
OSKit directory structure

	I am slightly confused about the OSkit COM directory structure. 

As I understand it, there is one global directory which (only?) stores the 
global memory object ? Then there is an osenv directory which stores the 
interfaces of the all the glue "services" code. Then there is a devices 
directory which
stores the devices and then there is another directory which stores all the 
device driver references ?

First, is this delineation right ?

Second, how are these directories linked, if at all ? 

The device driver lookup starts at the device driver registry instead of 
starting its search from the global
registry and first finding the device driver registry and then the device 
driver, hence they are not linked together ?

Anyone ?

Computo Ergo Sum


Ph.D. Student
Systems Research Group      Office Phone:  01223-(3) 34643  
Computer Laboratory	    Mobile Phone : 07780 - 687037  
University of Cambridge     http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~us204	      
