
>   different name.  I believe that SYSV had `slices' too, but I don't
>   remember just what that was supposed to be.
> --
> // stephen clawson                              sclawson@cs.utah.edu
> // university of utah
