
zgrviewer - ZGRViewer, a GraphViz/DOT Viewer

License: LGPL
ZGRViewer is a graph visualizer implemented in Java and based upon the
Zoomable Visual  Transformation Machine.  It is  specifically aimed at
displaying graphs expressed using  the DOT language from AT&T GraphViz
and processed by programs dot, neato or others such as twopi.
  ZGRViewer is designed to handle  large graphs, and offers a zoomable
user interface (ZUI), which enables smooth zooming and easy navigation
in the visualized structure.
  ZGRViewer should be able to load any file that uses the DOT language
to describe the graph.


zgrviewer-0.8.2-1.el7.soc.src [3.9 MiB] Changelog by Jean-Paul Chaput (2012-04-10):
- Initial packaging.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7