
Re: Overriding stuff from OSKit libs, some random remarks, and patches

Lo and behold, Ramon van Handel once said:
> >> > A few other minor problems I stumbled over:
> >> >
> >> > When building the OSKit by doing a "make" in the top-level directory,
> >> > the make process sometimes aborts with a terse message similar to
> >> > "make: Aborted".  Just restarting "make" finishes the build process.
> >> > Any idea what's causing this?
> >>
> >> Do you also get signal 11's from GCC ?
> >
> >I'm not sure what the "Aborted" message means exactly... there is no
> >message saying a signal is the reason for the abort, and the problem
> >occurs rare enough to make trying to reproduce it a pain.
> I had a similar problem once, turned out to be a bad SIMM.  My problems
> were rare as well, but they didn't only occur in make.

   It also tends to happen if you've overclocked your machine past the
limit it can handle.  If you've OC'd it, try taking it back to the
"normal" speed, and run a:

   while 1
     make -j 4
     make clean

(csh syntax).  That should stress things enough to help bring the problem


work: dga@lcs.mit.edu                          me:  dga@pobox.com
      MIT Laboratory for Computer Science           http://www.angio.net/
