
Flux OSKit and MIT's Click Modular Router

We are pleased to announce the combination of MIT's Click Modular Router
and Utah's OSKit.  By combining Click and the OSKit, you can build
"flexible and configurable routers" (Click router graphs) that run on
x86 and StrongARM "bare metal", without requiring Linux.

A slightly modified version of Click as well as the OSKit can be found
off the Flux group web page:


The Click home page and MIT's paper describing Click, to be presented
this coming week at SOSP, can be found at:


For a description of our changes, as well as how to configure and
build Click on the OSKit, look at README.OSKIT in our modified Click

Our thanks to the Click crew for their nifty little system.
Have fun!

The Flux Research Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Utah