
booting from eeprom

I remember a similar message was posted a few months ago, and
a few answers were given at the time, but I cannot find them
I have recently been able to get BIOS extensions loaded from an EPROM
(IBM PC compatible, ISA ethernet network card), and would now be
able to load something more complex than just a "Hello World" on
screen during boot.
I was looking for some OS to put in the EPROM (DOS is too large to
fit in the EPROM and requires a FAT filesystem, and I have not been
able to find a CP/M like OS for IBM PC), and the Oskit seems an
ideal choice.
I remember from the previous discussion that a booloader is required
before getting the oskit to run. I suppose that grub is the most 
common bootloader for this task. So what does grub do before calling
the oskit entry point ? anything else but switching the intel CPU to
protected mode (which I believe can be done in much less space than
grub, considering I do no wish to use all the functionalities of
grun). Would it be hard to implement the bootlader part in the
oskit itself ?
Any pointer to a similar project (booting an OS from a BIOS extension
EPROM) or another OS than the Oskit for doing this ?
Thank you, Jean-Michel (friedtj@imec.be)
