From: (Tech Support)
Subject: Speed Doubler 1.1 Updater FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

IMPORTANT: We are in the process of updating all our Speed Doubler
customers to version 1.1. We have discovered a problem in the Speed Access
extension of Speed Doubler 1.0.x, that can in certain, uncommon
circumstances, damage disk directory information. Although the problem is
unlikely to occur, we recommend all Speed Doubler users update to version
1.1, which does not have this problem. This improved version incorporates a
number of performance and compatibility enhancements including a solution
to the directory information issue. If you are a Speed Doubler registered
user, a 1.1 floppy is being mailed to you. If you have access to an online
service the 1.1 updater is currently posted.

Q/ How do I get Speed Doubler 1.1?
A/ If you are a Speed Doubler registered user, a 1.1 floppy is being mailed
to you. If you have access to an online service you can download the 1.1
updater immediately from the following online locations:

World Wide Web -
America Online - keyword = Connectix: Software Library
CompuServe - GO MACAVEN, Section 8 Library
eWorld - shortcut = Connectix: Software Library
AppleLink - Third Parties: A-C: Connectix: Software Library

If you are currently using Speed Access 1.0.x, we request that you disable
it and update to version 1.1. Any user with questions or concerns can reach
Connectix at a special 800 number: 800-395-2043.

Q/ What problem is fixed by Speed Access 1.1?
A/ Speed Access 1.1 fixes a problem that could result in a specific types
of BTree catalog error. The way the problem occurs is rather complex: It
only exists during an unlikely combination of certain file system calls
that cannot be generated on demand. Furthermore, the problem results in a
specific type of catalog BTree error; a disk utility (such as Symantec
Norton Disk Doctor) cannot distinguish the type of error generated by Speed
Access from any other type of catalog BTree error.

Q/ What is the 'catalog BTree'?
A/ The catalog BTree is part of the disk directory. It is the structure
that has an entry for every file and folder on the disk. It is responsible
for assuring that the location and size of the files are known. The nature
of the Speed Access 1.0.x bug is that file location information becomes out
of order - individual file contents are not altered.

Q/ How do I know if I'm having a problem with my catalog BTree?
A/ Run a disk utility such as Disk First Aid, Symantec Norton Disk Doctor,
or Symantec Mac Tools Pro. In general, Catalog BTree errors are a common
type of disk directory error and are recognized by every major disk
utility. In nearly all cases, a disk utility can repair a catalog BTree
error. However, the disk utility cannot determine if a catalog BTree error
is related to Speed Access 1.0.x or to any other problem.