
Re: gcc ver 2.95.1

> From: "Jim Long" <longj@oit.edu>
> Subject: gcc ver 2.95.1
> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:42:05 +0100
> Hello all,
> Is anybody using OSKit with gcc 2.95.1. The release message says to keep
> with I have 2.95.1 and would like to stick with it, however, I
> do not wish to hack around with the OSKit code to do this.

Hi Jim. The last several OSKit snapshots have had this blurb in the README:

> 2) Software: native build environment for either Linux or FreeBSD.
>    Cross building is possible and it's been done frequently on HP machines.
>    Build tools required are GNU make, gcc 2.7.x or 2.95.x and binutils 
>    2.8.x or 2.9.x.

I seem to remember that you picked up the lastest snapshot, right? That was
the Valentines Day snapshot.

We used gcc 2.95 (not .1 or .2) for a while, and aside from compiler bugs
that forced us to go to 2.95.2 when it arrived, it worked just fine. That
may still be the case, but watch out for those compiler bugs!

Give it a whirl and see what happens ...

