
texlive-slantsc - Access different-shaped small-caps fonts.

License: LPPL
This package enables the use of small capitals in different
font shapes, e.g., slanted or bold slanted for all fonts that
provide appropriate font shapes. (Note that a separate .fd file
is needed to define font shapes such as 'scsl' or 'scit'.)

CTAN Catalogue Date: 2012-05-28 11:05:13 +0200


texlive-slantsc-2014-1.2.11.svn25007.el7.soc.noarch [10 KiB] Changelog by Jean-Paul Chaput (2011-11-17):
- Update to texlive 2011 (from CTAN archive).
- Increase trie_size to 2000000. The latex.fmt fail to generate
- texlive-pdfjam obsoletes pdfjam.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7