HOT LINKS for HTML Assistant Newsletter 4


for the HTML Assistant Newsletter

Number 4, Winter 1994-95

Revised May 1, 1995
This document is copyright 1994 by Howard Harawitz and Brooklyn North Software Works, all rights reserved. It may be freely distributed, as long as the entire document is included in the distribution.
The HTML Assistant Newsletter is published "Semi-Irregularly" by Brooklyn North Software Works, Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada. It's free and is delivered by Email. To subscribe, send Email with the word, "subscribe" (leave out the quotes), in the subject field, to

Announcing URL Grabber

A new software utility for World Wide Web surfers

URL Grabber is a small floating tool bar that resides in a corner of your MS Windows desktop. It enables you to easily "grab" and store URLs from news groups, Email messages and other sources, "on the fly", as you are reading them.

With a 'click' of a mouse, URL Grabber will automatically convert your collection of URLs to active WWW links on an HTML page. With another mouse click, URL Grabber will bring up your favorite browser displaying your collected links so you can view Web pages, download files and otherwise obtain information from the WWW almost instantly.

You can download a working demo (129K) as a self-extracting archive. You also need the file, "vbrun300.dll", to run URL Grabber. If you are using HTML Assistant, you already have this file. If you need it, download it (254K), decompress it and store it in your Windows\ (or Windows\system\) subdirectory.

Useful Sites for HTML Assistant Software Users

The following pointers to information available on the Web will be of interest to those who prepare HTML pages.


HTML with Netscape

Advanced HTML and beyond

Information related to things like forms, image maps and scripts.

Winsock and Winsock Applications

Created January, 1995, by Howard Harawitz, Editor, HTML Assistant Newsletter.