
Re: gprof problem

> From: Voon-Li Chung <vlchung@cs.uwa.edu.au>
> Subject: Re: gprof problem
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 23:35:52 +0800 (WST)
> If I remove the oskit_c_p line, I get hundreds of undefined reference
> errors when compiling (I haven't included them to save bandwidth); these
> go away if I do the recommended "link the C libraries over and over"
> technique?

Oh, those are probably because oskit_c includes oskit_com within it, while
the freebsd_c does not. The x86/examples/threads makefile defines this:

CLIB_P = -loskit_freebsd_c_r_p -loskit_com_p -loskit_threads_p -loskit_gprof \
	 -loskit_freebsd_c_r_p -loskit_kern_p



Leigh B. Stoller
University of Utah - Flux Research Group
