
Re: Compiling rtld support -- bug?

> From: mharris@CS.Cornell.EDU (Matthew S. Harris)
> Subject: Compiling rtld support -- bug?
> This question is not directly related to my previous one.  (I determined
> that you do need the supplied ldscript, but the documentation does not
> say why.)

Well, I'm glad you figured it out. For others, there is a bug in the 2.9.1
linker we run that causes the -Ttext argument to be ignored when combined
with the -shared option. The solution is to put the text offset into a
linker script and use that. I like linker scripts anyway ... :-)

> Captain rtld (that's you Leigh) doesn't seem to be around today ...

Nope. A gazillion house projects. We almost got the cars into the garage,
but ran out of steam and the pile of garbage swamped us.

Well, its almost certainly code drift. We don't have the rtld on by
default. Probably should. I need to look at it and decide what the original
plan was.
