
Re: CPU_INHERIT: One more mistake

> Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 19:27:33 +0300
> From: Andrew Lipnitsky <ert@cit.org.by>
> To: OSkit <oskit-users@fast.cs.utah.edu>
> Subject: CPU_INHERIT: One more mistake
> Hi,
> There is yet another error which prevent to compile OSKit(20020317) with
> CPU_INHERIT option. Namely, field 'scheduler' in struct
> 'pthread_thread'
> defined as
> #ifdef  CPU_INHERIT
>         /*
>          * CPU inheritance support.
>          */
>         struct pthread_thread   *scheduler;     /* The threads scheduler
> */
> ....
> Struct 'pthread_thread' does not have fields of struct
> 'scheduler_entry'.
> So, We get following error:
> pthread_setschedparam.c: In function `pthread_setschedparam':
> pthread_setschedparam.c:33: structure has no member named
> `check_schedstate'.

Sorry about all the problems.

As you are discovering, the CPU_INHERIT stuff has bit rotted somewhat.
I'll take a look at it when I get a chance, but with paper deadlines
looming, it'll probably not be for a couple of weeks.