
RE: FYI: vmware + oskit

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Alistair J. R. Young wrote:

> Now, if only someone had come up with a way to compile oskit kernels under
> NT (anyone? unlikely, I suppose, but never hurts to ask...), there wouldn't
> be any awkward pauses at all.
If I where you, I would switch from NT and get going with either FreeBSD
or Linux.  W2K is quickly becoming a joke, and a mighty big joke indeed.
IMHO, it is really unsuitable for any use level of serious use - it lacks
stability, efficiency, and intelligent design.  Most of it's features have
been cobbled together by MS as part of a game of catchup, and as a result
the whole 20 CDs worth of it are held together with duct tape and chewing
gum.  TTYL!

Paul Anderson - Self-employed Megalomaniac
Member of the Sarnia Linux User's Group
All I want is 5 minutes with the source code for the universe and a quick

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