
Re: How make an interrupt gate?

Mohmod Taghizade has been quoted as saying:
> hi every body,
> 	I want to put a interrupt gate in IDT, I dont like using
> 	oskit stub for it. I did it, 
> 	but in interrupt hadnler after asm("iret"), i got a trap_dump
> 	because of trap 13(#GPF).
> 	whats the problem?
> regards,
> --taghi

     The problem is that you're trying to do something in C that's
best done in assembly. =)

     If you disassemble timer, you should notice the bit of the
function prologue and epilogue dealing with setting up a stack frame
for the function.  

     It'll look like this:

       pushl %ebp
       movl  %esp, %ebp
       <...rest of function...>
       iret <---here's where it stuck your iret

     Basically, you've got extra junk on the stack when iret is
executed, causing the processor to return to some bogus address and
(rightfully) giving you a GP fault.

     If you add an asm("leave") before the iret, it should clean up
the stack so that it'll `work'.  On some architectures gcc knows about
the interrupt or interrupt_handler function attributes, but it dosen't
seem to do anything on the x86.  Unless the C compiler knows about the
`specialness' of this function, you're going to run into troubles.

     I'd suggest looking at kern/x86/pc/gdb_pc_com_intr.S and using
that as a template for an assembly interrupt handling function that
calls your C function.  That way there are no suprises.


> void timer(void)
> {
> 	printf("in interrupt timer. \n");
> 	outb(0x20, 0x20);
> /* &&&&&&&&&&&& I got a trap dump after running this instruction */B
> 	asm ("iret");
> }

Follow-Ups: References: