
IDE detection


  Now I have succeeded in compiling my 'kernel' with
  linux_dev, oskit_dev, linux_fs,
  I have a little problem :
 .  ide driver is present in currently registered device
 . on dev_probe,
    'hda: Maxtor 90651U2, ATA DISK drive' is printed
   and then ... nothing more ! The kernel is stuck.

  Somebody knows why ?

  Here my device init :

    oskit_dev_init( osmon_osenv) ;

    oskit_register( &oskit_osenv_iid, (void *) osmon_osenv ) ;

    oskit_linux_init_osenv( osmon_osenv ) ;

    oskit_freebsd_init_osenv( osmon_osenv ) ;

    /* Init linux devices */
    oskit_linux_init_ide() ;
    oskit_linux_init_net() ;

    oskit_dump_drivers() ;

    printf("Probing devices...\n");

    printf("Dumping devices...\n");

-- Yves Martin --- Elève-ingénieur ENSIMAG - 3e année ---
  Adr : R.H.B. Ch. 765     Yves.Martin@ensimag.imag.fr   
  2 av. J. O.  GRENOBLE      Tél: 04 76 44 20 01         
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