
texlive-draftcopy - Identify draft copies.

License: LPPL
Places the word DRAFT (or other words) in light grey diagonally
across the background (or at the bottom) of each (or selected)
pages of the document. The package uses PostScript \special
commands, and may not therefore be used with PDFLaTeX. For that
usage, consider the wallpaper or draftwatermark packages.

CTAN Catalogue Date: 2011-09-30 20:51:09 +0200


texlive-draftcopy-2014-1.2.16.svn15878.el7.soc.noarch [12 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Paul Chaput (2011-11-17):
- Update to texlive 2011 (from CTAN archive).
- Increase trie_size to 2000000. The latex.fmt fail to generate
- texlive-pdfjam obsoletes pdfjam.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7