                (Preferably download windows/WINDEX.ZIP)
                Sat Dec 10 20:11:21 EET 2011
. :             Directory /windows (main Windows directory)
COPYRGHT.TXT    About copyrights of Garbo and its files
DISCLAIM.TXT    Garbo disclaimer
UPLOAD.TXT      Instructions for submitting to Garbo archives
UPTEXT.TXT      The required formula for your Garbo upload announcements
WINDEX.ZIP      Zipped version of WINDEX.TXT - Garbo Windows 3.1x files
WINDIRNM.TXT    The names and descriptions of the /windows directories
_dirw.lst       Garbo's Windows 3.1x directory list (ls -lR)
_dirw.zip       Zipped version of _dirw.lst
_filesw.in      New Windows 3.1x files at garbo.uwasa.fi for this month
_filesw.out     Removed Windows 3.1x files at garbo.uwasa.fi for this month
_filew.lst      Garbo's sorted Windows 3.1x filepath list
_filew.zip      Zipped version of _filew.lst

arcers :        Windows 3.1 archiving (compression) programs
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the arcers directory
pk262w16.exe    PKWARE's pkzip for Windows 3.1x, .zip, TAR, gzip, UU/XXencode
sitex10.exe     StuffIt Expander 1.0 for Windows
unrarw10.zip    UNRARWIN version 1.0 extraction utility, C. Johnson
uucode16.zip    Windows Uuencoder/decoder v1.6 (good)
wiz401x.exe     Info-ZIP PKZIP compatible Windows 3.1x unzippper
wz16v63.exe     WinZip for Win 3.1 w/Built-in ZIP, TAR, gzip, compress
ziphd222.zip    PKzip/PKunzip front end for Windows
zipsco13.zip    Zipscope 1.3 zip viewer and browser, M.Fadda
zps410.exe      ZipShell Pro 4.10 Windows archiving shell

artificial :    Neural networks and related material
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the artificial directory
ainet100.zip    Multi-purpose artificial neural network
neural22.zip    Back propagation neural net simulator w/src, C.Marais
nnga410.zip     Neural GA program for forecasting

astronomy :     Astronomy related programs and utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the astronomy directory
hubble20.zip    Astronomy Planetarium Simulator, G.Lee
skymap30.zip    SkyMap Win3/Win95 planetarium, C.Marriott
wda.zip         The Windows Dictionary of Astronomy, j. Webb

bitmaps :       Bitmap pictures
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the bitmaps directory
astro.lzh       Bitmap (BMP) Astronaut
bride.zip       Bitmap (256 color)
earth.zip       Whole Earth in picture (bitmap)
hr-012.zip      1024*768*256 (neat)
mst3k.zip       Silhouette of Joel and the 'bots from MST3K, A.Bouvier
shutle1s.zip    1023x800x256 wallpaper from shuttle1.gif (good)
univcolr.zip    Bitmap
wall91.lzh      1991 Calendar and ANSI character set wallpapers (good)
wallmac.zip     Macintosh desktops (BMP)
wallppr.zip     Wallpaper Bitmaps
wpfa10.zip      Windows wallpapers/textures

comm :          Communication programs and utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the comm directory
allov12.zip     Serial communication  program for Windows, H.Mansur
cid130.zip      CIDMan - CallerID Management Application for Windows
cmm21f.zip      Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (full) for internet mail
cmm21s.zip      Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (short) for internet mail
comt101.zip     Use COM port as telnet modem, req. WinSock 1.1
cour300.zip     Send and receive mail between MS Mail and the internet
fax_v513.zip    Adds a Fax button to all Windows Programs, J.Krahmer
fonew349.zip    Phone Dialer and Logger and more - Win3.1/Win95
hottrm01.zip    A Windows Terminal Enhancer, I.King
mlk105.zip      Microlink term comm program
modsta17.zip    MODEMSTA Modem status iconic indicator, T.Johansson
opmail14.zip    Windows-based MIME mailer for UUPC, O.P. Jensen
pcucp101.zip    PCUCP v1.01 comm prg between PC + Unix, serial line Dos+Win
pcucp11a.zip    PCUCP v1.01a comm btw PC + Unix, serial line, Win 3.x
rfdml123.zip    RFD Mail: Windows offline email, D. Yon
send10a.zip     IRC - "half-client" for Windows terminal and dialup IRC
snuz100.zip     Snuz v1.0; simple netnews reading program (NNTP+SMTP)
softerm4.zip    Complete internet communications package for Windows
tfw115c1.zip    Telix telecomm program for Windows 3.1x, 1/2, DeltaComm
tfw115c2.zip    Telix telecomm program for Windows 3.1x, 2/2, DeltaComm
uc3d.zip        Unicom v3.0d term comm program
uniqwk21.zip    UniQWK QWK off-line mail reader v2.1 (multimedia)
vcomm225.zip    Windows telecom program with good interface, T. Liverseed
vocg21_1.zip    Voice-Response + Fax-On-Demand system 1/3
vocg21_2.zip    Voice-Response + Fax-On-Demand system 2/3
vocg21_3.zip    Voice-Response + Fax-On-Demand system 3/3
w3pktdr2.zip    Packet drivers for windows (oldish)
wdial110.zip    Wdial autodialer for modems
win30k.zip      Win100 Terminal Emulator v2.4 (Kermit) (only Com1+2)
wintel.zip      Windows Dialup/Telnet/FTP Client Package, S. Mehrotra
wmail11a.zip    WinMail v1.1a; Windows UUPC mail reader
wnbff20a.zip    Windows 3.1 mail notification for UUPC/Waffle/PMail
wnkerm23.zip    Win100 v2.3; basic comm program
wnmail10.zip    Internet mail prgm
wnqvt478.zip    WinQVT VT220 comm + terminal program v4.78 (good)
wr13.zip        WinRead v1.3 off-line mail reader (good)
wrn093.zip      Windows/Waffle read news v0.93
wv169903.zip    WinVN Windows news reader version 0.99-3

demo :          Demonstrations
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the demo directory
3drender.zip    3D RenderLib wire frames (rendering)
cbdemo.zip      Combo Toolbox Demo (sample code for SQLwindows)
clntk200.zip    Speech add-on utility for Windows
clock5.zip      Demo Clock v5.0 for Windows (good)
enetdemo.zip    E-Net demo; buildings energy economic eval NN-Tool
gcadp201.zip    GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, expireware
helpm133.zip    An easy way to do Windows help -files
hfp95lb.zip     Professional visual forms processor, nagware
medsnap1.zip    Electronic medical textbook, D. Darr
mpegview.zip    Demo version of MPEG player for Windows
oknademo.zip    The Desktop Set demo for Windows v3.0
osf112.zip      OSFrame v1.1 demo (gives you more 3-D look) (good)
packrat.zip     Polaris PackRat v2.0 demo PIMS
pubtech.zip     PubTech demo for Windows v3.0 (nice)
recbse10.zip    RecBase specialized database for Audio Recordings
rocks.zip       hDC MicroApp Manager Demo + Rocks game
spice52a.zip    Design Center Evaluation version for circuit analysis 1/2
spice52b.zip    Design Center Evaluation version for circuit analysis 2/2
td30edem.zip    Windows Font Editor for Type 1 and TrueType fonts
tdl09.zip       Three Dimensional Laboratory (produce stereograms and animatio)
thedrums.zip    Pattern editor for MIDI drum parts (demo)
timwin.zip      Scientific Image Processing program by R.Ekkers
trekdemo.zip    Star Trek Referencer demo
vinedemo.zip    Vineyard Self-Running Demo - groupware application
winmor.zip      WinImages: morph - An image morphing program demo

desktop :       Desktop utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the desktop directory
3dvcp22.zip     Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows, B.Lo
animdsk1.zip    3D Desktop Animator (backround), L.Ron
apdock2c.zip    Application Dock v2.0 NeXT -like toolbar (great)
aporia14.zip    Aporia v1.4 desktop enhancements
appbar33.zip    Application Bar v3.3 (NeXT-like AppDock) (good)
apppad40.zip    Application Pad v4.0
backdesk.zip    BackMenu (popupmenu) v2.30 + BigDesk (virtual) v2.30 (great)
barclk23.zip    Puts info (time, mem, etc.) in menu bar of active window
bkgfade.zip     Windows background fader (good)
bmpldr25.zip    Bitmap Loader v2.50 load a bitmap on the desktop randomly
brn102.zip      Mac-like Desktop + file manager
cb210.zip       Configurable icon bar for windows, R.Smith
chgcrs22.zip    Change Cursor utility v2.2
click13.zip     Click! Filer v1.3 file mgmt or replace progman manager
cm16_426.zip    ClipMate Clipboard Extender, Win 3.1x, Chris Thornton, good
cmdp72d.zip     Command Post desktop v7.2d + Browser v3.94
co39.zip        Chez Otto rel3.9 (was: Otto Menu) (good)
cpostutl.zip    Suggested changes for Command Post v7.0e
dashv09.zip     System monitor dashboard (mem, dsk, FSR), D.Wright
deskcat.zip     Cat on the desktop follows the mouse cursor
deus.zip        Mac-like interface for File Manager (promising)
disktool.zip    Disk Tools v1.0 file maintenance program (copy,move,erase)
drift.zoo       Drift v0.01 Windows drifting away ...
dsktop.zip      Bitmap randomizer v1.1a
dtools11.zip    Personal Information Manager
esmenu10.zip    ES Menu-For-Windows - the iconless desktop
ezloan97.zip    An EZ Loan Manager/Amortizer
fclip41a.zip    Replace File Manager with Clipboard Enhancements
folder31.zip    Folders program v3.1 adds depth to prg mngr groups
frontw20.zip    Front Window v2.00 (utilities) file manager
gl10a.zip       The GL Store for Windows
gtidsk13.zip    An integrated set of Screen Savers, Animated Wallpapers, etc.
htspt1.zoo      HotSpot v1.0 launch appls quickly
icoba151.zip    IcoBar v1.51 file launcher/viewer + NeXT-like dock (good)
icomin16.zip    Manages minimized icons on the Windows desktop, P.Jakins
launch11.zip    Launcher v1.1 (NeXT-like) Application Dock (great)
layout.zip      A desktop arranger v1.0
ledclock.zip    Clock program for Windows with a LED display
lens13.zip      Lens 1.3 Windows screen magnifier
lnch201.zip     Launch v2.01 (pop-up menu) for Windows
loader13.zip    Windows wallpaper and sound changer by J. and L. Chang
logo300.zip     A program to change the Windows startup logo, A. Olowofoyeku
metz-dlr.zip    METZ dialer v2.0
metz-dn.zip     METZ desktop navigator v2.43
metz-dt.zip     METZ desktop manager v3.1
metz-fm.zip     METZ freemem v3.4
metz-lk.zip     METZ lock v1.2
metz-ph.zip     METZ phones v3.3
metz-rnr.zip    METZ runner v1.0
metzcp.zip      Metz task manager under CP PC Tools for Windows
nmfw146e.zip    Win4/Unix like Win 3.1-Shell and enhancement, R.Kommer
nwutils.zip     HP New Wave utilities
ofold10.zip     O'Folder, stand-alone program manager
om37.zip        OttoMenu v3.7 menu only system
pay.zip         The Payroll Store for Windows
popmnu02.zip    Userdefineable popup menus for Windows, S.Huseby
qmw40c.zip      QuikMenu 4 Windows: an icon-based graphical desktop
quick-10.zip    Program manager replacement and application launcher
rclock20.zip    Discrete digital clock with alarm for Windows
resmon.zip      Dr.Bob's Resource Monitor for Windows
route1p1.zip    Route 1 Pro - premiere shell for Windows, D.Karp
run002c.zip     Multiple associations in FileManager, A.Styles
sinfo104.zip    System information/Task Manager replacement J.Aguirregabiria
sl20.zip        Simple Launcher 2.0 Program Manager replacement
slpman12.zip    Sloop Manager v1.2b; program manager replacement
stat40c.zip     StatLine - date, time, memory, resources, hard drive space
tkal40.zip      T-KAL WIN quick'n'easy appointment reminder
tlbar230.zip    Drag and drop toolbar and shell replacement J.Aguirregabiria
trashcan.zip    TrashCan v1.0.005d
usher14c.zip    Usher v1.4c pop-up menu of applications
vdt.zip         Virtual Desktop,Group Manager,Disk Manager (promising)
wallac10.zip    Windows wallpaper changer with many features
wbaskt31.zip    Wastebasket - file deletion utility
wcc12.zip       Wallpaper control center v1.2 swap wallpapers
wcl800.zip      The Windows Command Line Processor, A. Olowofoyeku
win4hier.zip    Program Manager group subdirectory utility v0.3beta
wincd.zoo       Windows Change Directory v1.1e
windv10.zip     DesqView-like Mark/Transfer in Windows
winez.zip       Winez v2.1 add two buttons/menus for easy launch (good)
winmnu15.zip    Menu program/shell for starting applications
winsaver.zip    Brings up the desktop as you left it with winsaver v1.0
xecute1.zip     Execute; program executer shell

dlls :          DLL
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the dlls directory
agrep301.zip    Approx. + regular expression search DLL, Y.Roumazeilles
bwcc.zip        Borland BWCC.DLL
foyeh201.zip    General purpose functions for programmers by A.Olowofoyeku
vb40016.zip     Visual Basic runtime VB40016.DLL Win 3.1x set
vbrun100.zip    Visual Basic v1.00 VBRUN100.DLL
vbrun200.zip    Visual Basic v2.00 VBRUN200.DLL
vbrun300.zip    Visual Basic v3.00 VBRUN300.DLL
zip22d.zip      Windows 3.1x DLL and docs for Info-ZIP zip

doc :           Various documents
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the doc directory
authwn07.zip    Email addresses of 65 Windows shareware and PD authors
hag.zip         Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft
htmlib30.zip    The HTML Reference Library for Win 3.1x, S. Le Hunte
memtip.zip      MS-Windows advanced memory topics
mscdex21.zip    Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions v2.1 documentation
sbjan95a.zip    SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 1/4, A.Testad
sbjan95b.zip    SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 2/4, A.Testad
sbjan95c.zip    SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 3/4, A.Testad
sbjan95d.zip    SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 4/4, A.Testad
serihack.txt    Patch win3 for serial mouse other than COM1+COM2
start1.zip      Change the screen win3 displays at startup
start2.zip      Change the screen win3 displays at startup; information
tsfrv1n1.zip    The Shareware/Freeware Report: Nov/Dec 1993
undocwin.zip    Undocumented Windows information sheet (programming)
vbtips13.zip    Visual Basic Tips + Tricks (Windows Help File)
vectfont.lzh    Use vector fonts with MS-Windows Write
vtutor20.zip    Compiled HTML tutorial about computer viruses, T.Simondi
whag.zip        Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft (.doc)
win3-nfs.zip    Use Win3 with PC-NFS
win86.zip       Assist PC/XT users in running win3 faster
winemm.zip      Windows/286 + /386 WIN.INI memory switches
wrk_doc1.exe    Windows Resource Kit beta release (MS-WORD docs)
ww0323t.zip     Information about win3 and networks
ww0525.zip      Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note
ww0527.zip      Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note
ww0530.zip      Microsoft Product Support Services Application Note

drivers :       Drivers
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the drivers directory
24pin.zip       Enhanced drivers for Epson 24-pin and compat.
34win3.zip      Genoa VGA drivers
5426dr13.zip    Cirrus Logic GD542x drivers v1.3
673w30.exe      Everex EVGA drivers (800x600x16 + 512x480x256)
adlibw.zip      Adlib WAVeform driver for Win 3.1
atiwin3.zip     ATI VGAWONDER 800x600x16 + 1024x768x16 drivers v2.0
cirruswd.zip    Cirrus Logic VGA controller drivers
disk_drv.zip    Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of)
disk_wrk.zip    Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of)
diskroot.zip    Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of)
djetdsk1.zip    HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 1
djetdsk2.zip    HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 2
djetdsks.txt    HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 information
djwin3.lzh      HP 500 DeskJet printer driver
et4k0192.zip    Tseng Drivers (01/92)
et4win31.zip    Tseng ET4000 Windows 3.1 (Turbo) drivers
evga800.zip     Everex EVGA 800x600x16 + 512x480x256 drivers
genoadrv.zip    GENOA SVGA 6000 drivers (1024x768 + 800x600)
k5422-d2.zip    Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows
k5426-d2.zip    Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows
k542x-d1.zip    Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows
lj3drv38.zip    HP LaserJet III driver v3.38
llwin103.zip    MCI Videodisc drivers for Windows 3.x
mmext.zip       Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of)
mscdex.zip      Microsoft CD-ROM extensions
msexe.zip       Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of)
necpnser.zip    Nec 24-pin Pinwriter(s) driver v1.37
oak_drv.zip     Oak drivers
oakwin31.zip    Oak drivers
pan24.zip       Panasonic 24 pin printer drivers
paradise.zip    Paradise SVGA drivers for Win3
parawin3.zip    Paradise SVGA drivers for Win3 rel 2
pro2w31.zip     Orchid Technology Prodesigner II Series drivers
pscrp353.zip    PostScript printer driver v3.53
pvga1024.zip    PVGA (Paradise, Western Digital) drivers
sbpw31.zip      Sound Blaster Pro drivers for Win 3.1
speak.zip       Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of)
stlwin31.exe    Diamond Stealth VRAM win 3.1 drivers
sv800.arc       Generic 800x600x4 graphics driver for Win3
trident.zip     Trident Windows drivers release C3.0 (May 91)
ts3k-w31.zip    Tseng ET3000 Prerelease Windows 3.1 beta 061d
tseng4k.zip     Tseng ET4000 VGA SVGA 16 + 256 color drivers
tvga30.zip      Trident Windows drivers Release 3 (May 91)
tvgac401.zip    Trident 8900C Windows drivers Release 4.01 (Feb 92)
tvgaw31a.zip    Trident release drivers for Win 3.1
tvgaw31b.zip    Trident release drivers for Win 3.1
tweak3.zip      Tweak Win v3.0 to work at 800x564x16 with normal VGA card v3.0
v7win3.zip      Video Seven V-RAM + VGA 1024i 16 color + 720x512x256 drivers
vgawin.zip      ATI VGA 800x600 driver for Win3
w31et4.zip      March 1993 version of Tseng 4000 drivers for Win 3.1
wdl.txt         Windows 3.1 Driver Library Info (part of)
wdl_aud1.zip    Windows Drivers Library Sound
wdl_dsp1.zip    Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 1
wdl_dsp2.zip    Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 2
wdl_msc1.zip    Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 1 (kbds,mouse etc)
wdl_msc2.zip    Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 2 (kbds,mouse etc)
wdl_ptr1.zip    Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 1
wdl_ptr2.zip    Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 2
win30drv.zip    Paradise VGA drivers (incl. Fast VGA)
win31acc.zip    ATI line of accelerator card drivers
winsdl.txt      Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library info
winsdl1.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #1
winsdl2.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #2
winsdl3.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #3
winsdl4.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #4
winsdl5.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #5
winsdl6.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #6
winsdl7.zip     Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #7
wizard.zip      VGA Wizard drivers (800x600x16 + 1024x768x16)
wrk_doc.zip     Windows 3.1 Resource Kit Docs (WinWord2)
zyvgaw3.zip     Appian (ZyVGA) drivers

editor :        Editors for windows
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the editor directory
dida160.zip     Compact HTML Editor /w Previewer
loxos10.zip     A text editor/browser to manage downloaded web pages,L.Landwehr
mewin10.zip     MicroEmacs v3.11c for Windows Update 1.0 (great)
mewri.zip       MicroEmacs for Windows docs
mnte1626.zip    Mini NoteTab freeware multi-page text file editor.
nedit11a.zip    Nutty Edit v1.1 for Windows, J.Chan
notebk25.zip    Large text file Win 3.1x editor to replace notepad, R.Parker
ntebk16.zip     A text editor for docs to max heap avail, M.Berlinger
ntspad16.zip    A notepad replacement with more options, good freeware
pfe0702.zip     Programmer's File Editor for Win 3.1x, freeware, A.Phillips
ue312win.zip    MicroEmacs v3.12 for MS-Windows
webed12.zip     Hypertext markup language editor for Windows
wed13b.zip      WinEdit v1.3b programmer's editor
wine05bx.zip    Win-Emacs v1.00.05 beta (GNU Lucid Emacs 19.4) (huge)
wintex20.zip    Text editor dedicated to TeX/LaTeX editing
wnot193.zip     Not GNU Emacs editor, smaller and lighter, beta, J.Melbin
wpa06.zip       WPEdit v0.6 programmer's text editor
zeusv200.zip    Zeus for Windows 3.x Program (Brief like) Editor, J.Jumppanen

educgames :     Educational games
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the educgames directory
1merlin.zip     Board style game - find treasures and get them to destination
amaze321.zip    Amazeing v3.21 3D, find a way out of the maze
aquiz01.zip     Quiz program with facility to create your own questions
arachnid.zip    Arachnid card game, I.Heath
bcubes.zip      BrainCubes, remember and repeat button sequences, M.Dvorkin
bg4win30.zip    Traditional Backgammon against computer, G.Sutty
bjprob12.zip    Calculates blackjack(21) probabilities + simulates game
butmad.zip      Button Madness puzzle, D.Palmer
calmem13.zip    CalcuMemory v1.3, educational math game, E.J.Hummelen
can301.zip      Canasta, Windows Strategy Card Game, M-J.Harte
carom10.zip     A carom billiards simulator with C source, C.Markus
cartiv20.zip    Cartivor, package of 100 solitaire type games
chess321.zoo    GNUCHESS (3.21) for Windows (good)
cmbnm102.zip    Combine 'Em, a kind of puzzle game, R.Balewski
crypto20.zip    Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Reek
cstone1.zip     Cornerstone puzzle by F.Poulin
deapsea.zip     Familiar grid game - find ships before yours are found
diagle11.zip    Like 'tetris' but on a diagonal!
draw530.zip     Draw 5 v3.0 video poker
egg25sf.zip     State Flags v2.5, Learn USA State Flags, E.J.Hummelen
eurwin22.zip    "Europe!" Version 2.2 for Windows
hangman.zip     Hangman word guessing game for Windows
llletnum.zip    Larry's Learning Letters + Numbers, L.Goetz
lmmouse.zip     Larry's Master The Mouse, L.Goetz
math090.zip     This is a Windows math program for anybody 2-years + above
maxit101.zip    A Game of skill, wit, mathmatics, G. Klemans
mind12b.zip     Another MasterMind for Windows, D.Slamnig
mines.zip       Minefield game, I.Heath
mjwin10.zip     Mah Jongg v1.0 for Windows, R.Balewski
mrmind.zip      MasterMind Logic Game
netris11.zip    Netris Tetris for Windows 3.1x, shareware, S.Marshall
netrisfx.zip    Sound effects for Netris Tetris, S.Marshall
netrisgx.zip    Color backgrounds for Netris Tetris, S.Marshall
pleasr11.zip    Educational game for math and science
poker.zip       Draw Poker, A.Haroutunian
profil2a.zip    Personality Profile Evaluation, Jeffrey A. Judd
puzman27.zip    A puzzle game with dimensions 3X3 to 10X10 pieces, M. Raymond
puzzle11.zip    Sliding Tile Puzzle (pictures, BMPs as tiles), P.Beckingham
pzl8.zip        Sliding puzzle (numbers as tiles), E.Bergman-Terrell
stwv150.zip     Story Twister for Windows Version 1.50
taipei.zip      Taipei (mahjong), by D.Norris
trnsm100.zip    Realistic freight train simulator, R.Balewski
w-hop.zip       Hop-Over puzzle, D.Feinleib
watorw.zip      Windows fish + sharks population evolution game, L.Kovach
whound12.zip    Word Find Game That Will Allow You To Build Puzzles
winpoker.zip    Windows Poker v1.0
winpool3.zip    Winpool v1.3 billiards
winprobl.zip    Finger problems puzzle
wintris.arc     Tetris for Win3
winzee.zip      Yahtzee dice game for windows v2.21
wmake5.zip      Wmake5 v1.0 5-in-a-row game
wordx_11.zip    Educational logic games (Scrabble etc.)
wswin30.zip     Word Search Puzzle creation program, A. Bogdan
yacht1.zoo      Windows Yacht v1.00
yahtzlee.zip    A simple dice yahtzee game, L.Dowling
yat105.zip      Yet Another Tetris v1.05 for Win3

filelist :      File lists and statistics
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the editor directory
WINDEX.TXT      Annotated ASCII list of garbo.uwasa.fi windows 3.1x files
cctwndex.zip    Comma delimited Coast to Coast Windows 3.1x files list
cctwnlis.zip    Coast to Coast Windows 3.1x files list
garboidx.gz     Gzipped version of this WINDEX.TXT file
garboupd.lst    New Windows files at Garbo archives for the previous month
garw1991.zip    Garbo 1991 Windows updates
garw1992.zip    Garbo 1992 Windows updates
garw1993.zip    Garbo 1993 Windows updates
garw1994.zip    Garbo 1994 Windows updates
garw1995.zip    Garbo 1995 Windows updates
garw1996.zip    Garbo 1996 Windows 3.1x updates
garw1997.zip    Garbo 1997 Windows 3.1x updates
garw1998.zip    Garbo 1998 Windows 3.1x updates
garw1999.zip    Garbo 1999 Windows 3.1x updates
garw2000.zip    Garbo 2000 Windows 3.1x updates
garw2001.zip    Garbo 2001 Windows 3.1x updates
simvw20b.zip    Support DLLs for SimTel directory browser
simvw24a.zip    SimTel directory viewer
simwin-i.zip    Comma-delim list of old Simtel.Net Win 3.1x files w/descrip.
simwin-l.zip    Text format list of old Simtel.Net Win 3.1x files w/descrip.
winsite.zip     WinSite ftp.winsite.com Windows 3.1x files w/descrip.

fonts :         Bitmap fonts
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the fonts directory
dmppfm14.zip    Printer Font Metrics Dumper v1.4
europe20.zip    Add European characters to your system (example font incl.)
fntshw.zip      View all available fonts at once, C.Fisher
fonts.lzh       A large number of PS screen fonts (great)
ifw11a.zip      HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet IIIxx) v1.1
ifw11b.zip      HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet IIIxx) v1.1
kaufmann.zip    Kaufmann Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) (good)
mariage.zip     Mariage (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) (good)
news.zip        News (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA)
oldtown.zip     Old Town (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA)
pa50.zip        Printer's Apprentice screen + printer font util (good)
refont11.zip    Refont v1.1; convert Mac type 1 fonts for Windows
roissy.zip      Roissy Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA)
symbol8.zip     Symbol (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA)
tkrtape.zip     Stock ticker tape letters + symbols font (TTF + ATM)
torahsfr.zip    Torah Sofer - Torah style Hebrew font (TTF + ATM)
vectrfon.zip    Vector fonts
wgreek17.zip    WinGreek v1.7 greek and hebrew package

fontsatm :      atm-fonts; Fri 11-Oct-2002: The files have been removed in compliance with the demand of the Legal Department of Linotype Library GmbH, a subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Heidelberg/Germany, concerning their copyrights.
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the fontsatm directory

fontstt :       TrueType fonts
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the fonts-tt directory
cyrilttf.zip    Cyrillic Truetype fonts
dfonts.zip      Truetype fonts (origin?)
fmonst35.zip    Font Monster - Edit, group, catalog, preview Type1 + TT fonts
fontc123.zip    Fast Type1/TrueType font installer, S.Fox
hebttf10.zip    Hebrew TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1
quenya16.zip    Tengwar Quenya 1.6 - TT + ATM font w/ docs + util
ttfonts1.zip    Truetype fonts part 1
ttfonts2.zip    Truetype fonts part 2
ttfonts3.zip    Truetype fonts part 3
ttfonts4.zip    Truetype fonts part 4

goldies :       Windows 3.1 old versions worth retaining
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the goldies directory
lviewp19.zip    Image file editor for Microsoft Windows 3.1, L.Loureiro
mycd244.zip     CD Player and Library and more, Win3.1/Win95, W.John
mycd250a.zip    CD Player and Library and more, Win3.1/Win95, W.John
twsk21f.zip     Trumpet Winsock version 2.1, P.Tattam

graphics :      Graphics programs and utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the graphics directory
anmt11.zip      Digital Image Animation/Conversion Utility, A. Mallavarapu
arcm107.zip     Convert from GIS ARC/INFO into MapInfo, B.Eychenie
cshww320.zip    CompuShow GIF viewer for Windows 3.1x, B.Berry
daub15.zip      Vector-based calligraphic drawing program, F.Feingold
fbrush11.zip    Paint program using picture brushes (req's vbrun300.dll)
fractp23.zip    Displays Mandelbrot fractals + film sequences, S. Forni
gcad110.zip     GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, F.Feingold
gif2bmp.zip     GIF to BMP v1.0
gs252win.zip    GhostScript v2.5.2 exe for Windows
gwswin10.zip    Graphics Workshop v1.0a (great)
himage11.zip    Script enabled image editor for Windows
horse.zip       Galloping horse + YinYang v1.0
ib11.zip        I-Bank v1.0 a clipboard extender for graphic images
imglib20.zip    Libraries of high quality image/picture thumbnails
kdraw140.zip    KwikDraw freeware v1.40 object drawing (great)
kuvana50.zip    KuvaNaky 5.0 - Finnish JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows
land351.zip     3D landscape modelling / GIS application, K.Woolley
lviewp1b.zip    Image file editor for Microsoft Windows 3.1, L.Loureiro
mpegwin.zip     MPEG Player for windows
nd21.zip        NeoDraw: a vector-based drawing application
nrc13a.zip      Search/view/manage utility for graphic files
pattern.txt     Some background patterns
pholab18.zip    Photolab v1.8a image processing tool (great)
pixalbum.zip    Create albums using photos, graphics, text and more.
pshape11.zip    Pro-Shape v1.1 a drawing program (good)
psp311.zip      Paint Shop Pro image authoring, JASC Inc, very good
randot1a.zip    Random Dot Stereogram generator 1.0a, G.Hausheer
rds200.zip      Repeated Dot Stereogram generator for Windows, D.Wischik
stars.zip       Space like background
uclp15.zip      UltraClip v1.5 (good) enhanced clipboard
vuepri50.zip    VuePrint 5.0 - Fast JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows
win3d.zip       Windows Function Visualizer (two variables)
winarty.zoo     Winarty v1.0 draws symmetrical lines (pretty)
winfr171.zip    Fractint v17.00 for Windows (great)
wingif14.zoo    WinGif v1.4; Windows image viewer/enhancer (great)
winjp160.zip    WinJpeg v1.6 Jpeg viewer
winmrf16.zip    Morphing program for Windows, M.Marjamaa
wlabv30b.zip    Image processing package for MS-Windows, G.Desoli
worm.zip        Worms everywhere...
xvtdraw.zip     XVT-Draw v1.5 object oriented drawing prg

icons :         Icons and related utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the icons directory
1000icon.zip    1000 Windows Icons grouped in 2 DLL, Salvatore Meschini
demoico.lzh     Demo icons for IconDraw
dosicons.zip    Icons for popular Dos programs
i_f3016d.zip    IconForge icons/cursors/bitmaps/animation editor, good
icnct455.zip    Icons Control 4.55, C.Doan
icolib4b.zip    5000+ icons (154 categories) and viewer, S. Balogh
icon330.zip     Icon Library; a large collection of good quality icons
icondr12.zip    IconDraw v1.2
icons1.zip      A Windows icon collection in DLL format
icons2.zip      A Windows icon collection of .ico files
icons3.zip      A Large Windows icon collection of .ico files
imstr12a.zip    IconMaster v1.2a; icon editor, viewer and mgmt system
is110a.zip      IcoShow v1.10a icon management utility
pbicon.zip      PBIcon v1.1; customize icons
tamr11.zip      IconTamer v1.01 (req's Icon Editor)
viewicon.zip    Viewicon, geticon, puticon

misc :          Warehouse
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the misc directory
16550_10.zip    Ignore the FIFO enable bits in the 16550A IIR
16euro96.zip    Win 3.x for European Championship soccer 1996
1cffw52.zip     College Funding Finder, J. Theberge
32euro96.zip    Win 95 for European Championship soccer 1996
ahandy15.zip    30 utilities, games etc. in one single program, nag
arch308.zip     Archives v3.08; the compressed file manager
ayli12.zip      As You Like It Windows E-book reader
catbk310.zip    Organize your book collection
ccizip20.zip    CCiZip v2.0 archive file manager (good)
ccwin31.zip     Crossword Compiler for Windows, A.Lewis
cdprow.zip      Windows database system for CDs and tapes (req's vbrun300.dll)
cfw10.zip       Makes a picture COLLAGE from .BMP files (with music)
color12.zip     Color My World - multimedia tutor abt colors for children
ctrax251.zip    Organize your music collection
cvids210.zip    Organize your video collection, F.Nordbakke
dvimswin.arc    TeX .dvi previewer for MS-Windows v1.03+ (req's win87em)
elana11.zip     Elana v1.1 sys config tool
enigma11.zip    Enigma v1.1 (german version) encrypt/decrypt
fbclck47.zip    Display NFL team logos on analog clock face
fixgrp.zip      FixGroup; fix group files when moving
freemem.zip     Freemem v1.0 show amount of free memory
ftplis10.zip    Anonomous FTP Site List in searchable Help format.
fundmn83.zip    Portfolio management with graphs and reports
gander10.zip    GANDER v1.0 text and binary file viewer (ASCII + HEX)
glstore1.zip    Double Entry General Ledger
grmslm11.zip    Windows Online Help for English Grammar, J.Blair
hulbert1.zip    Hulbert teaches you to upgrade your computer
infodisk.zip    InfoDisk contains various data and contact lists
kabooa10.zip    Web Page Backgrounds
kaboob10.zip    Web Page Graphics
keys20.zip      For businesses to track keys issued to employees
lifepl11.zip    LifePlan for maintaining your personal goals
mod1.zip        Delrina's (Winfax Pro) beta release of mod.exe V.32bis
morecn.zip      More Control v1.1 Control Panel enhancement (good)
mortge11.zip    Comprehensive mortgage program, W. Odlum
mpme21a.zip     Equipment maintenance program, B. Kyrklund
netquot1.zip    NetWorld Book of Quotations for Windows
netsct11.zip    Offline Internet resource locator, B.Kochem
para21sw.zip    Paramind, configurable brainstorming program
pmpfl201.zip    PredMan - Pro Football 2.01 office pool manager
pmscr101.zip    PredMan - Stock Car 1.01 office pool manager
poemwin1.zip    NetWorld Poetry Anthology for Windows
pp30wi.zip      Software guided anti-RSI stretch breaks, T.Hoff
qnzip21.zip     QuinZip v2.1 Windows Zip/UnZip util
stmpc310.zip    CATalog your stamp collection
strack12.zip    SofTrack - software/hardware inventory database
telept10.zip    Trick to amaze others with your "Telepathic" ability
thm_100.zip     Humor Mill; joke, pun, limerick, humorous story teller
tm.zip          Taskman v1.0 replace Windows task manager
tpp152.zip      Tasks, Projects and People PIM, N.Patriquin
tv3e100a.zip    TvText Telextext Viewer v1.00 for Windows, M.Hughes
twoto180.zip    Two Touch glucometer data application, K.Uusitalo
typmas16.zip    Typing tutorial w Revision Wizard, crippled, T.Utriainen
ucook10.zip     The USENET Cookbook in WinHelp format
vidlist2.zip    Prints reports on your Videotape Inventory, S. Lowers (great)
wexit12e.zip    Windows Exit Button v1.2 (good)
wfclck11.zip    World Flag Clock, T. Hirtle
winzoo21.zip    Zoo v2.1 for Windows
wmnia20a.zip    WebMania! 2.0 - HTML editor and forms generator!
wnspd.zip       Winspeed v1.0 Windows 3.0 performance anal tool
wotd_201.zip    What happened on this day (historical database)
wtclck21.zip    World time clock, T. Hirtle
wuna222.zip     Windows Unarchive v2.22 (ZIP ARJ)
wunz20x.zip     Freeware windows unzipper version 2.0 (good)
zipex110.zip    Zip Express v1.1 Zip Code Look Up; Auto Paste

multimedia :    Multimedia related programs and utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the multimedia directory
cat10.exe       Catalist v1.0 Internet Library list (req's Toolbook 1.5)
cd-tbk.zip      Compact Disk Library "stack" (ToolBook)
formgx34.zip    Formula Graphics Multimedia System 3.4
fullcat.exe     Catalist v1.0 (incl. ToolBook 1.5 Runtime library)
hifinance.zip   Hi, Finance! (ToolBook) v1.01
hmcv14_1.zip    HM_Card, Hypermedia authoring system (1/2)
hmcv14_2.zip    HM_Card, Hypermedia authoring system documentation (2/2)
winhurri.zip    Control program for the moviegrabber board (hicolor)

plot :          Plotting related material
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the plot directory
digi138.zip     Digitize v1.38 x,y plot digitizer (scanned plot to x,y points)
splt220w.zip    Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator (HP7475A) (good)

printer :       Printer utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the printer directory
ddp20b.zip      Drag and Drop Printing Utility
dump31.zip      Dumper v3.1 dump files to the printer
plx17.zip       Paper Express v1.7 program list printer shell
printf16.zip    PrintFlip - Printer changer and setup utility
spoolf20.zip    Windows Util Printing to File, P.Poellinger
wprt103.zip     Windows Printer Control Utility, P.Poellinger
wrptp20.zip     RPTPwin v2.0
yacpu20.zip     Calendar printing utility for Windows

programming :   Programming material
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the programming directory
bascde12.zip    Basic Source Code Librarian (e.g. for VB), M.Brewerton
boyer03.zip     Boyer-Moore Fast Text Search for Windows 3.x in C
bstrcw12.zip    Restructure Your VB/Basic Source Code, M.Brewerton
button.zip      Buttons! v1.0.1 BWCC button editor
catch.zip       Catch v1.00 batch programming language for Windows
cenviw9.zip     C-Interpreter/Batch/Script/Automator
cxtw109.zip     C Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, J.Mueller
dialgjb2.zip    Visual Basic code for File Dialog Box, no VBX, OCX, or DLL
dxtw109.zip     DBASE Eploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, J.Mueller
fxtw109.zip     FORTRAN Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, J.Mueller
ha30.zip        Help Assistant for Windows help developers to create hypertext
hdcnv100.zip    C DLL header file to delphi conversion
hpgn12.zip      HelpGen Help File Generator, M.Burton
intl.zip        Internationalizing DLL v1.0 for Windows
lxtw109.zip     LISP Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, J.Mueller
makemdi2.zip    Generic Windows Mdi appl generator
msdn200.zip     MS Developers Network/SoftLib index reader, F.Robijn
msjmar93.zip    Diag + MemMan
newexe.zoo      Detailed information about the Windows NE EXE file v0.01
newspy.zip      NewSpy v1.00 (like Spy in SDK)
oot-104d.zip    OO Documentation Tool v1.04d Obj-oriented anal doc tool
pb3ico10.zip    PowerHelper Function Syntax Utility for PowerBldr, P.Poellinger
ppfont10.zip    Windows font family, list, textmetrics DLL, P.Poellinger
pprtr44.zip     DLL to get/set windows printers and settings, P.Poellinger
progress.zip    Progress meter for lengthy operations (w/source) by T.Ravnholt
prtrk206.zip    Tracks problem reports in network database, R.Stimpson
rc2hdk30.zip    Help Template generator from RC files by R.Loewy
regions.zip     MM/HyperText  Custom Control for VB and Delphi
snoopy13.zip    Debug monitor, trap error msgs, exit codes etc, H.Boch
swtools.zip     Shareware Tools (expiration + registration)
tdwin31.zip     TDWIN.DLL for Windows 3.1
thlis103.zip    TheLister 1.03 advanced Pascal source lister
tprint.zip      TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows
tps.zip         Horizontal tiling facility to TP for Win 1.5
tpwin31.zip     Turbo Pascal for Windows 3.1 compatibility files
ucb.zip         UCB WordPlan; application programmer assistant
undocfct.zip    List all undocumented entry points + external refs
vba_bkma.zip    VBA Native Functions DLL - most common API calls
vbbld11.zip     Design VB Programs, For Better Structure, M.Brewerton
vbptu10.zip     VB program testing unit, logs test info, M.Brewerton
windata.zip     Lists all windows + gets their ClassData/WindowData, C.Fisher
wpjv1n1.zip     Windows Programmer's Journal vol1 #1
wthrds.zip      EDI threads; multi-threading library (C+PAS)
xascii2.zip     Online Help for all ASCII Characters in Windows, J.Bair
xlispw.zip      Xlisp-plus v2.1d for Windows
xspawn10.zip    Spawn programs from Windows App and Wait, G.Yaniv

queue :         Queue for later consideration, unannounced, virus checked
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the queue directory

science :       Miscellaneous science related material
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the science directory
364refer.zip    Reference: Scientific Literature Manager for Windows
elmstr2b.zip    Interactive Periodic Table/Elemental Properties
funex116.zip    Math teaching program. Draw curve of any function, J.Saalbach
isoln11.zip     Create isoline diagrams and cross-sections, W.Diestel
ozw101a.zip     OzGiz spatial data display and analysis data 1/12 (w/demo)
ozw101b.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 2/12
ozw101c.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 3/12
ozw101d.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 4/12
ozw101e.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 5/12
ozw101f.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 6/12
ozw101g.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 7/12
ozw101h.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 8/12
ozw101i.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 9/12
ozw101j.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 10/12
ozw101k.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 11/12
ozw101l.zip     OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 12/12
piw131.zip      Compute Pi to a million decimal places w/C++ src, H.Smith
qgrid30.zip     Scattered data grid generator/viewer (16,000- data points)
qgridb30.zip    Scattered data grid generator/viewer (16,000+ data points)
salch15a.zip    P-table, elements database, constants+formulas, C.G.Hansen
sicon50.zip     Metric Conversion Utility, 350000+ conversions, H.Schwartz
stats1.zip      Statistics (Win3.1) help file
wfit122.zip     Winfit v1.22 non linear least squares fitting

screen :        Screensavers and screen handling utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the screen directory
3dmania3.zip    3DMania + Nerd's Galore Screen Saver Modules
adslid12.zip    Programmable slide show for After Dark 2.0
bounce.zip      After Dark module; bounce (good)
clouds10.zip    Plasma Clouds screen saver, L. Nunno
colpal21.zip    ColPal v2.1 Color Palette Display program
decay10.zip     Decay screen saver module; melting screen
ferkel.zip      Ferkel screen saver module; push you desktop away
ghost.zip       Ghost Module for After Dark v2.0 screen saver
magic140.zip    Magic ScreenSaver v1.40; incl. password protection (good)
mazespx.zip     Screen Peace saver module (good)
memsav15.zip    Fishing Theme ScreenSaver with MemoTaker, P.Johnson
mez_v1_2.zip    Screen saver set for Windows
ms20b.zip       Monitor saver v2.0b
newspxs.zip     Screen Peace Saver modules (Solids + Dragon Kites)
psych20.zip     Hypnotic screen savers for Windows (16 + 32 bits)
qixspx.zip      Screen Peace Module (256 color)
resta21a.zip    Resta v2.1a screen saver
scrmch11.zip    The Screen Machine 1.1: Screen Saver Creator, J. Owen
scrpe12.zip     Screen Peace v1.2 - Screen Saver (good)
scrutl91.zip    Scrutil + scrblank v9.1 (was:egautil)
seral36.zip     Seraline ScreenSaver 3.6 Endless colorful designs
shf12spx.zip    Shuffler spx for Screen Peace
shoot12.zip     Shoot! v1.2; Yet another screen grabber (good)
snagit43.zip    The Windows 3.1x screen capture utility, C.Wheeler
spextn.zip      Screen Peace Saver extensions
spx2.zip        Screen Peace saver modules v1.2
spx_logo.zip    HLS + LOGO Saver (.spx) modules
uc11.zip        UltraClip v1.1 extends Windows clipboard
wneko.zip       Neko v1.03 (good)
wp_spx.zip      WP Invader(s) .spx (good)

sound :         Sound utilities and some samples
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the sound directory
34wavs.zip      Wav sounds collection
abcd20.zip      Super CD-ROM player and database 16bit + 32bit
alcomp11.zip    Aleatoric Composer - probabilistic music composition
btmstr11.zip    Sequencer software for Windows
cdplyr20.zip    CD Player with songnames, X. Alvarez
cdppro45.zip    Play audio CD's, database manager included
chordplw.zip    Plays jazz chord progresssions on midi soundcards, W.Stephen
fmsound.zip     Use FM synthesis abilities of your sound card
guitar21.zip    Guitar Scales and Modes v2.1
gwave303.zip    GoldWave sound editor by C.Craig
jp100.zip       Sound file player (WAV/AU) soundcard req, J.Willinghoefer
juker50.zip     Multimedia jukebox (MID/WAV/AVI/etc) 16 + 32bit
k4v301.zip      K4 patch editor for MIDI (+ driver) v3.01
kbmidi.zip      Keyboard MIDI Player v1.0
mbtt20.zip      Midi file to guitar tablature translator, M.Brazeau
mf30rt.zip      Database program for organizing a music collection
micplay1.zip    Player for .WAV and .MID files, supports 4DOS description
minicd13.zip    Audio CD player
mozart14.zip    Music processor, MIDI, sheet printing, WYSIWYG, D.Webber
mrouter.zip     Route MIDI messages between Win 3.1 apps, Z.Janosy
mstud41.zip     MIDI Studio, Windows MIDI Sequencer
music_01.zip    WAV(E) music samples
music_02.zip    WAV(E) music samples
music_03.zip    WAV(E) music samples
music_04.zip    WAV(E) music samples
music_05.zip    WAV(E) music samples
music_06.zip    WAV(E) music samples
muzika31.zip    A musical notation package for windows, N.Amir
mycd260.zip     CD Player and Library and more, Win3.1/Win95, W.John
noismstr.zip    Noisemaster v1.0 from New Noise WAV+VOC editor (good)
nosnd01.zip     Vnosound v0.1 disables PC speaker sound
sculpt17.zip    MIDI Sequencer with Keyboard Window, G.Struben
scutl222.zip    Windows 3.11 Speech Compression Utility
sndtoo25.zip    SoundTool v2.5; convert,manipulate,play sound (good)
sounder.zip     Sounder v2.0; digitalized sound player (incl. dsound.dll)
tran09.zip      Transcribe v0.9 how to play various songs
tt16v110.zip    Multitrack wave recorder, J. Burrell
wavutl23.zip    The Wave Utilities - Loop And Play Wave Files
wavwor11.zip    WaveWorks Wave editor
wincdp33.zip    Windows CD Audio Player with database support, T.Wu
winjam22.zip    Full-Featured MIDI Sequencer v2.21 for Windows
winplay.zoo     Polyphonic music player v1.0

source :        Source code material
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the source directory
mewin10s.zip    MicroEmacs for Windows source
muzsrc1.zip     Muzika source

turbopas :      Turbo Pascal material
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the turbopas directory
bpwing02.zip    Windows WinG Demo in BP7 w/src, L.Fosdal
ctl3dpas.zip    CTL3D.DLL and CTL3DV2.DLL libraries with prog. examples
dropk_10.zip    A drag + drop batch file system (with BP source), D.Cook
hugecoll.zip    Implement huge collection in TP for Windows
janusw.zip      DialogWindow + tJanusDialogWindow objects
pasock10.zip    Pascal Winsock Examples for Windows, Mike Caughran
tooltip2.zip    ToolTip unit for Borland Pascal and TPW, A.Lewis
wintl100.zip    International info pascal library, T.Bargholz

util :          Utilities from broad category
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the util directory
1nrcolor.zip    NRich WebColor (decode colors to rrggbb#)
1st65i.zip      Teacher's GradeBook / Grading Package for Windows
acctmn13.zip    Time usage tracking program for Windows 3.1
achart12.zip    Ascii char table and more v1.2
aclite.zip      Harvests/converts Internet data
aclock.zip      Astronomy clock v1.12
advent.zip      Advent Calendar v1.0
aimspice.zip    Aim-Spice (student version) v1.1
alm30f.zip      Almanac for Windows v3.0f (great)
alw113.zip      Astronomy Lab v1.13
alwin15.zip     Active Life v1.5 time management system (good)
am_bb40.zip     Bank Book for Windows - bank account tracker
am_bc40.zip     Book/Magazine Catalog for Windows
am_ca41.zip     Car Book Plus for Windows
am_cb41.zip     Contact Book Plus for Windows
am_cc40.zip     Coin Catalog for Windows
am_cr40.zip     Calendar/Reminder for Windows
am_dn40.zip     Daily Notes for Windows -keep track of your notes
am_hc40.zip     Hardware Catalog for Windows
am_ib42.zip     Internet Book for Windows
am_mc40.zip     Movie Catalog for Windows, simple + easy to use
am_mu40.zip     Music Catalog for Windows (casettes, CDs, records)
am_pb41.zip     Phone Book for Windows with dial function
am_sc40.zip     Software Catalog for Windows
am_so40.zip     Student Organizer for Windows
am_sp40.zip     Sport Card Catalog for Windows
am_st40.zip     Stamp Catalog for Windows
arf32.zip       Retrieves web pages found by Lycos, etc to your disk drive
at12.zip        Application Timer v1.2 launches programs at a speci time
atlus.zip       Atlus v1.00 computer-based US Atlas (good)
audit.zip       Heap Auditor; a utility to monitor the GDI, user + global heaps
backee28.zip    Backup and directory/file synchronizer, B. Cordes
batcat10.zip    Floppy-disk and CD-ROM Catalog
bcalc2.zip      Business Calculator v2.00
bcr324.zip      BusinessCards, Universal Organizer, M.Dvorkin
benchg11.zip    PC mag Windows benchmark v1.1 (also PM) (works?)
billc20.zip     Professional Time and Billing system
bjsim202.zip    Blackjack Systems Evaluator, P. Kennedy
brythm.zip      Biorythm utility for MS-Excel
builder.zip     The application builder/launcher v2.1
calclu10.zip    Check lost disk space with different cluster values
cbill13.zip     Client Biller invoice maker and client tracker
ccplus12.zip    Credit card database
checkers.exe    (Freeware) Checkers Program v1.0
chgcrs10.zip    Allows you to change the arrow and hourglass cursors
chief291.zip    Chief's Installer Pro for Win16 and Win32, A. Olowofoyeku
clinr2.zip      Prints case liners for audio cassettes v2.1
clockr23.zip    A personal/network program scheduler
clust104.zip    File cluster viewer with approx. search, Y.Roumazeilles
cman11.zip      ClockMan v1.1; Clock Manager - alarms (good)
cmate10.zip     Chat room text-to-speech utility
cookie.zip      COOKIE v2.0; cookies
cpuuse14.zip    CPU usage meter v1.4
cripwin2.zip    Text file scramble/unscramble utility, req. VBRUN300.DLL
crssmk11.zip    Create, solve (online), print crosswords, G. Schleicher
cswism12.zip    System Resource Monitor for Windows
cswiwe14.zip    WinExit Fast windows exit utility
cura22.zip      Curacao v2.2 a simul. of the sterile insect release method
cursor.zip      Choose cursor (good)
cusbut10.zip    Custom buttons v1.0
datcon10.zip    Data Conversion v1.0
db11us.zip      dbf-Browser v1.1; shows dBase files
dc111.zip       Single pass disk copier v1.11
delta3_2.zip    Windows uninstaller, reports changes and undoes them
dimcalc2.zip    Calculator/converter of dimensioned quantities, G.Hart
dllchk10.zip    Reports which DLLs Windows program calls and vica versa
dngr20.zip      Word for Windows macro; Dinger insert dingbat chars
dr6win.zip      DR DOS 6.0 update for Win 3.1
drwat079.zip    Dr Watson v0.79; UAE Diagnostic + Log Utility
dskmfw30.zip    DiskMan hard disk, floppy etc. cataloguing
dtaphn11.zip    Dataphone - A practical phonebook
dvimsw24.arc    TeX .dvi previewer v2.4 for Win3
ecu13.zip       The Earth Centered Universe v1.3a sky visualization (good)
edesk.zip       Executice desk Windows PIM utility
epsflt.zip      EPS file Import filter DLL for Word for Windows v1.1
eqs.zip         Eyes (works?), qtime v1.3, status v2.4
evntmn14.zip    An easy to use Task/Alarm scheduler
exit.zip        Exit button v1.0 (works?)
ezy282.zip      EasyHelp/Web Creates Windows Help + Web Pages
finst152.zip    Freeman Installer + Uninstaller v1.52, K. Tong
flipper.zip     Flipper; change orientation of the printer port/land
fmapp11b.zip    Applications menu for Windows File Manager, H.Knight
fmgrd208.zip    File Manager Guard v.1.5, A.Belogortseff
fmsu326.zip     File Manager StepUp, adds features to FM, A.Belogortseff
fmtb224.zip     File Manager Toolbar by A.Belogortseff
fracview.zip    FracView for Windows v1.03
glue.zip        Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows programs
graph.zip       Graph f(x) v2.0
grepw30.zip     GREP for windows, A.Catorcini
gtk15.zip       Global time keeper, T. Hirtle
gtools.zip      GTOOLS.DOC v1.0; WinWord macros
hbw20.zip       Home budget - Manage your home budget, S.Drew
helllp23.zip    Winhelp help file author tool for WinWord
helllp24.zip    WinHelp author tool for WinWord 2.0 + 6.0, E.Guy
hmhtm130.zip    Multimedia hypertext HTML maker
hotkey.zip      Hotkey; assign prgms to a keystroke + StartUp; from any dir
hpcalc.zip      HP like calculator v3.00
hres2_1.zip     Human Resource Application, progwhiz inc.
htmasc12.zip    HTMASC 1.2 HTM to TXT Converter
hyptrk32.zip    WinHelp extender; tracking/word-search/multi-print
i_m421aw.zip    Integrity Master antivirus, Win3.1x front, W.Stiller
inform1b.zip    Informant v1.00 (beta 1) system load graph
inspro.zip      EDI install pro v1.0; installer for Windows
inswin.zip      EDI install v1.3; installation program
inv2_1.zip      Inventory Application, progwhiz inc.
ipmgr_10.zip    IP Manager - manage IP addresses, S.Davenport
issumn12.zip    Issue Manager issue/problem tracking system, G.Reinacker
jafclc11.zip    JafCalc 1.1 - Calculator for Windows, J.A.Ferguson
jargona.zip     The online jargon file v2.9.8 (Help file format)
jgibar11.zip    Intelligent Iconbar for Windows FileManager, J. Galanes
jrunzp10.zip    Fast and easy unzipper, req Pkunzip
jwps16.zip      Windows PGP Shell v 1.6, J.Snyder
keepkey1.zip    Modify keyboard and mouse functions
kf200.zip       K-Free v2.0; display free mem + disk, win info
kiviat.zip      KIVIAT v1.0 sys information graphically
lalaunch.zip    Windows launch utility for LaTeX progs, G.Gutt
lasvegas.crd    Important phone numbers from Las Vegas
lblwiz21.zip    Versatile Label Program for Win 3.1, F.Pellegrino
litz200.zip     Compresses, encrypts, uuencodes / decompresses, decrypts
mark30.zip      MARK30 v1.33; mark old Windows Apps for new Windows v3.0
match110.zip    Match v1.10 a text file comparison prg (good)
mathgraf.zip    Mathgraf v2.4.1 define + plot math functions (problems...)
met10.zip       PeekMessage - polling perf. meter for windows, T.Ronkko
moontl04.zip    Current phase of the moon v0.4 (MoonTool)
motto.zip       Motto program
mpro96.zip      A Tree-View Contact Manager/PIM
ms20.zip        Monitor Saver v2.0
mscpls21.zip    Music cataloguing system
multip.zip      Multipad v3.00 notepad with multiple files poss. (w C)
muzpak1.zip     Muzika v1.0 musical notes editor
neweye.zip      Interactive eyes v1.0
nonag.zip       Mark old Windows executables for Win3
nonag2.zip      Gets rid of those annoying nag/brag screens (works?)
nosheet1.xlm    No open sheet during Excel startup
nr16-112.zip    NetRoad offline HTM Browser, G. Ko
nsnoop1d.zip    Give you access to Netscape Cache Files, Jeffrey A. Judd
nsv11a.zip      NeoSoft Viewer: lets you look at the contents of files
nswitc22.zip    Trap loading of notepad if file too big, M.Brewerton
omnicn10.zip    Unit conversion util for Windows 3.x, P.Jones
org140.zip      Organize! your desktop (appointments) PIM v1.4 (good)
osetup21.zip    O'Setup, Windows application installation utility
panic221.zip    Program manager/task manager enhancements
passgn40.zip    Random password generator 4.0, T. Hirtle
pd0805.zip      Microsoft Smartdrive v4.2 (slower disk-write)
perfm202.zip    Performance Meter v2.02
pgpwin11.zip    PGP MS-Win Shell (+ Vis-Basic src) v1.1
pinup13.zip     Pinup Notes v1.3 post-it notes
polltakr.zip    Poll Taker v1.0 automatic questionnaire (good)
pprboy.zip      Picks wallpapers randomly
pshell29.zip    Pshell v2.09 command-line shell (slow)
pw1118.zip      Run 32-bit Apps under Win3.1
pwrm154.zip     Win 3.1 notebook battery monitor, H.Boch
qmmal11a.zip    QuikMenu Mailbox: easy-to-use office E-Mail utility
qrun205.zip     Program launching utility for Windows, P.Damsten
qtask13.zip     Taskmanager with commnd line, history, emacs completion
raise105.zip    Auto-Raise windows v1.05 (good)
rcalc103.zip    RPN Calculator v1.03
rcpwin20.zip    Recipe Maker v2.0; recipe organization (good)
recrun.zip      Recorder Run; attach icons to macros v1.0
restpm.zip      Restore the Windows program manager
riteon23.zip    Send keystrokes by right and middle mouse buttons
rotcube.zip     Rotating cube for Screen Peace
rp105.zip       RunProg v1.05, run maximized,minimized etc (good)
rpncl12c.zip    Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, P.Mattila
rptp12.lzh      Ron's print to printer program v1.2
rptvw21.zip     Report viewer and data extract system, R. Cecrle
rtg12.zip       Random test generator, T. Hirtle
runit10.zip     RunIt! v1.0; fast alternative to Program Manager
savebmp.zip     Utility to handle .bmp pictures, P.Foggia
scicalc1.zip    Scientific Calculator for Windows, R.Loewy
secch2.zoo      Second Chance v2.0 associate files (good)
seeker12.zip    SEEKER - Search For Many Words In Many Files, M.Brewerton
si130e.zip      Store It lets you manage your own knowledge base, B. Olivero
sked122.zip     Windows appointment scheduler, F.Feingold
sl-10.zip       SuperLoad v1.0 (enhance run+load in win.ini)
smesme2a.zip    Transfer files between computers (with floppy disks)
smtbrd10.zip    SmartBoard, Windows Clipboard Extender
spacem30.zip    Powerful duplicate file search and delete utility
spells13.zip    Spelling checker, checks Text/Write/Clipboard
stab230.zip     Stab230 is a financial technical analysis product for Windows
stdm15.zip      Demo/Tutorial Builder, M.Kvitchko
strip10.zip     Stripcalc v1.0 calculates transmission line props
strtmn11.zip    Manages multiple Windows StartUp group configs
suprrm.zip      SoftBlox resource monitor v1.00 (great)
sw.zip          StopWatch v1.02
sysgraf4.zip    System Graph v4.00 (good)
sysuse13.zip    Sysuse v1.3 system load graph
tame260.zip     TAME v2.60; reduce overhead of the multitasking programs
tcc100s.zip     Customizable Unit Converter, C.Malamas
tclk106.zip     Talking Clock v1.06
tempdump.zip    Removes all files from specified machine temp areas
timclk11.zip    Time/project usage tracking program
tits.zip        The Interactive Task Switcher (tits)
tm101.zip       Taskman v1.01 Task Manager
tmac_21u.zip    Windows utility for accessing Macintosh disks
tsd20.zip       Create, search + print student directory, R.Summers
turing.zip      Turbo Turing Machine v1.0 (computer simulation)
typemate.zip    Delay before typematic starts v1.4
uc12.zip        Ultraclip v1.2 clipboard utility
ucal4016.zip    Multipurpose calculating tool for Win 3.1x, D.Corbier
unictrl1.zip    Keyboard simulator for physical deficients
univ20.zip      Universe v2.0 star simulation
utl105.zip      Close(r), Run, Exitw + Clean
vbswch10.zip    Switch VBRUN/BWCC.DLL on/off
verdsk11.zip    Check HD floppies for errors
vinfo10.zip     Check DLL/VBX/EXE/OCX file versions
vlnch22a.zip    File viewer and launcher, P.Mattila
vmerg127.zip    Visual File Diff/Merge Utility v1.27, O.Cherkasova
vtid344.zip     Calculations, projections and graphs for saving, W. Odlum
w3setcom.zip    Stuff com3+4 memory addresses into low memory (w ASM)
wab2b.zip       Winascii v0.02b (like Unix 'strings')
wck30n.zip      WinCheck v3.0n checkbook progr (great)
wcmd110.zip     Windows Command Line Interface v1.10
wcron23a.zip    Wcron v2.3a periodical Task Scheduler
wdbwin10.zip    WindBase v1.0 Windows database (promising)
webcol10.zip    Web Colour 1.0 - HTML colour code editor, J.Terhune
wexec101.zip    Command Line Editor Wexec v1.01 (great)
wfind30.zip     Powerful File Finder for Win 3.1, D.Branson
wfview02.zip    Textfile viewer, alone or on File Manager's menu, S.Huseby
wfx304.zip      Winfax Pro 3.0 to 3.04 update
whisk26a.zip    Whiskers v2.6a mouse utility
wimatk25.zip    Winimage transaltion kit - translate to foreign language
winalt21.zip    Alter date, time, + file attributes in Windows, J.Bair
winaux.zip      Winox directs Aux output to the mono display
winb30a.zip     WinBatch v3.0a Batch Language
wincli3.zip     WinCLi v3.00; command line interface
wincrd.zip      Windows cardfile text conversion program
windig20.zip    Win3.1 data digitalization prog. , D.Lovy
windiz10.zip    A Windows zip file ID reader/generator
wineyes.zip     WinEyes v1.02 (xeyes/eyecon)
winfnd10.zip    WinFind v1.0 find file (promising)
winhv20.zip     Win Hex View v2.0
winima25.zip    Winimage 2.5 Disk image utility
winpark.zip     Park hard disk heads
winprb10.zip    Parabola v1.0 numerical differeniator/curve-fitter
winsp201.zip    WinSpell v2.01 check spelling in any appl (good)
winstart.zoo    WinStart Installer v1.0 automatic applications loader
winutil.zip     Ascii, Colours, Freemem
winwait.zip     To Windows or not to Windows ...
wipew20.zip     Wipes files under Windows 3.1, C.Feroldi
wlght17a.zip    Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 uninstaller, L. Cassioli
wmerge11.zip    Merges many text files into one file
wnbrag.zip      Change the screen win3 displays at startup (easily)
womenu31.zip    Powerful/easy menu to launch Windows applications
wordweb.zip     Utility that finds definitions, synonyms etc.
wpost32b.zip    WinPost v3.2b -  electronic Post-It Notes (good)
wrd6view.zip    Microsoft Word Viewer version 6.0
wrksft15.zip    Workshift v1.5 organize groups of programs
wru311.zip      WRU v3.11 file finder (where are you) (great)
wsc-217e.zip    McAfee VirusScan for  Windows
wscan117.zip    McAfee VirusScan for Windows V117
wsmooth.zip     A text browsing utility (PC mag) WinSmooth v1.c (w C)w
wsp300.zip      English text-to-speech application, G.Kung
wsplit13.zip    Split large files fit to floppies
wtch11.zip      WTouch v1.1 set date/time stamp
wtime20.zip     World Time display time in 150 metrop/geographic locations
xantippe.zip    Xantippe v1.59; hyperlink information workbench (good)
xtimlog2.zip    Application for personal time usage recording
yrpswd16.zip    Manage users and their encrypted passwords, Y.Rochat
zpad210.zip     Dictionary lookup (also for DOS) and spell check by L.Zou

winsock :       Windows Sockets (Winsock) applications and utilities
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the winsock directory
cello101.zip    Cello WWW Browser Release 1.01a
ewan1052.zip    Free winsock telnet client program
inetcon2.zip    WinSock DLL, utilities, tools + sample sources
pow232.zip      Internet voice + keyboard chat
qvtnt381.zip    WinQvt/Net v3.81 (telnet,rlogin,ftp,news,mail,lpr) (good)
serweb03.zip    World Wide Web Server for Windows 3.1 and NT
slnot100.zip    World Wide Web browser for dial-up Unix users (no SLIP req.)
twsk30d.zip     Trumpet Winsock, P.Tattam
wbfrm25c.zip    WebForms 2.5 - WWW forms generator - CGI or not!
wbphn201.zip    Realtime internet voice communications
wgopher.zip     Gopher for Windows Version 2.2
winelm.zip      E-mail reader for Winsock
winpanda.zip    Gopher, ftp, e-mail and news clients for Winsock
winsock.zip     Trumpet Winsock ver 1.0, P.Tattam
wlprs40.zip     LPR Network printer spooler
wmos20a7.zip    NCSA Mosaic v. 2.0 alpha 7 - World Wide Web client
wrsh16.zip      Execute a command remotely on another host, W.Cheung
ws_ping.zip     Windows Sockets PING Client Application, J.Junod
wsftp450.zip    FTP client, LE Limited licence Edition, J.Junod, good
wsirc14.zip     Winsock Internet relay chat client for Windows
wtar15u.zip     Backup hard disk to local/remote storage medium, W.Cheung
wtwsk10a.zip    Trumpet NNTP Newsreader