
Re: Posix Threads.. Dump of trap state

>  I am trying to port a multi-threaded OCaml kernel onto OSKit. I am
> experiencing "Dump of trap state" problems . Does anyone have some
> guidelines to debug such problems.

You should be able to use the 'sym-trace' to generate a call stack
from the dump.  Look at unsupported/scripts/sym-trace.  You'll have to 
supply the executable via '-o <executable>' and paste the backtrace in 
on stdin.

You might also try running your kernel under GDB.  Running the OSKit
hosted in Unix mode can make debugging easier.  The 'kern' chapter of
the documentation talks about GDB debugging, the 'unix-support'
chapter talks about running the OSKit on unix (but the doc may be a
bit out of date... sorry).


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
		 Does the name `Pavlov' ring a bell?
