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python2-sphinxcontrib-texext - Sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math
- Description:
Texext contains a couple of Sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX
math_dollar replaces math expressions between dollars in ReST with
equivalent inline math. For example:
Here is some math: $a = 2$
will be replaced by:
Here is some math: :math:`a = 2`
The extension makes some effort not to replace dollars that aren’t
meant as math, but please check your output carefully, and submit an
issue on the texext issue tracker if we have messed up.
To enable math_dollar, make sure that the texext package is on your
Python path, and add texext.math_dollar to your list of extensions in
the Sphinx conf.py. If you want math_dollar to process docstrings, you
should add sphinx.ext.autodoc higher up your extensions list than