FreeDOS 1.0 distribution The files available in this directory are: fdbasecd.iso fdbasecd.md5 fdbasews.iso fdbasews.md5 fdfullcd.iso fdfullcd.md5 fdfullws.iso fdfullws.md5 fdboot.img pkgs/ readme.txt fdbasecd: fdbasecd.iso is the recommended download for dial-up users and those with limited hard drive space. It solely contains the BASE diskset and lacks a LiveCD portion. The integrity of the file can be checked against fdbasecd.md5. fdbasews: fdbasews.iso is recommended for people with little hard disk space, but with a faster internet connection. It is the same as fdbasecd except it also contains the LiveCD portion and the SRC_BASE diskset. As a general rule, when installing it is usually not recommended to install the sources, as they will take up much hard disk space. Its integrity can be checked against fdbasews.md5. fdfullcd: This is the recommended download for users with a fast internet connection and a reasonable level of free hard disk space. It is as fdbasecd, but containing the LiveCD portion and the COMPRESS, DRIVER, EDIT, GAMES, GUI, LANG, MEDIA, NET, and UTIL disksets. This will likely be the ISO for most users. Its integrity can be checked against fdfullcd.md5. fdfullws: fdfullws.iso is NOT recommended for most, if any users. It is an unnecessarily large download and is only provided to satisfy the various licenses (especially GPL) under which each of the software packages are. Users who wish to inspect source code may download individual packages from the internet, as most will not be indending to see every line of code. Its integrity can be checked against fdfullws.md5. fdboot.img: fdboot.img is provided for users experiencing difficulties with or who are unable to boot from CD-ROM. If you write this file to a floppy disk, you can then use the CD-ROM as if it were booted from the CD-ROM. Another way to boot from CD-ROM is to use Smart Boot Manager ( pkgs/: The files in this directory are individual packages that can be installed from any FreeDOS 1.0 installation. If you desire any of these packages, simply download them to your hard drive, and run "FDPKG /INSTALL PKGX.ZIP" where PKGX.ZIP is the filename of the package you downloaded. FDPKG will handle configuration and dependency checking of the package to install. readme.txt: This file.