
Install Linux with Windows on new Dell

I have a question which isn't directly related to Oskit, however I need to
do this before I can install Oskit.  

I just bought a new computer from Dell (with Windows already installed) and
I want to repartition it and have both RedHat Linux and Windows running on it.

What I need to know is at exactly what addresses I should make the first 2
partitions so that both the Linux and the Windows partitions are bootable.

The following is the relevant hardware information:
      Computer Make:  Dell Dimension 4300
      Processor:      Pentium 4
      Operating System: Windows XP
From Windows System Resources Report:
      Windows version:  Windows 5.1 (Build 2600)
      System BIOS version: DELL  - 8
      Processor Type:   x86 Family 15 Model 1 Stepping 2
      Physical Memory:   256 MB
      Drive C:
          Total Space:   39,983,083,520  bytes
          Free Space:    35,628,081,152  bytes
          Heads:         255
          Cylinders:     4865
          Sectors per track:  63
          Bytes per Sector:  512

The issue apparently is that the BIOS possibly needs both partitions to be
completely below the 1023 cylinder.  I couldn't seem to find a definitive
answer to this anywhere even though my situation is as standarized as I
could make it and this information is critical to the average person being
capable of utilizing an operating system other than Windows.

Of course, one question inevitably spawns a thousand other related
questions. A few are listed below:
-  How does someone calculate the 1023 cylinder address?
               ( e.g. (1023/4865) x 39,983,083,520 = 8,411,000,000 ?)

-  Does Windows need to be in the first partition?

-  If all 4 gigabytes of the Windows O/S doesn't fit below the 1023 cylinder
isn't it kind of difficult to break the O/S up into 2 different partitions?
How come there isn't a problem now with the computer as shipped from Dell?
Windows presently resides in 1 partition which obviously extends past the
1023 cylinder. 
-  One last question, RedHat gives me the choice of installing LILO or GRUB
as the bootloader.  Is there an advantage to one over the other? / Which is

I realize this is off topic for this mailing list, but I thought this might
be the best place to find someone that knows the real answer to this question.
If this is in fact the wrong place to ask, possibly someone could direct me
to a different mailing list/discussion group that could better help me.

Thanks in advance for any help you can pass on.   
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896 
Fort Bragg, CA  95437

(707) 964-2979
