
sproc - assertion "vm" failed - in Bochs IA32 emulator


I've been trying to run the example from the sproc
directory from the 20020317 snapshot. I'm using the
bochs 1.3 IA32 emulator to run the example. 

The problem is that assertion "vm" fails on line 110
of /uvm/uvm/oskit_uvm_pfault.c

The preceeding output is:

UVM: page directory pa = 1153000, PTE_BASE =
UVM: loaded physical memory block [0x115c000 -
0x1fffffff ]
UVM: loaded physical memory block [0x4c4000 -
UVM: 20456 KB (5114 pages) reserved
UVM: kernel VA starts at 0x2000000

I am new to this source code and currently working
through it to see if I can find what might be the
problem, but if someone knows what is causing this I
would be very greatfull for some help.


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