
Re: UDP/IP Problem

> Not knowing much about how that particular area of the oskit works
> (I'm using the original 0.97), do you know if is_softnetpending
> supposed to be cleared if it returns an EWOULDBLOCK?

First off, we highly recommend that you update your oskit to the latest
snapshot (19991124).  There have been an uncountable number of bug fixes
since 0.97.  See http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit

Second, if you could provide a stripped down example that breaks, that
would be very helpful. 


Leigh B. Stoller                     Computer Science - Flux Research Group
stoller@cs.utah.edu                  University of Utah
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~stoller      Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Voice: (541) 758-6252                FAX: (801) 585-3743