
Re: OSKit Socket interface

> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 14:20:54 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Vishal Zinjuvadia <zvishal@ittc.ukans.edu>
> To: oskit-users@fast.cs.utah.edu
> Subject: OSKit Socket interface
> Hi,
> 	Is it possible to export the FreeBSD C socket interfaces (like
> connect, bind etc.) ? I would not prefer to use the COM interface as it
> would require a change in the application I am porting to OSKit. 
> 	Could anyone shed some light on this?

If you link with the OSKit version of the FreeBSD C library
(liboskit_freebsd_c.a) you will get access to such interfaces.
See, for example: examples/x86/socket_bsd.c.