
any sugestions welecome( need sanity check )


I've posted this here hoping some of you guys are
familiar with this stuff and might at least be able to
give me a quick sanity check. If this is an
inapropriate posting please let me know.

Brefly what I have done is create a disk image, and
used dlxlinux in bochs IA32 emulator to fdisk the
image and then created a fs with mke2fs.

Next I mounted this fs from Freebsd as follows:

vnconfig /dev/vn0 ./c.img
mount -t ext2fs /dev/vn0s1 ./mymnt

I then copied in my stuff and used grub to install
grub as bootloader.

This all worked great.

The problem is that now I can't seem to mount the
partition again. I can mount it ok under dlxlinux,
Grub mounts it fine to load the kernel - but when I
try to mount it from FreeBSD mount complians of:

ext2fs: /dev/vn0s1: Invalid argument
.... /kernel: ext2fs: #vn/0x2002: wrong magic number
0x656d(expected 0xef53)

but seems to randomly omit the second line.

I am using exactly the same method as I did originaly(
shown above )

Now I have mounted this fs previously, I can mount it
fine from dlxlinux running under bochs. Grub mounts it
ok to load the kernel image, The image still boots ok.
fdisk /dev/vn0 under FreeBsd reports the correct
partition infomation -

I have tried repeating the process from
afresh(creating image, using dlxlinux to fdisk a
partition and create ext2fs fs) thinking that maybe
Grub destroyed some infomation which allowed FreeBsd
to mount the fs originaly but get the same
problem(except it find magic no 0x0 instead).

The most frustrating thing is that I did this all fine
first time arount and am sure I am doing exactly the
same thing - I have considred re-booting the machine
but surely this shouldent be
needed(It is hassel to do so).

I reaslise it seems I must be doing something
completely wrong but 'c.img' contains a fully bootable
image with a ext2fs fs on the first partition which
both grub and dlxlinux mount
without complaint. Surely the above procedure should
work(I'm sure it did first time around) and I'm sure
my blood presure has doubled since.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

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